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Old 5th September 2012, 11:06   #10  |  Link
Warm and fuzzy
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Moscow, Russia
Posts: 201
Various RemoveSpots functions...
global Width2  = 768
global Height2 = 576

# =============================================================================
# DeSpot() function
function RemoveSpotsMC3(clip clp, int "Vectors", int "Show")
  # Constants
  _thSCD1 = 400

  Vectors = Default(Vectors, 3)
  Show    = Default(Show, 0)

  Vectors = (Vectors < 1) ? 1 : (Vectors > 3) ? 3 : Vectors
  Show    = (Show < 0) ? 0 : (Show > 2) ? 2 : Show

  filter  = DeFlicker(clp, border=150, percent=70, lmin=5, lmax=240)

  super   = MSuper(clp, pel=2, sharp=2)
  superfi = MSuper(filter, pel=2, sharp=2)
  bvec3   = (Vectors == 3) ? MAnalyse(superfi, isb=true,  delta=3, blksize=8, overlap=4, truemotion=true)
  bvec2   = (Vectors >= 2) ? MAnalyse(superfi, isb=true,  delta=2, blksize=8, overlap=4, truemotion=true)
  bvec1   = MAnalyse(superfi, isb=true,  delta=1, blksize=8, overlap=4, truemotion=true)
  fvec1   = MAnalyse(superfi, isb=false, delta=1, blksize=8, overlap=4, truemotion=true)
  fvec2   = (Vectors >= 2) ? MAnalyse(superfi, isb=false, delta=2, blksize=8, overlap=4, truemotion=true)
  fvec3   = (Vectors == 3) ? MAnalyse(superfi, isb=false, delta=3, blksize=8, overlap=4, truemotion=true)
  backw3  = (Vectors == 3) ? MFlow(clp, super, bvec3, thSCD1=_thSCD1) : NullClip(clp)
  backw2  = (Vectors >= 2) ? MFlow(clp, super, bvec2, thSCD1=_thSCD1) : NullClip(clp)
  backw1  = MFlow(clp, super, bvec1, thSCD1=_thSCD1)
  forw1   = MFlow(clp, super, fvec1, thSCD1=_thSCD1)
  forw2   = (Vectors >= 2) ? MFlow(clp, super, fvec2, thSCD1=_thSCD1) : NullClip(clp)
  forw3   = (Vectors == 3) ? MFlow(clp, super, fvec3, thSCD1=_thSCD1) : NullClip(clp)

#  clpdeg = (Vectors <= 2) ? MDegrain2(clp, superfi, bvec1, fvec1, bvec2, fvec2, plane=4, thsad=400) : \
#                            MDegrain3(clp, superfi, bvec1, fvec1, bvec2, fvec2, bvec3, fvec3, plane=4, thsad=400)
  clpdeg  = clp

  clp     = (Vectors == 1) ? Interleave(backw1, clpdeg, forw1) : \
            (Vectors == 2) ? Interleave(backw2, backw1, clpdeg, forw1, forw2) : \
                             Interleave(backw3, backw2, backw1, clpdeg, forw1, forw2, forw3)

  clp     = clp.Deflicker(percent=99, lag=5, scene=15, info=false)

  # ==== большие черные пятна ====
  clp     = clp.DeSpot(mthres=8, mwidth=7, mheight=5, merode=33, interlaced=false, median=false, p1=15, p2=8, \
                       pwidth=50, pheight=50, ranked=true, sign=1, maxpts=0, p1percent=10, dilate=1, fitluma=true, \
                       blur=1, tsmooth=0, show=Show, mark_v=255, motpn=false, seg=2, color=true, mscene=40, minpts=0)

  # ==== большие белые пятна ====
  clp     = clp.DeSpot(p1=10, mthres=8, p2=6, mwidth=7, mheight=5, merode=33, interlaced=false, median=false, \
                       pwidth=100, pheight=100, ranked=true, sign=-1, maxpts=0, p1percent=10, dilate=1, fitluma=true, \
                       blur=1, tsmooth=0, show=Show, mark_v=255, motpn=false, seg=0, color=true, mscene=40, minpts=0)

  # ==== маленькие точки и пыль ====
  clp     = clp.DeSpot(mthres=12, mwidth=7, mheight=5, merode=33, interlaced=false, median=false, p1=15, p2=8, \
                       pwidth=6, pheight=5, ranked=true, sign=0, maxpts=0, p1percent=10, dilate=1, fitluma=true, \
                       blur=1, tsmooth=2, show=Show, mark_v=255, motpn=false, seg=1, color=true, mscene=40, minpts=0)
  clp     = clp.DeSpot(mthres=8, mwidth=7, mheight=5, merode=25, interlaced=false, median=false, p1=10, p2=6, \
                       pwidth=720, pheight=576, ranked=true, sign=2, maxpts=0, p1percent=2, dilate=1, fitluma=true, \
                       blur=4, tsmooth=4, show=Show, mark_v=255, motpn=false, seg=1, color=true, mscene=40, minpts=0)

  # ==== Маленькие компактные пятна ====
  clp     = clp.DeSpot(mthres=12, mwidth=7, mheight=5, merode=25, interlaced=false, median=false, p1=15, p2=8, \
                       pwidth=10, pheight=10, ranked=true, sign=-1, maxpts=0, p1percent=2, dilate=1, fitluma=true, \
                       blur=4, tsmooth=4, show=Show, mark_v=255, motpn=false, seg=2, color=true, mscene=40, minpts=0)

  # ==== линии, входящие в контакт с движением, избегите области движения ====
  clp     = clp.DeSpot(mthres=13, mwidth=7, mheight=5, merode=16, interlaced=false, median=false, p1=15, p2=13, \
                       pwidth=140, pheight=100, ranked=true, sign=-1, maxpts=0, p1percent=10, dilate=1, fitluma=true, \
                       blur=1, tsmooth=0, show=Show, mark_v=255, motpn=false, seg=1, color=true, mscene=40, minpts=0)

  # ====================================
  clp     = clp.DeSpot(p1=20, p2=4, pwidth=200, pheight=150, mthres=22, merode=33, sign=2, show=Show, seg=0, color=false, \
                       motpn=true, fitluma=true, mark_v=255)

  clp     = clp.DeSpot(p1=20, p2=12, pwidth=768, pheight=576, mthres=80, merode=33, sign=0, show=Show, seg=0, color=true, \
                       motpn=true, mark_v=255)

  clp     = clp.DeSpot(p1=12, p2=22, pwidth=100, pheight=100, mthres=22, merode=25, p1percent=10, sign=0, show=Show, seg=1, \
                       color=true, motpn=true, mark_v=255)

  clp     = clp.DeSpot(p1=15, p2=1, pwidth=40, pheight=40, mthres=4, merode=25, p1percent=10, sign=0, show=Show, seg=1, \
                       color=true, motpn=true, mark_v=255)
  clp     = clp.DeSpot(p1=35, p2=11, pwidth=250, pheight=250, mthres=23, merode=40, p1percent=1, sign=1, show=Show, seg=2,\
                       color=true, motpn=false, minpts=6, dilate=1, mscene=100, fitluma=true, blur=1, mark_v=255)
  clp     = clp.DeSpot(p1=22, p2=5, pwidth=100, pheight=140, mthres=11, merode=58, p1percent=25, sign=1, show=Show, seg=1, \
                       color=true, motpn=false, minpts=6, maxpts=1200, mwidth=7, mheight=5, dilate=2, mscene=90, fitluma=true, \
                       blur=2, ranked=true, interlaced=false, mark_v=255)
  clp     = clp.DeSpot(p1=30, p2=22, pwidth=400, pheight=300, mthres=20, merode=33, p1percent=10, sign=1, show=Show, seg=2, \
                       color=true, motpn=true, mark_v=255)

  clp     = clp.DeSpot(sign=2, pwidth=Width2, pheight=Height2, p1=10, p2=6, mthres=8, tsmooth=4, seg=2, blur=4, p1percent=2, \
                       show=Show, mark_v=255)

  clp     = clp.DeSpot(p1=30, p2=15, pwidth=Width2, pheight=Height2, mthres=20, motpn=true, dilate=1, seg=1, show=Show, mark_v=255)

  clp     = clp.DeSpot(p1=30, p2=10, mthres=45, pwidth=Width2, pheight=Height2, minpts=10, dilate=0, ranked=true, \
                       p1percent=5, mscene=98, merode=35, mwidth=20, mheight=10, sign=2, show=Show, seg=0, color=true, \
                       motpn=true, fitluma=true, blur=1, mark_v=255)

  clp     = clp.DeSpot(p1=25, p2=14, mthres=25, pwidth=Width2, pheight=Height2, minpts=3, dilate=3, p1percent=5, \
                       mscene=98, merode=35, sign=-2, show=Show, seg=2, color=true, motpn=true, fitluma=true, blur=1, mark_v=255)

  clp     = clp.Despot(p1=28, p2=8, mthres=45, pwidth=850, pheight=850, minpts=10, dilate=0, ranked=true, p1percent=5, mscene=98, \
                       merode=35, mwidth=20, mheight=10, sign=2, show=Show, seg=0, color=true, motpn=true, fitluma=true, \
                       blur=1, mark_v=255)

  clp     = clp.Despot(p1=25, p2=14, mthres=25, pwidth=555, pheight=555, minpts=3, dilate=3, p1percent=5, mscene=98, \
                       merode=35, sign=-2, show=Show, seg=2, color=true, motpn=true, fitluma=true, blur=1, mark_v=255)

  # big black spots
#  clp     = clp.DeSpot(sign=1, pwidth=45, pheight=45, p1=15, p2=8, mthres=8, color=true, show=Show, mark_v=255)

  # thin white lines
#  clp     = clp.DeSpot(sign=-1, pwidth=140, pheight=100, p1=8, p2=1, mthres=5, show=Show, mark_v=255)
  # thick hair lines (avoid real hair)
#  clp     = clp.DeSpot(sign=-1, pwidth=140, pheight=100, p1=15, p2=13, mthres=13, merode=24, show=Show, mark_v=255)

  # lines contacting motion, avoid motion areas
#  clp     = clp.DeSpot(sign=-1, pwidth=140, pheight=100, p1=15, p2=13, mthres=13, merode=16, seg=1, show=Show, mark_v=255)

  # small dots and dust
#  clp     = clp.DeSpot(pwidth=6, pheight=5, p1=15, p2=8, mthres=12, tsmooth=2, show=Show, mark_v=255)

  # Long horizontal scratches
#  clp     = clp.DeSpot(sign=-1, pwidth=100, pheight=2, p1=15, p2=8, mthres=12, color=true, show=Show, mark_v=255)

  # Small compact spots
#  clp     = clp.DeSpot(sign=-1, pwidth=10, pheight=10, p1=15, p2=8, mthres=12, color=true, show=Show, mark_v=255)

  clp     = (Vectors == 1) ? SelectEvery(clp, 3, 1) : \
            (Vectors == 2) ? SelectEvery(clp, 5, 2) : \
                             SelectEvery(clp, 7, 3)

  return clp
Warm and fuzzy (white and fluffy)
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