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Old 24th August 2020, 16:26   #1  |  Link
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SpotLess - Temporal denoise

Script filter to remove spots and noise using mvTools2 and Medianblur2.
Copes with spots on multiple consecutive frames, setting RadT accordingly.
Mvtools2/MedianBlur2 by Pinterf, so AVS+ colorspace and x64 compatible.
Based on an idea by Didée.
Originally posted here:-

Spotless.avsi v1.07
    SpotLess v1.07. temporal spot/noise remover, by StainlessS @ Doom9.
    Original idea from Didée post :-                            
    Req:- Pinterf MvTools2(), Pinterf Medianblur2() with MedianBlurTemporal rather than the MedianBlurT() from Didée post.
          With appropriate plugins, will be AVS+ colorspace and x64 compatible.
          Fine using Avs+ Prefetch() so long as current Pinterf plugins, and Frame Accurate source. RequestLinear() following the source filter might suffice as frame accurate source filter.

    NOT FOR cartoon/anime, live video only, sorry.

    v1.01, Remove RadT Max check. Add MSuper(hpad=16,vpad=16). Add BlkSz arg.
    v1.02, Add some stuff.
    v1.03, Frame size auto config of args removed (found instances where caused problems). Added Glob and bBlur args.
    v1.04, Script breaking changes, I guess is more flexible if can also set ThSAD, inserted ThSAD 3rd arg. RadT now default 1, was 2, dont over denoise unless requested.
    v1.05, Additional checks on args.
    v1.06, Glob Default true, Almost always better.
    v1.07, bBlur Default changed from 0.0 OFF, to 0.3, slower but better for mc analysis. Maybe try 0.6 for HD to overcome HD 'grittiness'.
               ThSAD default changed from 10,000 to 255 * (8/2 * 8/2), ie 1/4 of 8x8 block at 255, ie 1/4 BlkSz spots @ max SAD. Also ThSAD2 a bit less than ThSAD.
               Added dc arg, detect clip.

    SpotLess(clip c,int "RadT"=1,int "ThSAD"=255*(8/2 * 8/2),int "ThSAD2"=ThSAD-(8*8),int "pel"=2,bool "chroma"=true, int "BlkSz"=8,Int "Olap"=BlkSz/2,
            \ bool "tm"=true,Bool "glob"=True,Float "bBlur"=0.3, clip "dc"=Undefined)

    RadT, 1 or more, Default 1. Removes Spots on up to RadT [Temporal Radius] consecutive frames.
        RadT > 2 will usually be overkill. Setting too high could possibly result in blurring.
        Each pixel in result frame is median pixel value of (2*RadT+1) motion compensated frames (including source, ie current_frame-RadT to current_frame+RadT).

    ThSAD, Default 255 * (8/2 * 8/2) ie 4080 <ie 1/4 of 8x8 block at 255, ie 1/4 BlkSz spots @ max SAD>.
        0 < ThSAD < 16320(8*8*255). 8x8 block SAD threshold at radius 1 (ie at current_frame +- 1) [SAD, Sum of Absolute (pixelwise) Differences].
        ThSAD and ThSAD2 suggested absolute minimum of maybe about 400.
        ThSAD and ThSAD2 thresholds are based on 8 bit 8x8 block, irrespective of colorspace depth or BlkSz, max=8x8x255=16320, use same thresholds where High Bit Depth.
        In mvTools MCompensate(), when creating a compensated block the SAD between compensated block and the same original block in current_frame, the 8 bit SAD is measured and if
        greater than SAD threshold then that block is ignored and uses original block from current frame instead. [The compensated block is judged too different, so ignored & original block used instead
        in the result MCompensated frame].
        Where eg ThSAD=64, AVERAGE absolute single pixel difference threshold would be 64/(8*8)=1, so AVERAGE absolute pixel difference greater than 1 would ignore that mcompensated block and use the
        block from current frame in the resulting mcompensated frame instead. This example allows for all pixels in a 8x8 block to be different by 1, or a single pixel in 8x8 block to be different by 64,
        or some other mixture.
          A problem with above is, if a low ThSAD and current_frame block is mostly noise, so compensated blocks could be judged bad because they are too different to the bad noisey block, and the result
        block may/will be just as bad as the noisy source block. A possible solution to this problem is to have a higher SAD threshold and/or have a bigger BlkSize so that the number of bad source pixels
        after converting/scaling to as if an 8x8 block, will contain fewer bad noise pixels. So, SpotLess BlkSz arg would ideally maybe 4 or more times the area of the largest spots that you have, and a SAD
        threshold big enough so as to not ignore the block [ wild guess minimum SAD threshold for big spot sizes of (8x8x255)/4 = 4080 ].
        Where a complete source frame is bad, then maybe should have very high (eg 10000) SAD threshold, and BlkSz may not really matter too much.
          It is not the end of the world if some of the compensated blocks are ignored and swapped for the original current_frame block. Nor is it the end of the world if
        no blocks were ignored because of high SAD threshold. The final result pixel is median pixel value of (2*RadT+1) motion compensated blocks, so allowing for some mistakes by choosing the
        middle pixel value.
        I've just tested real bad double frame, full frame luma and chroma corruption, with below line:
        And although both SAD thresholds of 1 million, are totally impossible and so no blocks could possibly be ignored and yet we still got pretty good results, all frames were fixed
        as we still had the temporal median filter to fall back on and pick the middle pixel value.

        From mvtools2 docs:
          ThSAD is SAD threshold for safe (dummy) compensation.
              If block SAD is above the thSAD, the block is bad, and we use source block instead of the compensated block. Default is 10000 (practically disabled).

    ThSAD2, Default ThSAD-(8*8), 0 < ThSAD2 <= ThSAD < 16320(8*8*255), Lower removes fewer spots, but less chance of blurring.
        ThSAD2 sets the SAD [Sum of Absolute Differences] threshold for most distant frame from current_frame at distance RadT, with those frames that are distances in-between 1 and RadT
        acquiring a SAD threshold linearly interpolated between the two.
        From mvtools2 docs:
              Defines the SAD soft threshold for the furthest frames at current_frame +- RadT.
              The actual SAD threshold for each reference frame is a smooth interpolation between the original thSAD (close to the current frame)
              and thSAD2. Setting thSAD2 lower than thSAD allows large temporal radii and good compensation for low SAD blocks while reducing the global error and the
              risk of bluring when the result of MCompensate is passed to a temporal denoising filter.
        EDIT: Although I have said that SAD threshold being too high could result in blurred frames, that is really taken from above "risk of bluring" line from mvtools docs,
        however, that warning says "temporal denoising filter", which might suggest pixel averaging, whereas we are using pixel median. I'm not sure that blurring would be the result
        of having too high a SAD threshold.

    Pel,     Default 2. 1, 2, or 4. Maybe set 1 for HD+. (1=precision to pixel, 2=half pixel, 4=quarter pixel)

    Chroma,  Default True. MAnalyse chroma arg. If true, use chroma in block matching when creating vectors. Maybe use False if source B&W or color noise.

    BlkSz,   Default 8. MAnalyse BlkSize. Bigger blksz quicker and perhaps better for HD clips. [Info: current Pinterf MvTools allows for BlkSize=12, and overlap=6]

    OLap,    Default half BlkSz, Block overlap.

    Tm,      TrueMotion Default True. Some folk swear truemotion=false is better.

    Glob,    Default True (True v1.06, was same as Tm, true almost always better), Allow set MAnalyse(global) independently of TrueMotion.
             From MvTools2 docs for MAnalyse,
                 Estimate global motion (at every level) and use it as an additional predictor.
                 Only pan shift is estimated (no zoom and rotation).
                 Use false to disable, use true to enable.

    bBlur,   Default 0.3. If used, Suggest about 0.3, where MAnalyse create vectors is performed on denoised (blurred) super clip
             for better motion analysis. Maybe try 0.6 for HD clip to counteract HD 'grittiness'. bBlur ignored if dc clip specified,
             If providing bBlur, then ALWAYS specify as named argument ie bBlur=bBlur, we will likely insert any additional MvTools args
             before bBlur to keep them together.

    dc,      Default UnDefined. If dc Specified, then must be same size and colorspace as source clip.
             If detection clip specified then bBlur prefilter arg is ignored, and analysis is performed on
             dc.MSuper() clip [ instead of c.Blur(bBlur).MSuper() ]. Allows to provide your own prefiltered clip.
             If providing dc clip, then ALWAYS specify as named argument ie dc=DC, we will likely insert any additional MvTools args
             before bBlur to keep them together.


Function SpotLess(clip c,int "RadT",int "ThSAD",int "ThSAD2",int "pel",bool "chroma", int "BlkSz",Int "Olap",bool "tm",Bool "glob",
    \ Float "bBlur", clip "dc" ) {
    myName   = "SpotLess: "
    RadT     = Default(RadT,1)                 # Temporal radius. (MCompensate arg)
    ThSAD    = Default(ThSAD,255*(8/2 * 8/2))  # SAD threshold at radius 1. Here is max'ed out at 255 * 1/4 of 8*8 block <ie 4080> (MvTools Default 10,000 is nearly OFF, maybe way Too High).
                                               #     Maybe above 255*8/2*8/2 still a bit high, maybe 128*(8/2 * 8/2) Better <ie 2048>. For General noise perhaps somethimg like 24 * (8 * 8) <ie 1536>.
    ThSAD2   = Default(ThSAD2,ThSAD-(8*8))     # SAD threshold at radius RadT(a bit less than ThSAD).
    Pel      = Default(pel,2)                  # Default 2. 1, 2, or 4. Maybe set 1 for HD+. (1=precision to pixel, 2=precision to half pixel, 4=quarter pixel)
    Chroma   = Default(chroma,True)            # MAnalyse chroma arg. If set to true, use chroma in block matching.
    BlkSz    = Default(BlkSz,8)                # Default 8. MAnalyse BlkSize. Bigger blksz quicker and perhaps better, esp for HD clips. Maybe also better where BIG noise.
    OLap     = Default(OLap, BlkSz/2)          # Default half of BlkSz.
    Tm       = Default(tm,True)                # TrueMotion, Some folk swear MAnalyse(truemotion=false) is better.
    Glob     = Default(glob,True)              # Default True, Allow set MAnalyse(global) independently of TrueMotion.
    bBlur    = Default(bblur,0.3)              # Default 0.3. Suggest about 0.3 for better motion analysis, but a bit slower.
    HasDC    = dc.Defined                      # bblur ignored if HasDC, ie user already provided prefiltered clip.
    Assert(1 <= RadT,myName + " 1 <= RadT")
    Assert(0.0 <= bblur <= 1.58, myName + "0.0 <= bblur <= 1.58")
    Assert(pel==1 || pel==2 || pel==4, myName + "pel==1 || pel==2 || pel==4")
    pad = max(BlkSz,8)
    sup = (HasDC ? dc : bBlur>0.0  ? c.blur(bBlur) : c ).MSuper(hpad=pad,vpad=pad,pel=pel, sharp=2)
    # Only 1 Level required where not MAnalyse-ing.
    sup_rend = (HasDC||bBlur>0.0) ? c.MSuper(hpad=pad,vpad=pad,pel=pel, sharp=2,Levels=1) : sup
    MultiVec = sup.MAnalyse(multi=true, delta=RadT,blksize=BlkSz,overlap=OLap,chroma=Chroma,truemotion=Tm,global=Glob)
    c.MCompensate(sup_rend, MultiVec, tr=RadT, thSad=ThSAD, thSad2=ThSAD2)
    MedianBlurTemporal(radiusY=0,radiusU=0,radiusV=0,temporalradius=RadT)  # Temporal median blur only [not spatial]
    SelectEvery(RadT*2+1,RadT)                                             # Return middle frame
Hacked this for a clip with spots on double frames, did not know if would be much better, but as it turns out is fandabbydozy.

Chosen function name would seem to be a very good choice, not perfect, but very nearly is.

Adjective: spotless
1) Completely neat and clean

Originally Posted by ChaosKing View Post
You should also try spotless as a prefilter in smdegrain. Worked very good for me with almost zero artifacts left from spotless.
Originally Posted by real.finder View Post
yes, it's do better job than any methods ...
Originally Posted by Boulder View Post
This is a wonderful tool. As it happens, I've been cleaning a VHS cap and the silly video has quite a lot of spots and scratches in every other field. SpotLess cleans them up nicely and also takes care of most of the chroma noise too.. I haven't checked things with longer samples but looks good anyway.
Here Vapoursynth version of Spotless, posted later in this thread by MysteryX:-
Originally Posted by MysteryX View Post
In VapourSynth, it currently only works with the 32-bit library. The dubhater library has a bug.
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"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 28th September 2022 at 03:59. Reason: Update
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