Thread: Quick slideshow
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Old 17th March 2015, 10:58   #2  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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Posts: 10,980
Here, script included with RT_Stats in zip.

Part 1 of 2 (copy and join together into one avs)

Function ImageSplicer(String "FileName",int "SzLimit",Float "FAR",Bool "AutoCrop",Float "AutoLevelStrength",bool "ShowAutoLevel",bool "ShowBorder", \
        bool "Subs", Float "CropThresh",Float "FPS",int "WMod",int "HMod",int "Baffle",Float "ScanPerc", \
        bool "Debug", bool "Debug_QBC",String "Resizer",int "Matrix",float "Ignore",Int "BorderColor",float "ATM") {
    VERS="ImageSplicer v1.11 - 17 Mar 2015"     # Requires GScript, RT_Stats v1.4
# ImageSplicer, joins together images of different sizes into a sort of slideshow, auto cropping borders, auto levelling, resizing or original size,
#  border padding to chosen aspect ratio.
#  Gets max width/height of all images (after optional auto cropping) and creates a background 'canvas' based on SzLimit & FAR.
#  SzLimit==0: Images kept at original dimensions (post cropping), canvas made to encompass all cropped images.
#  SzLimit>0:  The shorter canvas dimension (FAR) limited to AT MOST SzLimit, where images will be resized to fit canvas.
#    Avoids upsizing to a larger size than biggest cropped source image, if biggest less than SzLimit then output is biggest.
#  SzLimit<0:  The shorter canvas dimension (FAR) set at abs(SzLimit) and images resized to fit canvas.
# Args:-
#  Filename: Default "*.BMP|JPG|JPE|JPEG|PNG|TGA|TIF|GIF|TIFF". Image Path and wildcard with mulitple pipe separated extensions.
#  SzLimit: Default=0, 0=No resize. Greater than 0 is limit on shorter dimension (see FAR), -ve resize to abs(SzLimit) shorter dimension.
#  FAR: Default 4.0/3.0. Output Frame Aspect Ratio, if FAR>=1.0 then SzLimit affects height, else affects width.
#  AutoCrop: Default=True. Crops borders off images.
#  AutoLevelStrength: Default 0.0, Auto luma leveling, range 0.0 -> 1.0, 0.0 is OFF.
#  ShowAutoLevel: Default False. If true then shows Auto leveling on right hande side of image ONLY.
#  ShowBorder: Default False. When padding to maintain Frame Aspect Ratio, borders are shown in red.
#  Subs: Default False. Shows Subtitled info on frames.
#  CropThresh: Default -0.5
#    CropThresh <=0.0 is PC levels AUTO thresh where cropthresh is set to minimum luma pixel + abs(CropThresh).
#      Default is very sensitive threshold to avoid possibility of overcropping (-0.5 -> -1.0, usually safe, more -ve less safe).
#      You may raise (make more -ve) auto CropThresh if not cropping enough but risk overcropping on dark images if you do.
#    CropThresh >0.0 is explicit threshold @ PC Levels, probably best avoided.
#    RGB clips are converted to YUV-Y using Matrix arg @ PCLevels and CropThresh acting on Average Luma of scanline (h/v).
#  FPS: Default 1.0. Frames Per Second of output clip.
#  WMod: Default 2. Output clip width is a multiple of WMod.
#  HMod: Default 2. Output clip height is a multiple of HMod.
#  Baffle: Default 4 (1->32), affects cropping.
#    Number of scanlines that must break a CropThresh to be accepted as Image. Avoids noise. Not usually altered.
#    Baffle also affects speed, higher can be faster for big borders but also means that more scanlines must break threshold to be accepted as image.
#  ScanPerc: Default 49.0, cropping. Percentage of image to scan per side. Not usually altered.
#  Debug: Default False. Show debug info via DebugView. Need DebugView:
#  Debug_QBC: Default False. Show debug messages from RT_QueryBorderCrop.
#  Resizer: Default "Spline36Resize(_W_,_H_)", the resizer to use. "_W_" and "_H_" are replaced by the resize width & height.
#  Matrix: 2->3, Default If pic width <=720 Then 2(PC601) Else 3(PC709). Used in converting RGB to YUV-Y.
#  Ignore: Default 0.2, Cropping. Percentage, Threshold of pixels to ignore when getting Luma minimum, avoids a few noisy pixels. 
#    As for YPlaneMin Threshold arg.
#  BorderColor: Default $000000, Color used when ShowBorder=False.
#  ATM: Default 0.5. RT_QueryBorderCrop arg, See RT_QueryBorderCrop. 
    SzLimit=Default(SzLimit,0)                                                  # 0 Crop only.
    WMod=Default(WMod,2)                                                        # Canvas
    Mat=Default(Matrix,RT_Undefined())                                          # User supplied ?
    BORDER      = (SHOWBORDER) ? $FF0000: BorderColor                           # Color for replaced borders
    # Lesser changed settings Hard coded
    CROPMODE    = 0                                                             # 0=CropExact(RGB Only), 1=CropLess, 2=CropMore, 3=CropPlus
    OUT_FILE    = "ImageSplicer.List"                                           # Just a filename
    Assert(WMOD>=1 && HMOD>=1,"ImageSplicer: WMOD and HMOD Must be at least 1")
    Assert(RT_BitSetCount(WMOD)==1 && RT_BitSetCount(HMOD)==1,"ImageSplicer: WMOD and HMOD Must be a power of 2")
    Assert(FAR>0.0,"ImageSplicer: FAR Must be greater than 0.0")
    Assert(SzLimit==0||(FAR>=1.0 || (abs(SzLimit)%HMOD==0)),"ImageSplicer: SzLimit is not a multiple of HMod")
    Assert(SzLimit==0||(FAR< 1.0 || (abs(SzLimit)%WMOD==0)),"ImageSplicer: SzLimit is not a multiple of WMod")
    Assert(AutoLevelStrength>=0.0 && AutoLevelStrength<=1.0,"ImageSplicer: AutoLevelStrength 0.0->1.0")
    Assert(Baffle>0 && Baffle<=32,"ImageSplicer: Baffle 1->32")
    Assert(ScanPerc>=1.0 && ScanPerc<=99.0,"ImageSplicer: ScanPerc 1.0->99.0")
    Assert(!Defined(Mat) || (Mat>=2 && Mat<=3),"ImageSplicer: Matrix 2->3 ONLY")
    Assert(Ignore>=0.0 && Ignore<=99.0,"ImageSplicer: ScanPerc 0.0->99.0")
            RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:",VERS,"- By StainlessS",false)
        picclip = 0                                                             # Dummy
        result=RT_WriteFileList(FileName,OUT_FILE)                              # Create a listing FileName of Pic files
        Assert((result!=0), "ImageSplicer: No files found for "+FileName)
        FILELIST=RT_ReadTxtFromFile(OUT_FILE)                                   # Get list of files
        NFILES=RT_TxtQueryLines(FILELIST)                                       # Query Number of lines in String ie number of files.
        (DEBUG) ? RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","Found files = " + String(NFILES),false) :NOP
        # Prescan to ascertain max wid/hit of all files, also Autocrop & Auto Levels
        MAXH=0 MAXW=0                                                           # init max wid and hit
        CROPCOORDS=""                                                           # Clear results array (string)
        AUTOLEVELS=""                                                           # Clear AutoLevels array (string)
        DOAUTOLEVEL=(AutoLevelStrength>0.0)                                     # Adjust using Levels.
        For(i=0,NFILES-1) {
            FN=RT_TxtGetLine(FILELIST,i)                                        # Filename of pic/vid file i
            (DEBUG)?RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:",String(i+1)+"/"+String(NFILES)+") Getting File dimensions",FN,false):NOP
            k=ImageReader(FN,end=0).ConvertToRGB32()                            # Ensure all RGB32
            OrgW=k.width    OrgH=k.height
            W=OrgW          H=OrgH                                              # Pre-Duplicate in case of no AUTOCROP
            if (AutoCrop||DOAUTOLEVEL) {                                        # We still use QueryBorderCrop if Only AutoLevelling
                QBC = k.RT_QueryBorderCrop(Thresh=CropThresh,Baffle=Baffle,laced=false,ScanPerc=ScanPerc,ignore=Ignore, \
                        debug=(DEBUG&&DEBUG_QBC),matrix=Matrix,ScaleAutoThreshRGB=False,ATM=ATM)    # No PC scale RGB auto thresh
                Eval(QBC)                                               # Set Avisynth vars
                k=k.Crop(QBCropXP,QBCropYP,QBCropWP,QBCropHP)           # OVERCROP using CropPlus
                if(AutoCrop) {
                    QBC = RT_TxtGetLine(QBC,CROPMODE)                   # Extract REQUIRED mode, CropLess, CropMore etc
                    QBC1=RT_StrReplace(QBC,QBCTrailer,"=")              # Change all to style without a trailer eg QBCropXM to QBCropX.
                    QBC2=RT_StrReplace(QBC1,"QBC","C")                  # Change all style QBCropX to CropX
                    Eval(QBC2)                                          # Get the required cropmode into CropX,CropY,CropW,CropH
                    W=CropW    H=CropH                                  # The actual required crop mode dimensions.
                    CROPCOORDS=RT_TxtAddStr(CROPCOORDS,QBC2)            # Avisynth Bugfix, same as CROPCOORDS = CROPCOORDS + QBC + Chr(10)
                if (DOAUTOLEVEL) {
                    k.RT_YStats(n=0,matrix=Matrix,flgs=3,Prefix="IS_")  # Get ymin & ymax together at once
                    IS="IS_"+"yMin="+String(IS_yMin)+" IS_"+"yMax="+String(IS_yMax)
                    AUTOLEVELS=RT_TxtAddStr(AUTOLEVELS,IS)              # Avisynth Bugfix
            If(MAXW<W) {MAXW=W}
            If(MAXH<H) {MAXH=H}
            if (DEBUG) {                                                # KEEP main debug messages together
                RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","Orig Width =",String(orgW),"Orig Height =",String(OrgH),false)
                if((W != OrgW) || (H != OrgH)) {                        # Was Caused by AUTOCROP
                    RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","AutoCrop Width =",String(W),"AutoCrop Height =",String(H),false)
                    (DOAUTOLEVEL) ? RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","AutoLevel On Cropped : MinLuma=",String(IS_yMin)," MaxLuma =",String(IS_yMax),false) : NOP
                } else {
                    (AutoCrop) ? RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","AutoCrop Found no borders",false) : NOP
                    (DOAUTOLEVEL)? RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","AutoLevel NonCropped : MinLuma=",String(IS_yMin)," MaxLuma =",String(IS_yMax),false) : NOP
                RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","MAX Width So Far =",String(MAXW),"MAX Height So Far =",String(MAXH),false)
                RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:"," ----------------------------- ",false)              # line separator
        maxFAR = Float(MAXW) / MAXH
        if(SzLimit == 0) {  # NO SIZE LIMITING, Pad Only
            if(FAR >= maxFAR) { # Need to pad horizontal
                canvasheight    = Int((MAXH  + (HMOD-1)) / HMOD) * HMOD
                canvaswidth     = Int((canvasheight * FAR + (WMOD-1)) / WMOD) * WMOD
            } else {            # Need to pad vertical
                canvaswidth     = Int((MAXW  + (WMOD-1)) / WMOD) * WMOD
                canvasheight    = Int((canvaswidth / FAR + (HMOD-1)) / HMOD) * HMOD
        } else if(SzLimit<0) {
            if(FAR>=1.0) {  # Height Resize
                canvasheight    = -SzLimit
                canvaswidth     = Int((canvasheight * FAR + (WMOD/2)) / WMOD) * WMOD
            } else {        # Width Resize
                canvaswidth     = -SzLimit
                canvasheight    = Int((canvaswidth / FAR + (HMOD/2)) / HMOD) * HMOD
        } else {
            if(FAR>=1.0) {  # Height Limit
                canvasheight = Int((MAXH  + (HMOD-1)) / HMOD) * HMOD
                if(canvasheight > SzLimit) {
                    canvasheight = SzLimit
                canvaswidth     = Int((canvasheight * FAR + (WMOD/2)) / WMOD) * WMOD
            } else {        # Width Limit
                canvaswidth = Int((MAXW  + (WMOD-1)) / WMOD) * WMOD
                if(canvaswidth > SzLimit) {
                    canvaswidth = SzLimit
                canvasheight    = Int((canvaswidth / FAR + (HMOD/2)) / HMOD) * HMOD
Perhaps you could hack to implement dissolve or create single frame slide show and then using 2nd script, duplicate each frame
multiple times and then add dissolves to that.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 17th March 2015 at 12:23.
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