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Old 22nd May 2020, 19:58   #20  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Stereodude View Post
Dude, take a breath and chill... Not everyone who has a different opinion from you is out to get you or suffers from "DG derangement".

There are perfectly valid reasons why someone might want a modern x64 build of DGMPGDec/DGDecode. MPEG2DecPlus has some of the functionality of DGMPGDec/DGDecode stripped out. DGDecNV does not supersede DGMPGDec/DGDecode in every way nor does every PC have a Nvidia graphics card in it.

If you don't want to make such a build (for whatever reason), just say so without all the theatrics and drama.
It's also funny in light of the hypocrisy of his statement when a large number of his posts in many threads these days is simply trolling and sh*tposting.