Sanctions - or what awaits you if you don't stick to the forum rules
We have a very active moderation team and a lot of members who will remind you of the rules should you not stick to them, be it for not having read them properly or for simply not caring.
As in real life, there must be some measures put into place for people who keep infringing these rules, in real life it's the penal code, here it is these sanctions:
Each moderator can report you for violating a forum rule. Such a report contains a timestamp, the forum rule you violated and the post in question. Such a report will result in you getting a "strike". The report will point out the number of strikes left until will be suspended (more about that later) A violation of rules 4 or 6 will result in two strikes (per offense) rather than one, because we feel that violating them does serious harm to this community. As in baseball "3 strikes and you're out", though in this case the 3 strikes have to occur within a month's time or they will be forgotten. A suspension involves the following:
After 30 days of suspension your account will be reinstated as we believe everybody should get a second chance. The strike list will start from zero again. If a member should continue to violate forum rules and gets suspended once more his/her account will be terminated without further notice.
If you wish to contest a strike send a PM to Doom9 with a reference to the post in question and an explanation why you think the strike is not justified. In case of a suspension you can send a complaint to strikes at doom9 dot net. The email is only to be used in case of a suspension and you forfeit your right to an appeal if you use it to contest a regular strike not leading to a suspension. By publicly complaining about a strike in any way (starting with pointing out "I've been striked for this and that"), or go badmouthing this forum and its members on another board you also forfeit your rights to an appeal and the strike will be permanent without exception.