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Old 30th March 2009, 11:05   #1  |  Link
*.mp4 guy
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DCT implemented completely in avisynth

Sub Functions:
Function BasisResize(Clip c, clip Basis, clip basisc)

	basis = basis.height < c.height ? stackvertical(basis, basisc) : basis

return (basis.height == c.height) ?  basis : BasisResize(c, basis, basisc)

Function Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(clip c,  bool p, int basisnumber)
	SP255 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$FFFFFF)
	SP252 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$FCFCFC)
	SP242 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$F2F2F2)
	SP234 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$EAEAEA)
	SP218 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$DADADA)
	SP191 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$BFBFBF)
	SP185 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$B9B9B9)
	SP160 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$A0A0A0)
	SP159 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$9F9F9F)

	SN97 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$616161)
	SN96 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$606060)
	SN71 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$474747)
	SN64 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$404040)
	SN37 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$252525)
	SN22 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$161616)
	SN14 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$0E0E0E)
	SN4 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$040404)
	SN0 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$000000)

	VectorP1 = Stackvertical(SP255, SP234, SP191, SP160, SN96, SN64, SN22, SN0).converttoyv12()
	VectorN1 = Stackvertical(SN0, SN22, SN64, SN96, SP160, SP191, SP234, SP255).converttoyv12()
	VectorP2 = Stackvertical(SP252, SP159, SN97, SN4, SN4, SN97, SP159, SP252).converttoyv12()
	VectorN2 = Stackvertical(SN4, SN97, SP159, SP252, SP252, SP159, SN97, SN4).converttoyv12()
	VectorP3 = Stackvertical(SP234, SN96, SN0, SN64, SP191, SP255, SP160, SN22).converttoyv12()
	VectorN3 = Stackvertical(SN22, SP160, SP255, SP191, SN64, SN0, SN96, SP234).converttoyv12()
	VectorP4 = Stackvertical(SP218, SN37, SN37, SP218, SP218, SN37, SN37, SP218).converttoyv12()
	VectorN4 = Stackvertical(SN37, SP218, SP218, SN37, SN37, SP218, SP218, SN37).converttoyv12()
	VectorP5 = Stackvertical(SP191, SN0, SP160, SP191, SN64, SN96, SP255, SN64).converttoyv12()
	VectorN5 = Stackvertical(SN64, SP255, SN96, SN64, SP191, SP160, SN0, SP160).converttoyv12()
	VectorP5 = Stackvertical(SP191, SN0, SP160, SP191, SN64, SN96, SP255, SN64).converttoyv12()
	VectorN5 = Stackvertical(SN64, SP255, SN96, SN64, SP191, SP160, SN0, SP160).converttoyv12()
	VectorP6 = Stackvertical(SP185, SN14, SP242, SN71, SN71, SP242, SN14, SP185).converttoyv12()
	VectorN6 = Stackvertical(SN71, SP242, SN14, SP185, SP185, SN14, SP242, SN71).converttoyv12()
	VectorP7 = Stackvertical(SP160, SN64, SP234, SN0, SP255, SN22, SP191, SN96).converttoyv12()
	VectorN7 = Stackvertical(SN64, SP191, SN22, SP255, SN0, SP234, SN64, SP160).converttoyv12()

	choose_basis = c

	choose_basis = basisnumber == 1? P == true ? VectorP1 : VectorN1 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 2? P == true ? VectorP2 : VectorN2 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 3? P == true ? VectorP3 : VectorN3 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 4? P == true ? VectorP4 : VectorN4 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 5? P == true ? VectorP5 : VectorN5 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 6? P == true ? VectorP6 : VectorN6 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 7? P == true ? VectorP7 : VectorN7 : choose_basis

	basis = choose_basis
	basis = BasisResize(c, basis, basis)
return basis

Last edited by *.mp4 guy; 2nd November 2011 at 02:52.
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Old 30th March 2009, 11:06   #2  |  Link
*.mp4 guy
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Main Functions:
function AVC_DCT(clip c)

rounding = 1
rounding2 = 1

	point0 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 0, c.width, c.height)
	point1 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 1, c.width, c.height)
	point2 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 2, c.width, c.height)
	point3 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 3, c.width, c.height)
	point4 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 4, c.width, c.height)
	point5 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 5, c.width, c.height)	
	point6 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 6, c.width, c.height)
	point7 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 7, c.width, c.height)

	DC = Average(point0, 0.125, point1, 0.125, point2, 0.125, point3, 0.125, point4, 0.125, point5, 0.125, point6, 0.125, point7, 0.125).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding2)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding2)+" * ", u=1, v=1)

	AC1P = Average(point0, 0.3875, point1, 0.3222, point2, 0.1930, point3, 0.0973)
	AC1N =Average(point4, 0.0973, point5, 0.1930, point6, 0.3222, point7, 0.3875)
	AC2P = Average(point0, 0.4000, point1, 0.1000, point6, 0.1000, point7, 0.4000)
	AC2N = Average(point2, 0.1000, point3, 0.4000, point4, 0.4000, point5, 0.1000)
	AC3P = Average(point0, 0.3222, point4, 0.1930, point5, 0.3875, point6, 0.0973)
	AC3N = Average(point1, 0.0973, point2, 0.3875, point3, 0.1930, point7, 0.3222)
	AC4P = Average(point0, 0.2500, point3, 0.2500, point4, 0.2500, point7, 0.2500)
	AC4N = Average(point1, 0.2500, point2, 0.2500, point5, 0.2500, point6, 0.2500)
	AC5P = Average(point0, 0.2216, point2, 0.1117, point3, 0.2216, point6, 0.4451)
	AC5N = Average(point1, 0.4451, point4, 0.2216, point5, 0.1117, point7, 0.2216)
	AC6P = Average(point0, 0.1667, point2, 0.3333, point5, 0.3333, point7, 0.1667)
	AC6N = Average(point1, 0.3333, point3, 0.1667, point4, 0.1667, point6, 0.3333)
	AC7P = Average(point0, 0.0973, point2, 0.3222, point4, 0.3875, point6, 0.1930)
	AC7N = Average(point1, 0.1930, point3, 0.3875, point5, 0.3222, point7, 0.0973)

	AC1_1 = Mt_LutXY(AC1P, AC1N, " x y - 1.4142 *", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC2_1 = Mt_LutXY(AC2P, AC2N, " x y - 1.1892 *", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC3_1 = Mt_LutXY(AC3P, AC3N, " x y - 1.0905 *", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC4_1 = Mt_LutXY(AC4P, AC4N, " x y - 1.0442 *", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC5_1 = Mt_LutXY(AC5P, AC5N, " x y - 1.0218 *", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC6_1 = Mt_LutXY(AC6P, AC6N, " x y - 1.0108 *", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC7_1 = Mt_LutXY(AC7P, AC7N, " x y - 1.0054 *", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)

	AC1_2 = Mt_LutXY(AC1P, AC1N, " y x - 1.4142 *", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC2_2 = Mt_LutXY(AC2P, AC2N, " y x - 1.1892 *", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC3_2 = Mt_LutXY(AC3P, AC3N, " y x - 1.0905 *", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC4_2 = Mt_LutXY(AC4P, AC4N, " x y - 1.0442 *", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC5_2 = Mt_LutXY(AC5P, AC5N, " y x - 1.0218 *", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC6_2 = Mt_LutXY(AC6P, AC6N, " y x - 1.0108 *", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC7_2 = Mt_LutXY(AC7P, AC7N, " y x - 1.0054 *", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)

	stackvertical(DC, AC1_1, AC2_1, AC3_1, AC4_1, AC5_1, AC6_1, AC7_1, AC1_2, AC2_2, AC3_2, AC4_2, AC5_2, AC6_2, AC7_2)

Function AVC_IDCT(clip c)

	inputclipproperties = c.pointresize(c.width, round(c.height/15)*8)
	DC = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*0), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))
	AC1_1 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*1), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))
	AC2_1 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*2), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))
	AC3_1 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*3), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))
	AC4_1 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*4), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))
	AC5_1 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*5), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))
	AC6_1 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*6), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))
	AC7_1 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*7), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))

	AC1_2 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*8), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))
	AC2_2 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*9), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))
	AC3_2 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*10), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))
	AC4_2 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*11), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))
	AC5_2 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*12), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))
	AC6_2 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*13), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))
	AC7_2 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/15)*14), 0, ((round(c.height/15)*1)))

	AC1BasisP = Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 1)
	AC1BasisN = Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 1)

	AC2BasisP = Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 2)
	AC2BasisN = Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 2)

	AC3BasisP = Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 3)
	AC3BasisN = Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 3)

	AC4BasisP = Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 4)
	AC4BasisN = Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 4)

	AC5BasisP = Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 5)
	AC5BasisN = Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 5)

	AC6BasisP = Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 6)
	AC6BasisN = Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 6)

	AC7BasisP = Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 7)
	AC7BasisN = Generate_AVC_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 7)

	neutral = BlankClip(length=inputclipproperties.framecount, width=inputclipproperties.width, height=inputclipproperties.height, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=inputclipproperties.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=inputclipproperties.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$828282).converttoyv12()
	#neutral = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=c.height, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$828282).converttoyv12()
	R1 = mt_adddiff(Mt_Merge(neutral, AC1BasisP, AC1_1.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1), dc.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1)
	R2 = mt_adddiff(Mt_Merge(neutral, AC1BasisN, AC1_2.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1), R1, u=1, v=1)

	R3 = mt_adddiff(Mt_Merge(neutral, AC2BasisP, AC2_1.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1), R2, u=1, v=1)
	R4 = mt_adddiff(Mt_Merge(neutral, AC2BasisN, AC2_2.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1), R3, u=1, v=1)

	R5 = mt_adddiff(Mt_Merge(neutral, AC3BasisP, AC3_1.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1), R4, u=1, v=1)
	R6 = mt_adddiff(Mt_Merge(neutral, AC3BasisN, AC3_2.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1), R5, u=1, v=1)

	R7 = mt_adddiff(Mt_Merge(neutral, AC3BasisP, AC4_1.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1), R6, u=1, v=1)
	R8 = mt_adddiff(Mt_Merge(neutral, AC3BasisN, AC4_2.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1), R7, u=1, v=1)

	R9 = mt_adddiff(Mt_Merge(neutral, AC3BasisP, AC5_1.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1), R8, u=1, v=1)
	R10 = mt_adddiff(Mt_Merge(neutral, AC3BasisN, AC5_2.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1), R9, u=1, v=1)

	R11 = mt_adddiff(Mt_Merge(neutral, AC3BasisP, AC6_1.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1), R10, u=1, v=1)
	R12 = mt_adddiff(Mt_Merge(neutral, AC3BasisN, AC6_2.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1), R11, u=1, v=1)

	R13 = mt_adddiff(Mt_Merge(neutral, AC3BasisP, AC7_1.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1), R12, u=1, v=1)
	R14 = mt_adddiff(Mt_Merge(neutral, AC3BasisN, AC7_2.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), u=1, v=1), R13, u=1, v=1)

Return R14
It has limited precision, and works only on luma, exceptionally large coeficients will be truncated (though quality is reasonable), input must be a multiple of 32.

It uses a separable transform, here is example usage:
source = last

AVC_IDCT.turnleft.AVC_IDCT.mergechroma(source, 1)
[edit] I used two posts because I ran into the 16K character limit, also, if there is sufficient interest, I will explain how the functions work.
[edit2] Before someone smarter then me points it out, I would like to preemptively point out that this version is completely broken for 2 dimensional use, and thanks to my botched attempts to work around this, without fully understanding the problem, it is also broken for 1 dimensional use. I should have a fixed version up in a few days, which incidently will use an aproximation of the actual DCT (not the HCT), as aproximating an aproximation is fairly daft.

Last edited by *.mp4 guy; 31st March 2009 at 23:20.
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Old 3rd April 2009, 08:00   #3  |  Link
Mug Funky
interlace this!
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hahaha oh wow

that's pretty cool. what kind of speeds do you get? what sort of filters should we run on the transformed output to get something fun? actually, once you post the fixed version i'm going to see what temporalsoften does to it
sucking the life out of your videos since 2004
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Old 3rd April 2009, 14:38   #4  |  Link
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sorry for my ignorance, what is this good for?
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Old 3rd April 2009, 14:46   #5  |  Link
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Nothing. It would make much more sense to implement it in fast optimized native code.
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Old 3rd April 2009, 14:54   #6  |  Link
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Script Error: There is no function named "Average"
That function is not defined in your "Sub Functions", so where do I get it?
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Old 3rd April 2009, 15:10   #7  |  Link
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Hey *.mp4 guy, this sounds neat but it's over my head, technically. I get what DCT/iDCT functions do but I'm unclear on uses outside of quantization for video compression. What are some potential applications of this?
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Old 3rd April 2009, 22:01   #8  |  Link
*.mp4 guy
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Alright, here is a version that works, though it will amplify noise, due to low precision.

Function BasisResize(Clip c, clip Basis, clip basisc)

	basis = basis.height < c.height ? stackvertical(basis, basisc) : basis

return (basis.height == c.height) ?  basis : BasisResize(c, basis, basisc)

Function Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(clip c,  bool p, int basisnumber)
	SP255 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$FFFFFF)
	SP248 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$F8F8F8)
	SP236 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$ECECEC)
	SP219 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$DBDBDB)
	SP200 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$C8C8C8)
	SP177 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$B1B1B1)
	SP153 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$999999)

	SN102 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$666666)
	SN78 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$4E4E4E)
	SN55 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$373737)
	SN36 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$242424)
	SN19 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$131313)
	SN7 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$070707)
	SN0 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=c.width, height=1, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$000000)

	VectorP1 = Stackvertical(SP255, SP236, SP200, SP153, SN102, SN55, SN19, SN0).converttoyv12()
	VectorN1 = Stackvertical(SN0, SN19, SN55, SN102, SP153, SP200, SP236, SP255).converttoyv12()
	VectorP2 = Stackvertical(SP248, SP177, SN78, SN7, SN7, SN78, SP177, SP248).converttoyv12()
	VectorN2 = Stackvertical(SN7, SN78, SP177, SP248, SP248, SP177, SN78, SN7).converttoyv12()
	VectorP3 = Stackvertical(SP236, SN102, SN0, SN55, SP200, SP255, SP153, SN19).converttoyv12()
	VectorN3 = Stackvertical(SN19, SP153, SP255, SP200, SN55, SN0, SN102, SP236).converttoyv12()
	VectorP4 = Stackvertical(SP219, SN36, SN36, SP219, SP219, SN36, SN36, SP219).converttoyv12()
	VectorN4 = Stackvertical(SN36, SP219, SP219, SN36, SN36, SP219, SP219, SN36).converttoyv12()
	VectorP5 = Stackvertical(SP200, SN0, SP153, SP236, SN19, SN102, SP255, SN55).converttoyv12()
	VectorN5 = Stackvertical(SN55, SP255, SN102, SN19, SP236, SP153, SN0, SP200).converttoyv12()
	VectorP6 = Stackvertical(SP177, SN19, SP236, SN78, SN78, SP236, SN19, SP177).converttoyv12()
	VectorN6 = Stackvertical(SN78, SP236, SN19, SP177, SP177, SN19, SP236, SN78).converttoyv12()
	VectorP7 = Stackvertical(SP153, SN55, SP236, SN0, SP255, SN19, SP200, SN102).converttoyv12()
	VectorN7 = Stackvertical(SN102, SP200, SN19, SP255, SN0, SP236, SN55, SP153).converttoyv12()
	VectorDCP = Stackvertical(SP255, SP255, SP255, SP255, SP255, SP255, SP255, SP255).converttoyv12()
	VectorDCN = Stackvertical(SN0, SN0, SN0, SN0, SN0, SN0, SN0, SN0).converttoyv12()

	choose_basis = c

	choose_basis = basisnumber == 1? P == true ? VectorP1 : VectorN1 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 2? P == true ? VectorP2 : VectorN2 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 3? P == true ? VectorP3 : VectorN3 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 4? P == true ? VectorP4 : VectorN4 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 5? P == true ? VectorP5 : VectorN5 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 6? P == true ? VectorP6 : VectorN6 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 7? P == true ? VectorP7 : VectorN7 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 8? P == true ? VectorDCP : VectorDCN : choose_basis

	basis = choose_basis
	basis = BasisResize(c, basis, basis)
return basis

function DCT(clip c)

rounding = 1
rounding2 = 1

	point0 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 0, c.width, c.height)
	point1 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 1, c.width, c.height)
	point2 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 2, c.width, c.height)
	point3 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 3, c.width, c.height)
	point4 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 4, c.width, c.height)
	point5 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 5, c.width, c.height)	
	point6 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 6, c.width, c.height)
	point7 = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height/8, 0, 7, c.width, c.height)

	DC = Average(point0, 0.125, point1, 0.125, point2, 0.125, point3, 0.125, point4, 0.125, point5, 0.125, point6, 0.125, point7, 0.125).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding2)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding2)+" * ", u=1, v=1)

	AC1P = Average(point0, 0.3827, point1, 0.3244, point2, 0.2168, point3, 0.0761)
	AC1N =Average(point4, 0.0761, point5, 0.2168, point6, 0.3244, point7, 0.3827)
	AC2P = Average(point0, 0.3536, point1, 0.1464, point6, 0.1464, point7, 0.3536)
	AC2N = Average(point2, 0.1464, point3, 0.3536, point4, 0.3536, point5, 0.1464)
	AC3P = Average(point0, 0.3244, point4, 0.2168, point5, 0.3827, point6, 0.0761)
	AC3N = Average(point1, 0.0761, point2, 0.3827, point3, 0.2168, point7, 0.3244)
	AC4P = Average(point0, 0.2500, point3, 0.2500, point4, 0.2500, point7, 0.2500)
	AC4N = Average(point1, 0.2500, point2, 0.2500, point5, 0.2500, point6, 0.2500)
	AC5P = Average(point0, 0.2168, point2, 0.0761, point3, 0.3244, point6, 0.3827)
	AC5N = Average(point1, 0.3827, point4, 0.3244, point5, 0.0761, point7, 0.2168)
	AC6P = Average(point0, 0.1464, point2, 0.3536, point5, 0.3536, point7, 0.1464)
	AC6N = Average(point1, 0.3536, point3, 0.1464, point4, 0.1464, point6, 0.3536)
	AC7P = Average(point0, 0.0761, point2, 0.3244, point4, 0.3827, point6, 0.2168)
	AC7N = Average(point1, 0.2168, point3, 0.3827, point5, 0.3244, point7, 0.0761)

	AC1 = Mt_LutXY(AC1P, AC1N, " x y - 2 / 128 + ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC2 = Mt_LutXY(AC2P, AC2N, " x y - 2 / 128 + ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC3 = Mt_LutXY(AC3P, AC3N, " x y - 2 / 128 + ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC4 = Mt_LutXY(AC4P, AC4N, " x y - 2 / 128 + ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC5 = Mt_LutXY(AC5P, AC5N, " x y - 2 / 128 + ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC6 = Mt_LutXY(AC6P, AC6N, " x y - 2 / 128 + ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)
	AC7 = Mt_LutXY(AC7P, AC7N, " x y - 2 / 128 + ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" / ", u=1, v=1).mt_lut(" x "+string(rounding)+" * ", u=1, v=1)

	stackvertical(DC, AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4, AC5, AC6, AC7)

Function IDCT(clip c)

	inputclipproperties = c.pointresize(c.width, round(c.height/8)*8)
	DC = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/8)*0), 0, ((round(c.height/8)*1)))
	AC1 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/8)*1), 0, ((round(c.height/8)*1)))
	AC2 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/8)*2), 0, ((round(c.height/8)*1)))
	AC3 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/8)*3), 0, ((round(c.height/8)*1)))
	AC4 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/8)*4), 0, ((round(c.height/8)*1)))
	AC5 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/8)*5), 0, ((round(c.height/8)*1)))
	AC6 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/8)*6), 0, ((round(c.height/8)*1)))
	AC7 = crop(c, 0, (round(c.height/8)*7), 0, ((round(c.height/8)*1)))

	BasisDCP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 8)
	BasisDCN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 8)

	AC1BasisP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 1)
	AC1BasisN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 1)

	AC2BasisP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 2)
	AC2BasisN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 2)

	AC3BasisP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 3)
	AC3BasisN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 3)

	AC4BasisP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 4)
	AC4BasisN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 4)

	AC5BasisP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 5)
	AC5BasisN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 5)

	AC6BasisP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 6)
	AC6BasisN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 6)

	AC7BasisP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, true, 7)
	AC7BasisN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_Basis(inputclipproperties, false, 7)

	neutral = BlankClip(length=inputclipproperties.framecount, width=inputclipproperties.width, height=inputclipproperties.height, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=inputclipproperties.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=inputclipproperties.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$828282).converttoyv12()
	R1 = Mt_lutxy(Mt_lutxy(AC1BasisP, AC1.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 - y 128 - * 90 / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1), dc.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 - y + ", U=1, V=1)
	R2 = Mt_lutxy(Mt_lutxy(AC2BasisP, AC2.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 - y 128 - * 90 / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1), R1, " x 128 - y + ", U=1, V=1)
	R3 = Mt_lutxy(Mt_lutxy(AC3BasisP, AC3.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 - y 128 - * 90 / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1), R2, " x 128 - y + ", U=1, V=1)
	R4 = Mt_lutxy(Mt_lutxy(AC4BasisP, AC4.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 -  y  128 - * 90 / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1), R3, " x 128 - y + ", U=1, V=1)
	R5 = Mt_lutxy(Mt_lutxy(AC5BasisP, AC5.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 -  y  128 - * 90 / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1), R4, " x 128 - y + ", U=1, V=1)
	R6 = Mt_lutxy(Mt_lutxy(AC6BasisP, AC6.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 -  y  128 - * 90 / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1), R5, " x 128 - y + ", U=1, V=1)
	R7 = Mt_lutxy(Mt_lutxy(AC7BasisP, AC7.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 -  y  128 - * 90 / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1), R6, " x 128 - y + ", U=1, V=1)

Return R7
[edit] I had posted replies to everyone in this thread, but my internet cut out halfway through sending the post, I will re-edit this post with replies later.

Originally Posted by Mug Funky View Post
hahaha oh wow

that's pretty cool. what kind of speeds do you get? what sort of filters should we run on the transformed output to get something fun? actually, once you post the fixed version i'm going to see what temporalsoften does to it
The forward transform runs at about 15fps for a 640*256 source on my relatively slow system, forward plus inverse is about 4fps, so its quite slow. Spatial filters are generally going to produce very bad/wierd results, but temporal might be interesting.

Originally Posted by neuron2 View Post
Nothing. It would make much more sense to implement it in fast optimized native code.
Because there aren't already an incredible number of those already? This is usefull/interesting specifically because it is implemented in avisynth and can therefore directly interact with all of the plugins and functions for avisynth.

Originally Posted by LoRd_MuldeR View Post
That function is not defined in your "Sub Functions", so where do I get it?
Its a plugin, its here on the forum somewhere.

Originally Posted by Inspector.Gadget View Post
Hey *.mp4 guy, this sounds neat but it's over my head, technically. I get what DCT/iDCT functions do but I'm unclear on uses outside of quantization for video compression. What are some potential applications of this?
DCT's can be used for a lot more then just compression, denoising, interpolations, and frequency band equalization are common enough. But this is usefull mostly because of its accessability, it will be much easier to fiddle with then just about any other implementation, atleast for me. The lattter along with a desire to better understand the DCT, and just to see If I could, are the main reasons why I wrote this.

Hopefully my recreated replies are intelligible enough, I have been pressed for time since I completed the working version.

Last edited by *.mp4 guy; 4th April 2009 at 19:07.
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Old 2nd November 2011, 07:27   #9  |  Link
*.mp4 guy
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This function is perhaps not obviously useful, however I recently reworked it a bit. On the off chance it might be helpful, or that someone else was actually doing something with the old version, here is the new one. It's more then twice as fast while using less memory.

Function BasisDoubleH(Clip c, clip Basis)

	basis = basis.width < c.width / 2 ? stackhorizontal(basis, basis) : basis

return (basis.width <= c.width / 2) ?  basis : BasisDoubleH(c, basis)

Function BasisResizeH(Clip c, clip Basis, clip basisc)

	basis = basis.width < c.width ? stackhorizontal(basis, basisc) : basis

return (basis.width == c.width) ?  basis : BasisResizeH(c, basis, basisc)

Function Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(clip c,  bool p, int basisnumber)
	SP255 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=1, height=2, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$FFFFFF)
	SP248 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=1, height=2, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$F8F8F8)
	SP236 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=1, height=2, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$ECECEC)
	SP219 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=1, height=2, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$DBDBDB)
	SP200 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=1, height=2, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$C8C8C8)
	SP177 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=1, height=2, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$B1B1B1)
	SP153 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=1, height=2, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$999999)

	SN102 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=1, height=2, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$666666)
	SN78 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=1, height=2, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$4E4E4E)
	SN55 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=1, height=2, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$373737)
	SN36 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=1, height=2, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$242424)
	SN19 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=1, height=2, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$131313)
	SN7 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=1, height=2, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$070707)
	SN0 = BlankClip(length=c.framecount, width=1, height=2, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=c.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=c.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$000000)

	VectorP1 = stackhorizontal(SP255, SP236, SP200, SP153, SN102, SN55, SN19, SN0).converttoyv12()
	VectorN1 = stackhorizontal(SN0, SN19, SN55, SN102, SP153, SP200, SP236, SP255).converttoyv12()
	VectorP2 = stackhorizontal(SP248, SP177, SN78, SN7, SN7, SN78, SP177, SP248).converttoyv12()
	VectorN2 = stackhorizontal(SN7, SN78, SP177, SP248, SP248, SP177, SN78, SN7).converttoyv12()
	VectorP3 = stackhorizontal(SP236, SN102, SN0, SN55, SP200, SP255, SP153, SN19).converttoyv12()
	VectorN3 = stackhorizontal(SN19, SP153, SP255, SP200, SN55, SN0, SN102, SP236).converttoyv12()
	VectorP4 = stackhorizontal(SP219, SN36, SN36, SP219, SP219, SN36, SN36, SP219).converttoyv12()
	VectorN4 = stackhorizontal(SN36, SP219, SP219, SN36, SN36, SP219, SP219, SN36).converttoyv12()
	VectorP5 = stackhorizontal(SP200, SN0, SP153, SP236, SN19, SN102, SP255, SN55).converttoyv12()
	VectorN5 = stackhorizontal(SN55, SP255, SN102, SN19, SP236, SP153, SN0, SP200).converttoyv12()
	VectorP6 = stackhorizontal(SP177, SN19, SP236, SN78, SN78, SP236, SN19, SP177).converttoyv12()
	VectorN6 = stackhorizontal(SN78, SP236, SN19, SP177, SP177, SN19, SP236, SN78).converttoyv12()
	VectorP7 = stackhorizontal(SP153, SN55, SP236, SN0, SP255, SN19, SP200, SN102).converttoyv12()
	VectorN7 = stackhorizontal(SN102, SP200, SN19, SP255, SN0, SP236, SN55, SP153).converttoyv12()
	VectorDCP = stackhorizontal(SP255, SP255, SP255, SP255, SP255, SP255, SP255, SP255).converttoyv12()
	VectorDCN = stackhorizontal(SN0, SN0, SN0, SN0, SN0, SN0, SN0, SN0).converttoyv12()

	choose_basis = c

	choose_basis = basisnumber == 1? P == true ? VectorP1 : VectorN1 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 2? P == true ? VectorP2 : VectorN2 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 3? P == true ? VectorP3 : VectorN3 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 4? P == true ? VectorP4 : VectorN4 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 5? P == true ? VectorP5 : VectorN5 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 6? P == true ? VectorP6 : VectorN6 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 7? P == true ? VectorP7 : VectorN7 : choose_basis
	choose_basis = basisnumber == 8? P == true ? VectorDCP : VectorDCN : choose_basis

	basis = choose_basis
	basis = BasisDoubleH(c, basis)
	basis = BasisResizeH(c, basis, choose_basis)
	basis = basis.pointresize(c.width, c.height)
	basis = FreezeFrame(basis, 0, c.framecount, 0)
return basis

function DCT(clip c)

	point0 = c.pointresize(c.width/8, c.height, 0, 0, c.width, c.height)
	point1 = c.pointresize(c.width/8, c.height, 1, 0, c.width, c.height)
	point2 = c.pointresize(c.width/8, c.height, 2, 0, c.width, c.height)
	point3 = c.pointresize(c.width/8, c.height, 3, 0, c.width, c.height)
	point4 = c.pointresize(c.width/8, c.height, 4, 0, c.width, c.height)
	point5 = c.pointresize(c.width/8, c.height, 5, 0, c.width, c.height)
	point6 = c.pointresize(c.width/8, c.height, 6, 0, c.width, c.height)
	point7 = c.pointresize(c.width/8, c.height, 7, 0, c.width, c.height)

	DC = Average(point0, 0.125, point1, 0.125, point2, 0.125, point3, 0.125, point4, 0.125, point5, 0.125, point6, 0.125, point7, 0.125)

	AC1P = Average(point0, 0.3827, point1, 0.3244, point2, 0.2168, point3, 0.0761)
	AC1N =Average(point4, 0.0761, point5, 0.2168, point6, 0.3244, point7, 0.3827)
	AC2P = Average(point0, 0.3536, point1, 0.1464, point6, 0.1464, point7, 0.3536)
	AC2N = Average(point2, 0.1464, point3, 0.3536, point4, 0.3536, point5, 0.1464)
	AC3P = Average(point0, 0.3244, point4, 0.2168, point5, 0.3827, point6, 0.0761)
	AC3N = Average(point1, 0.0761, point2, 0.3827, point3, 0.2168, point7, 0.3244)
	AC4P = Average(point0, 0.2500, point3, 0.2500, point4, 0.2500, point7, 0.2500)
	AC4N = Average(point1, 0.2500, point2, 0.2500, point5, 0.2500, point6, 0.2500)
	AC5P = Average(point0, 0.2168, point2, 0.0761, point3, 0.3244, point6, 0.3827)
	AC5N = Average(point1, 0.3827, point4, 0.3244, point5, 0.0761, point7, 0.2168)
	AC6P = Average(point0, 0.1464, point2, 0.3536, point5, 0.3536, point7, 0.1464)
	AC6N = Average(point1, 0.3536, point3, 0.1464, point4, 0.1464, point6, 0.3536)
	AC7P = Average(point0, 0.0761, point2, 0.3244, point4, 0.3827, point6, 0.2168)
	AC7N = Average(point1, 0.2168, point3, 0.3827, point5, 0.3244, point7, 0.0761)

	AC1 = Mt_LutXY(AC1P, AC1N, " x y - 2 / 128 + ", u=1, v=1)
	AC2 = Mt_LutXY(AC2P, AC2N, " x y - 2 / 128 + ", u=1, v=1)
	AC3 = Mt_LutXY(AC3P, AC3N, " x y - 2 / 128 + ", u=1, v=1)
	AC4 = Mt_LutXY(AC4P, AC4N, " x y - 2 / 128 + ", u=1, v=1)
	AC5 = Mt_LutXY(AC5P, AC5N, " x y - 2 / 128 + ", u=1, v=1)
	AC6 = Mt_LutXY(AC6P, AC6N, " x y - 2 / 128 + ", u=1, v=1)
	AC7 = Mt_LutXY(AC7P, AC7N, " x y - 2 / 128 + ", u=1, v=1)

	stackhorizontal(DC, AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4, AC5, AC6, AC7)

Function IDCT(clip c)

	inputclipproperties = c.pointresize(c.width, c.height)
	DC = crop(c, (round(c.width/8)*0), 0, ((round(c.width/8)*1)), 0)
	AC1 = crop(c, (round(c.width/8)*1), 0, ((round(c.width/8)*1)), 0)
	AC2 = crop(c, (round(c.width/8)*2), 0, ((round(c.width/8)*1)), 0)
	AC3 = crop(c, (round(c.width/8)*3), 0, ((round(c.width/8)*1)), 0)
	AC4 = crop(c, (round(c.width/8)*4), 0, ((round(c.width/8)*1)), 0)
	AC5 = crop(c, (round(c.width/8)*5), 0, ((round(c.width/8)*1)), 0)
	AC6 = crop(c, (round(c.width/8)*6), 0, ((round(c.width/8)*1)), 0)
	AC7 = crop(c, (round(c.width/8)*7), 0, ((round(c.width/8)*1)), 0)

	#BasisDCP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, true, 8)
	#BasisDCN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, false, 8)

	AC1BasisP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, true, 1)
	AC1BasisN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, false, 1)

	AC2BasisP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, true, 2)
	AC2BasisN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, false, 2)

	AC3BasisP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, true, 3)
	AC3BasisN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, false, 3)

	AC4BasisP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, true, 4)
	AC4BasisN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, false, 4)

	AC5BasisP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, true, 5)
	AC5BasisN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, false, 5)

	AC6BasisP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, true, 6)
	AC6BasisN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, false, 6)

	AC7BasisP = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, true, 7)
	AC7BasisN = Generate_DCT_AC_Component_BasisH(inputclipproperties, false, 7)

	neutral = BlankClip(length=inputclipproperties.framecount, width=inputclipproperties.width, height=inputclipproperties.height, pixel_type="rgb32", fps=inputclipproperties.framerate, fps_denominator=1, audio_rate=inputclipproperties.Audiorate, stereo=true, sixteen_bit=true, color=$828282).converttoyv12()
	R1 = Mt_lutxy(Mt_lutxy(AC1BasisP, AC1.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 - y 128 - * 90 / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1), dc.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 - y + ", U=1, V=1)
	R2 = Mt_lutxy(Mt_lutxy(AC2BasisP, AC2.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 - y 128 - * 90 / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1), R1, " x 128 - y + ", U=1, V=1)
	R3 = Mt_lutxy(Mt_lutxy(AC3BasisP, AC3.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 - y 128 - * 90 / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1), R2, " x 128 - y + ", U=1, V=1)
	R4 = Mt_lutxy(Mt_lutxy(AC4BasisP, AC4.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 -  y  128 - * 90 / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1), R3, " x 128 - y + ", U=1, V=1)
	R5 = Mt_lutxy(Mt_lutxy(AC5BasisP, AC5.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 -  y  128 - * 90 / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1), R4, " x 128 - y + ", U=1, V=1)
	R6 = Mt_lutxy(Mt_lutxy(AC6BasisP, AC6.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 -  y  128 - * 90 / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1), R5, " x 128 - y + ", U=1, V=1)
	R7 = Mt_lutxy(Mt_lutxy(AC7BasisP, AC7.pointresize(inputclipproperties.width, inputclipproperties.height), " x 128 -  y  128 - * 90 / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1), R6, " x 128 - y + ", U=1, V=1)

Return R7
*.mp4 guy is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 2nd November 2011, 16:27   #10  |  Link
Registered User
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 1,867
I'm with you mp4, script is a lot more accessible than a plugin. I'd like to write a plugin that makes such computations easier, masktools is great but I need more features.
jmac698 is offline   Reply With Quote

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