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Old 9th June 2010, 08:58   #1  |  Link
*.mp4 guy
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New Sharpening Function

Examples : 4x nnedi2, 4x nnedi2 New Sharpening, 4x nnedi2 limitedsharpenfaster smode4, 4x nnedi2 ssssharp.
Edit:Additional examples added, as requested.

After reading this post by Didée I decided to
take a crack at the problem of sharpening an interpolated or lowpassed image. Out of curiosity I tried the resulting function
on a few difficult to sharpen non-interpolated sources (GITS R1 Special eddition, etc.), and it did very well (imo, of course).
So here is a new, general sharpening function. Right now its named "blah". Because naming things is difficult, and naming it
after what it is actually doing would require a paragraph long function call.

Function blah(Clip c, Int "str", int "strv", int "strh", float "de", float "dev", float "deh", float "re", float "rev", float "reh", float "cstr", float "cstrv", float "cstrh")
{# A sharpening function, Version 0.0

	str = Default(Str, 4)
		strv = Default(strv, str)
		strh = Default(strh, str)
	de = Default(de, 0.2)
		dev = Default(dev, de)
		deh = Default(deh, de)
	re = Default(re, de/2)
		rev = Default(rev, re)
		reh = Default(reh, re)
	cstr = Default(cstr, 0.5)
	cstrv = Default(cstrv, cstr)
	cstrh = Default(cstrh, cstr)

	de = 20/de
		dev = 20/dev
		deh = 20/deh
	re = 20/re
		rev = 20/rev
		reh = 20/reh

	thrc = 72
		thrcv = thrc
		thrcH = thrc				
			thr2gv = 1/sqrt(thrcv)
			thr2gh = 1/sqrt(thrch)
	lp_V = C.NLLV_Variant4()
		Diff_V = mt_makediff(C, lp_V)

	lp_H = lp_V.NLLH_Variant4()
		Diff_H = mt_makediff(lp_V, lp_H)
			dev_ = string(rev)
			deh_ = string(reh)
			DeEmphasis = lp_H.yahr.yahr.Mt_Convolution(Horizontal=" 1 6 15 "+deh_+" 15 6 1 ", vertical =" 1 6 15 "+dev_+" 15 6 1 ", u=1, v=1)

	STRV_ = string(strv)
	Max_V = mt_luts( C, C, mode = "max", pixels = " 1 0 -1 0 ", expr = "X Y - X Y - X Y - abs 1 + * X Y - abs 1 + "+STRV_+" 1 >= "+STRV_+" 0.5 ^ "+STRV_+" ? + / - 128 +", u=1, v=1)
	Min_V = mt_luts( C, C, mode = "min", pixels = " 1 0 -1 0 ", expr = "X Y - X Y - X Y - abs 1 + * X Y - abs 1 + "+STRV_+" 1 >= "+STRV_+" 0.5 ^ "+STRV_+" ? + / - 128 +", u=1, v=1)
		MinMax_High_V = mt_lutXY( Max_V, Min_V, expr = "x 128 - abs y 128 - abs > x y ? 128 - abs", u=1, v=1)
		MinMax_Low_V = mt_lutXY( Max_V, Min_V, expr = "x 128 - abs y 128 - abs > y x ? 128 - abs", u=1, v=1)
			minmax_UL_V = mt_lutXY( MinMax_Low_V, MinMax_High_V, expr = "x y x - -", u=1, v=1)
				minmax_G_V = Average(MinMax_High_V, 0.1, MinMax_Low_V, 0.35, minmax_UL_V, 0.275, minmax_UL_V, 0.275)
	STRH_ = string(strh)
	Max_H = mt_luts( C, C, mode = "max", pixels = " 0 1 0 -1 ", expr = "X Y - X Y - X Y - abs 1 + * X Y - abs 1 + "+STRH_+" 1 >= "+STRH_+" 0.5 ^ "+STRH_+" ? + / - 128 +", u=1, v=1)
	Min_H = mt_luts( C, C, mode = "min", pixels = " 0 1 0 -1 ", expr = "X Y - X Y - X Y - abs 1 + * X Y - abs 1 + "+STRH_+" 1 >= "+STRH_+" 0.5 ^ "+STRH_+" ? + / - 128 +", u=1, v=1)
		MinMax_High_H = mt_lutXY( Max_H, Min_H, expr = "x 128 - abs y 128 - abs > x y ? 128 - abs", u=1, v=1)
		MinMax_Low_H = mt_lutXY( Max_H, Min_H, expr = "x 128 - abs y 128 - abs > y x ? 128 - abs", u=1, v=1)
			minmax_UL_H = mt_lutXY( MinMax_Low_H, MinMax_High_H, expr = "x y x - -" )
				minmax_G_H = Average(MinMax_High_H, 0.1, MinMax_Low_H, 0.35, minmax_UL_H, 0.275, minmax_UL_H, 0.275)

	Diff_V = mt_lutXY( Diff_V, minmax_G_V, expr = " x 128 - y 1 > y 1 ? * y x 128 - abs - 1 > y x 128 - abs - 1 ? / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1)
	Diff_H = mt_lutXY( Diff_H, minmax_G_H, expr = " x 128 - y 1 > y 1 ? * y x 128 - abs - 1 > y x 128 - abs - 1 ? / 128 +  ", u=1, v=1)
		Diff_HV = mt_adddiff(Diff_H, Diff_V)
			HPSharp = mt_adddiff(DeEmphasis, Diff_HV)
				rev_ = string(rev)
				reh_ = string(reh)
				ReEmphasis = HPSharp.Mt_Convolution(Horizontal=" 1 6 15 -"+reh_+" 15 6 1 ", vertical =" 1 6 15 -"+rev_+" 15 6 1 ", u=1, v=1)

	thrcv_ = string(thrcv)
		V = MT_Luts(ReEmphasis, ReEmphasis, mode="med", pixels = " 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 2 0 -2 " ,expr = "X Y - X Y - X Y - abs 1 + * X Y - abs 1 + "+thrcv_+" 1 >= "+thrcv_+" 0.5 ^ "+thrcv_+" ? + / - 128 +", u=1,v=1).mt_Lut("X 128 - abs", u=1, v=1)
	thrch_ = string(thrch)
		H = MT_Luts(ReEmphasis, ReEmphasis, mode="med", pixels = " 0 0 1 0 -1 0 2 0 -2 0 " ,expr = "X Y - X Y - X Y - abs 1 + * X Y - abs 1 + "+thrch_+" 1 >= "+thrch_+" 0.5 ^ "+thrch_+" ? + / - 128 +", u=1,v=1).mt_Lut("X 128 - abs", u=1, v=1)

	Gauss_V = mt_Makediff(ReEmphasis, ReEmphasis.Mt_Convolution(Horizontal=" 1 ", vertical =" 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 ", u=1, v=1))
		thr2gv_ = string(thr2gv)
		cstrv_ = string(cstrv)
		Gauss_V = mt_lutXY( Gauss_V, V, expr = " x 128 - y * "+thr2gv_+" * "+cstrv_+" * 128 + ", u=1, v=1)
	Gauss_H = mt_Makediff(ReEmphasis, ReEmphasis.Mt_Convolution(Horizontal=" 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 ", vertical =" 1 ", u=1, v=1))
		thr2gh_ = string(thr2gh)
		cstrh_ = string(cstrh)
		Gauss_H = mt_lutXY(Gauss_H, H, expr = " x 128 - y * "+thr2gh_+" * "+cstrh_+" * 128 + ", u=1, v=1)
			Gauss_VH = mt_adddiff(Gauss_V, Gauss_H)
				contrast = mt_adddiff(ReEmphasis, Gauss_VH)
Return(mergechroma(contrast, C, 1))

Required Functions:
Function blurH(clip c, int "rad", Float "CW")
	Rad = Default(rad, 1)
	CW = Default(CW, 0.5)
	Center = C
	Left = C.PointResize(C.width, C.height, -rad, 0, C.width, C.height)
	Right = C.PointResize(C.width, C.height, rad, 0, C.width, C.height)
	Average(Center, CW/2, Left, (1-CW)/2, Right, (1-CW)/2, Center, CW/2)

Function BlurV(clip c, int "rad", Float "CW")
	Rad = Default(rad, 1)
	CW = Default(CW, 0.5)
	Center = C
	Down = C.PointResize(C.width, C.height, 0, -rad, C.width, C.height)
	Up = C.PointResize(C.width, C.height, 0, rad, C.width, C.height)
	Average(Center, CW/2, Down, (1-CW)/2, Up, (1-CW)/2, Center, CW/2)

Function NLLH_Variant4(Clip C, int "rad")

	Rad = Default(Rad, 1)

	B1 = C.BlurH(1*rad, 0.439)
	B2 = C.BlurH(2*rad, 0.833)
	B3 = C.BlurH(3*rad, 0.934)
	B4= C.BlurH(4*rad, 0.983)

		B1_D = Mt_Makediff(B1, C, u=1, v=1)
		B2_D = Mt_MakeDiff(C, B2, u=1, v=1)
		B3_D = Mt_MakeDiff(B3, C, u=1, v=1)
		B4_D = Mt_MakeDiff(C, B4, u=1, v=1)

			B2_DT = Mt_LutXY(B1_D, B2_D, " X 128 - Y 128 - X 128 - abs Y 128 - abs * 1 + * X 128 - abs Y 128 - abs * Y 128 - abs 1.915 * X 128 - abs - 0 > \
			Y 128 - abs 1.915 * X 128 - abs - 0 ?  X 128 - abs 0 > X 128 - abs -1 X 128 - abs 0 > X 128 - 1 ? / ^ 1 ? / 1 * + 1 + / +  128 + ", u=1, v=1)
			B3_DT = Mt_LutXY(B2_DT, B3_D, " X 128 - Y 128 - X 128 - abs Y 128 - abs * 1 + * X 128 - abs Y 128 - abs * Y 128 - abs 2.025 * X 128 - abs - 0 > \
			Y 128 - abs 2.025 * X 128 - abs - 0 ?  X 128 - abs 0 > X 128 - abs -1 X 128 - abs 0 > X 128 - 1 ? / ^ 1 ? / 1 * + 1 + / +  128 + ", u=1, v=1)
			B4_DT = Mt_LutXY(B3_DT, B4_D, " X 128 - Y 128 - X 128 - abs Y 128 - abs * 1 + * X 128 - abs Y 128 - abs * Y 128 - abs 2.077 * X 128 - abs - 0 > \
			Y 128 - abs 2.077 * X 128 - abs - 0 ?  X 128 - abs 0 > X 128 - abs -1 X 128 - abs 0 > X 128 - 1 ? / ^ 1 ? / 1 * + 1 + / +  128 + ", u=1, v=1)
	Mt_AddDiff(B4_DT, C)


Function NLLV_Variant4(Clip C, int "rad")

	Rad = Default(Rad, 1)

	B1 = C.BlurV(1*rad, 0.439)
	B2 = C.BlurV(2*rad, 0.833)
	B3 = C.BlurV(3*rad, 0.934)
	B4= C.BlurV(4*rad, 0.983)

		B1_D = Mt_Makediff(B1, C, u=1, v=1)
		B2_D = Mt_MakeDiff(C, B2, u=1, v=1)
		B3_D = Mt_MakeDiff(B3, C, u=1, v=1)
		B4_D = Mt_MakeDiff(C, B4, u=1, v=1)

			B2_DT = Mt_LutXY(B1_D, B2_D, " X 128 - Y 128 - X 128 - abs Y 128 - abs * 1 + * X 128 - abs Y 128 - abs * Y 128 - abs 1.915 * X 128 - abs - 0 > \
			Y 128 - abs 1.915 * X 128 - abs - 0 ?  X 128 - abs 0 > X 128 - abs -1 X 128 - abs 0 > X 128 - 1 ? / ^ 1 ? / 1 * + 1 + / +  128 + ", u=1, v=1)
			B3_DT = Mt_LutXY(B2_DT, B3_D, " X 128 - Y 128 - X 128 - abs Y 128 - abs * 1 + * X 128 - abs Y 128 - abs * Y 128 - abs 2.025 * X 128 - abs - 0 > \
			Y 128 - abs 2.025 * X 128 - abs - 0 ?  X 128 - abs 0 > X 128 - abs -1 X 128 - abs 0 > X 128 - 1 ? / ^ 1 ? / 1 * + 1 + / +  128 + ", u=1, v=1)
			B4_DT = Mt_LutXY(B3_DT, B4_D, " X 128 - Y 128 - X 128 - abs Y 128 - abs * 1 + * X 128 - abs Y 128 - abs * Y 128 - abs 2.077 * X 128 - abs - 0 > \
			Y 128 - abs 2.077 * X 128 - abs - 0 ?  X 128 - abs 0 > X 128 - abs -1 X 128 - abs 0 > X 128 - 1 ? / ^ 1 ? / 1 * + 1 + / +  128 + ", u=1, v=1)
	Mt_AddDiff(B4_DT, C)


# Y'et A'nother H'alo R'educing script

function YAHR(clip clp)
b1    = clp.minblur(2).removegrain(11,-1)
b1D   = mt_makediff(clp,b1)
w1    = clp.aWarpSharp(depth=32,blurlevel=2,thresh=0.5)
w1b1  = w1.minblur(2,1).removegrain(11,-1)
w1b1D = mt_makediff(w1,w1b1)
DD    = b1D.repair(w1b1D,13) 
DD2   = mt_makediff(b1D,DD)

 function MinBlur(clip clp, int r, int "uv")
 uv   = default(uv,3)
 uv2  = (uv==2) ? 1 : uv
 rg4  = (uv==3) ? 4 : -1
 rg11 = (uv==3) ? 11 : -1
 rg20 = (uv==3) ? 20 : -1
 medf = (uv==3) ? 1 : -200
 RG11D = (r==1) ? mt_makediff(clp,clp.removegrain(11,rg11),U=uv2,V=uv2)
  \    : (r==2) ? mt_makediff(clp,clp.removegrain(11,rg11).removegrain(20,rg20),U=uv2,V=uv2)
  \    :          mt_makediff(clp,clp.removegrain(11,rg11).removegrain(20,rg20).removegrain(20,rg20),U=uv2,V=uv2)
 RG4D  = (r==1) ? mt_makediff(clp,clp.removegrain(4,rg4),U=uv2,V=uv2)
  \    : (r==2) ? mt_makediff(clp,clp.medianblur(2,2*medf,2*medf),U=uv2,V=uv2)
  \    :          mt_makediff(clp,clp.medianblur(3,3*medf,3*medf),U=uv2,V=uv2)
 DD    = mt_lutxy(RG11D,RG4D,"x 128 - y 128 - * 0 < 128 x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ? ?",U=uv2,V=uv2)

Required plugins: Mt_Masktools, Average, Removegrain, aWarpSharp, Medianblur and Repair.

Defaults are intended for strong sharpening on 2x upscaled material. For normal sharpening, set de to 0.02, str to 3 and cstr
to 0.75 and go from there. The failure modes are as graceful as I can reasonably get them, considering the strength of the
sharpening required. Also, the degree of sharpening that can be "gotten away with" varies pretty wildly by source.


str = strength of highpass sharpening default 4
strv = vertical version of str defaults to str
strh = horizontal version of str defaults to str

de = de-emphasis strength default 0.2
dev = vertical version of de defaults to de
deh = horizontal version of de defaults to de

re = re-emphasis strength defaults to de/2
rev = vertical version of re defaults to re
reh = horizontal version of re defaults to re

cstr = strength of contrast sharpening default 1, values above 1 will cause halos
cstrv = vertical version of cstr defaults to cstr
cstrh = horizontal version of cstr defaults to cstr

edit: thanks to Archimedes and Gavino for spotting two mistakes, both should now be fixed.
edit2: Changed non-linear lowpass function, new one should be generally more consistent

Last edited by *.mp4 guy; 10th June 2010 at 23:47.
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