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Old 28th March 2005, 20:00   #1  |  Link
Author of D2SRoBa
tylo's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 483
ccefront 1.0 RC3: THE front-end for CCE SP

CCEFront v1.0 RC3
Source Code (AutoIt script)

CCEFront - a versatile front-end for CCE SP

Created by Tylo. Copyright (c) 2005.

ccefront is a powerful unified CLI (command line interface) for all popular versions of CCE SP (2.50, 2.66, 2.67, 2.70). It adds a number of advanced features, like predictive size OPV encoding (roba), and a flexible way of generating ECL input files through a number of command line options. It also adds a convenient way to select the bitrate indirectly by specifying the target size for each of the encoded files, and the total target size for all the input files to be encoded. Finally, normal CCE templates, file based ecl template, special AVS templates with substitution parameteters, import of matrices and chapter points from files are all supported.


Unzip to any directory (preferable in your PATH). When first time executed, it will create a directory in your Application Data area, where the template directories, matrices and the tmp (work) directory are located. You may open this directory from the configuration GUI. CCE SP 2.66/2.67 Trial requires EclCCE 1.81 by RB. To exit ccefront in roba mode, left-click on the tray-icon, and select Exit. In the other modes, you may simply close CCE. To uninstall, remove the ccefront application directory and the ccefront.exe file.

   ccefront	[-batch] [-auto] [-roba] [-t ccetempl] [-first F] [-last F]
		[-vmode ] [-brate N] [-brate_minmax N M]
		[-pass <1-9>] [-bias <0-100>] [-q_factor <1-200>] [-q_char <0-100>]
		[-gop M NM] [-progressive <0|1>] [-new_vaf <0|1>]
		[-aspect <1:1|4:3|16:9|2.21:1>] [-seq_endcode <0|1>]
		[-top_first <0|1>] [-zigzag <0|1>] [-nofilters] [-noaudio]
		[-size_mb MB] [-total_mb MB] [-extra_br N] [-t_avs templ.avs] [-t_ecl templ.ecl]
		[-out_ecl file.ecl] [-out_avsdir dir] [-qmat matrix.txt] [-chap chaps.txt]
		[-@resize W H] [-@crop L T W H] [-@addborders L T R B]
		[-roba_reuse_samples] [-roba_szpass_mode N]
		[-roba_sample_percent P] [-roba_adjust_percent P]
		[-nocancel] [-minimize] [-shutdown|-hibernate] [-priority <0-5>]
		[-un-{option}] [[-ecl] file.ecl] [videofile(s)] ...

Note: arguments are processed from left to right, and modifier arguments (e.g -brate N) must be specified before the videofile or input ECL file. Some options are global (e.g. -total_mb), which means that it can be specified at any position on the command line.
-auto			Global opt. CCE command line argument. Auto start CCE.

-batch			Global opt. CCE command line argument. Auto start and close CCE
			after encoding.

-roba			Global opt. Enable RoBa OPV mode with predictable target size. Implies
			-batch mode. An analysis is done to determine the Q factor that will create
			a bitrate closest possible to the one specified by vbr_brate_avg in the
			.ecl file. Note that if the current video mode in the .ecl file is OPV, then
			opv_brate_min and opv_brate_max are used, otherwise vbr_brate_min and
			vbr_brate_max are used. You may edit the ccefront.ini file to customize
			the default values for roba, and override them with the -roba_... command
			line arguments. If the path to rejig_exe is set, ReJig may be used in a
			subsequent "sizing" pass (when the mpv file is oversized).
			Note that the -roba and the other -roba_... flags are global, and applies
			for all the input files, also if they are specified at the end of the
			command line. A roba_log.txt file will be created for each processed file
			and placed in the tmp subdirectory of the ccefront application data dir.

-roba_szpass_mode N	In roba-mode, an optional "sizing" pass can be performed, either to make
			sure that the result hits the target size accurately, or to improve the
			encoding quality (not all agree that it will). The sizing pass can either
			be done by encoding (CCE), or transcoding (oversized only, requires ReJig).
			Mode 0-5 can be used:
				0 - no sizing pass
				1 - always encode
				2 - transcode if oversize (oversize slack is default 0%)
				3 - encode if oversize
				4 - encode if undersize or oversize or Q > limit
				    (undersize slack is default 2.5%, Q limit is default 40)
				5 - encode if undersize or Q > limit, transcode if oversize

-roba_szpass_limits L H Q
			Set low, high slack values for under/oversizing, and Q limit.

-roba_...		Set various other roba values. Defaults in ccefront.ini.

-t template		CCE command line argument. Select a CCE template. This option cancels
			all the previously specified ecl-key-modifier options (e.g. -bias).

-first F		CCE command line argument. Set first frame to encode.
-last F			CCE command line argument. Set last frame to encode.

-vmode mode		Unified video mode setting. mpcbr = multipass cbr and vbr1 = 1st pass VBR
			only works with newer CCE versions.

-brate N		Set both CBR and average VBR bitrate.

-brate_minmax N	M	Set Min and max bitrates. (both VBR and OPV).

-pass N			Set number of VBR (and MP CBR) passes after initial vaf pass.

-bias N			Set VBR bias.

-q_factor		OPV Q factor.

-q_char			Set quantizer characteristics (quality priority). Normalized to range 1-100
			for all versions of CCE.

-gop M NM		Set gop values. gop_hdr is also set as M * NM in the .ecl file.

-progressive B		Specify whether source is progressive or interlaced.

-new_vaf B		Set the create_new_vaf key. Will work with CCE SP 2.50 as well, although not
			originally supported.

-aspect R		Set aspect ratio. 2.21:1 is only supported with CCE SP 2.70

-nofilters		Disable all built-in filters (horizontal and vertical) and dithering.

-noaudio		Disable audio output.

-size_mb N		Another way to set bitrate. Specify the target size in MB of each encoded file.
			The bitrate is computed and set in the created ECL file.

-total_mb N		Global option. Set total target size of all files in MB. The bitrate is
			computed and set in the created ECL file.  Example:
			> ccefront -brate 4000 f1.avi -brate 2000 f2.avi -total_mb 800
			This will adjust the bitrates for both f1.avi and f2.avi to output 800 MB in
			total, but f1.avi will still retain the double bitrate of f2.avi

-extra_br N		Specify extra bitrate (typically audio) that is subtracted from the bitrate
			you specify with either -brate, or indirectly by -size_mb or -total_mb.

-t_avs t.avs		Create an AVS file for following input video files, from an AVS "template" file.
			If the specfied file is not found, the templates subfolder is searched.
			Substitution parameters that may be used in the template:
				@source_file, @resize_w, @resize_h, @crop_l, @crop_t, @crop_w, @crop_h,
				@addborders_l, @addborders_t, @addborders_r, @addborders_b

-@resize W H		Set values for the avs template substitution variables. (-t_avs)
-@crop L T W H		Set values for the avs template substitution variables. (-t_avs)
-@addborders L T R B	Set values for the avs template substitution variables. (-t_avs)

-t_ecl t.ecl		Use a "template" ECL file. The template file should be a stripped down .ecl file.
			Note that this option cancels all the previously specified ecl-key-modifier
			options (e.g. -bias). Only the [item] section is used. Basically it should have
			removed all keys that are automatically detected by CCE during loading, such as
			frame rate (frame_rate_idx). It should be similar to the -t option, but it uses
			an external template file instead of an internal template (stored in the registry).
			The following keys are "unified" for all versions:
				vmode=N		(N: 0=OPV, 1=CBR, 2=VBR, 3=MP CBR, 4=VBR 1st,
						    uses correct key and values for various CCE's)
				quality_prec=N	(N: 0-100. Scales down to 0-64 for CCE 2.66/2.67,
						    uses key "q_char_f" for CCE 2.70)
			In addition, the template file may contain a version-specific section, e.g.
			[item-2.50], [item-2.66] [item-2.67], or [item-2.70]. Note that no "unification"
			of the keys mention above will take place in these sections.
			A matrix (qmat) may not be part of a template as of now. Use the -qmat option to
			import a matrix instead.

-out_ecl file		Global opt. Specify path/name of generated ECL file. Default output is
			"created.ecl" in the tool's home folder.

-out_avsdir dir		Global opt. Specify folder where the generated .avs files (by using -t_avs)
			should be placed. Default is the same as the input folder.

-qmat file.txt		Import a quantization matrix from a file. If the specfied file is not found,
			the q_matrix subfolder is searched. An example file is located in this folder.

-chap ch.txt		Import chapter points from a file. Simply appended to the [file] section in
			the ECL file.

-nocancel		Global opt. Hide the Cancel button in CCE encode window. Default enabled in
			ccefront.ini file. Hitting the Enter key in CCE SP 2.50, when the encode window
			is active will *not* Cancel encoding (as it does when using 2.50 alone).

-minimize		Global opt. Minmize CCE SP 2.66/2.67 with EclCCE / ReJig

-shutdown		Global opt. Power down computer after encoding (-auto/-batch/-roba mode).

-hibernate		Global opt. Hibernate computer after encoding (-auto/-batch/-roba mode).

-priority N		Global opt. Set CPU process priority. 0=idle, 2=normal, 5=realtime. Default idle,
			but can be modified in the ccefront.ini file.

-un-{option}		Undo earlier command line settings that modifies .ecl file settings. Example:
			> ccefront -qmat mymatrix.txt f1.avi -un-qmat f2.avi ;f2.avi does not use matrix
			As a special case, -un-all will unset all ecl-modifier arguments.

[-ecl] file.ecl		CCE command line argument. Input ECL file. You may skip the -ecl option if
			the file has an .ecl extension

videofile(s)		Any video file that is accepted by CCE, including .avs files. Wildcards * and ?
			may be used for specifying a group of files.
The ccefront.ini file

Most keys in the ini file are self-explanatory, and can be edited by the user. Note that if cce_exe is to be changed, also set cce_title. (you may simply clear both keys, and rerun).


Encode a bunch of avi's so they fit on a DVD. This uses a real CCE template (named DVD).
> ccefront -t DVD -total_mb 4000 scene*.avi -batch

Encode two AVS files with individual "home brew" template files, and specify a target size for each. Note that -size_mb must be specified after -t_ecl because -t_ecl cancels the -size_mb option.
> ccefront -t_ecl DVD.ecl -size_mb 200 file1.avs -t_ecl SVCD.ecl -size_mb 300 file2.avs

Advanced example. Encode two AVI files in RoBa mode, using both an external AVS and ECL template. Make the total size 3800 MB, but set a bitrate "weight" for each file:
> ccefront -t_ecl DVD.ecl -t_avs AVI2DVD.avs -brate 3000 f1.avi -brate 4000 f2.avi -total_mb 3800 -roba

- Added GUI for configuration.
- Added -extra_br N
- Added 'Min Q' in GUI.
- Removed timouts completely.

- Attempt to fix the timeouts problem.

- Fixed timeout problem (I think
- Fixed -roba_reuse_samples
- Fixed -nocancel
- Added -noaudio
- Added an exit option in ini file.
- Other small adjustments

- First release

Last edited by tylo; 1st September 2006 at 20:38.
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