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Old 4th December 2018, 22:08   #41  |  Link
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Which Morph() function, 2nd post ? (there are several with same name).
That one :

If myTools thinks bad match (via thSCD1, & thSCD2) then skips interpolate and instead either uses simple blend, or copies previous
frame (depends upon mvtools MFlowiInter Blend arg).
Here's an example of a frame processed by Morph (I made this screenshot in January, when it did work) :
Name:  14699 Morph.jpg
Views: 465
Size:  137.3 KB
And the same processed by FrameSurgeon :
Name:  14699 FrameSurgeon.jpg
Views: 697
Size:  142.7 KB
There's a panning movement and some jerkiness in that shot so it's understandable that the interpolated frame is still blurry, but here it looks like FrameSurgeon is trying hard to mix the two adjacent frames and produces those fuzzy edges, which look definitely worse than simply blending the frames as Morph does. Could there be a way to adjust this behaviour by tweaking some parameters in the FrameSurgeon script ?
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Old 5th December 2018, 03:36   #42  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Could there be a way to adjust this behaviour by tweaking some parameters in the FrameSurgeon script ?
I'll change it.

Wanna give this a whirl.
    Morpheus(), Just like you dreamed it to be :)

    Interpolate frames using a Command list of frames in String or in file.

    Req RT_Stats v1.43+, Avs+ or GScript, Grunt, MvTools, RemoveGrain, CallCmd (optional, auto deletes DBase).

    Planar YUV.

    Function Morpheus(clip c,String Cmd,Bool "Inclusive"=True,
      \ Int "SPad"=16, Int "SSharp"=1, Int "SRFilter"=4,                             [* MSuper          *]
      \ Int "ABlkSize"=16, Int "AOverlap"=4,   Int "ASearch"=3,Int "ADct"=0,         [* MAnalyse        *]
      \ Int "RBlkSize"=8,  Int "ROverlap"=2,   Int "RthSAD"=100,                     [* MRecalculate    *]
      \ Float "Iml"=200.0, Bool "IBlend"=True, Int "IthSCD1"=400, Int "IthSCD2"=130, [* MFlowInter      *]
      \ Bool "Show"=True )


        Cmd,           No default. If first character is Asterisk, then is a command string list, otherwise a command list filename.
                         Commands consist of frame numbers, Frame numbers can be either COMMA(,) or SPACE separated and can be
                           followed by a # comment (one interpolation command per line).
                       If Inclusive == True then commands must be start and end of frames to Interpolate, eg
                           10,11    # Two frames, frame 10 and 11 are to be interpolated using frames 9 and 12 as source.
                           15       # single frame interpolated at frame 15, with src frames 14 and 16.
                           20,-2    # Two frames interpolated at frames 20 and 21 with Src frames 19 and 22.
                       If Inclusive == False (Exclusive) then command frames must be those either side of Interpolated frames ie src frames.
                           9,12    # Two frames, frame 10 and 11 are to be interpolated using frames 9 and 12 as source.
                           14,16   # single frame interpolated at frame 15, with src frames 14 and 16.
                           19,22   # Two frames interpolated at frames 20 and 21 with Src frames 19 and 22.

        Inclusive,     Default True.
                         If True,  Commands specify the start and end frames to interpolate (single start frame allowed).
                         If False, Commands specify the TWO source frames used to create the interpolated frames that lie between them.

                       MvTools2 Args, for Interpolation.
                       MSuper args:
        SPad,          Default 16,   See MvTools MSuper(hpad=8,vpad=8) [We use same for both].
        SSharp,        Default  1,   See MvTools MSuper(sharp=2)
        SRFilter,      Default  4,   See MvTools MSuper(rfilter=2)

                       MAnalyse args:
        ABlkSize,      Default 16,   See MvTools MAnalyse(BlkSize=8,BlkSizeV=8) [We use same for both].
        AOverLap,      Default  4,   See MvTools MAnalyse(OverLap=0)
        ASearch,       Default  3,   See MvTools MAnalyse(Search=4)
        ADct,          Default  0,   See MvTools MAnalyse(Dct=0). Using other than default value can be VERY slow.

                       MRecalculate args:
        RBlkSize,      Default   8,   See MvTools MRecalculate(BlkSize)
                         NOTE, RBlkSize = 0 Will Switch OFF MRecalculate, probably a bit faster at possible expense of quality.
        ROverlap,      Default   2,   See MvTools MRecalculate(Overlap)
        RthSAD,        Default 100,   See MvTools MRecalculate(thSAD=200)

                       MFlowInter args:
        Iml,           Default 200.0, See MvTools MFlowInter(ml=100.0)
        IBlend,        Default True,  See MvTools MFlowInter(Blend=True). Blend or copy frame at scene change.
        IthSCD1,       Default 400,   See MvTools MFlowInter(thSCD1=400) :  (0 < IthSCD1 <= (8*8)*255)
        IthSCD2,       Default 130,   See MvTools MFlowInter(thSCD1=130) :  (0 < IthSCD1 <= 255)
                       Threshold which sets how many blocks have to change for the frame to be considered as a
                       scene change. It is ranged from 0 to 255, 0 meaning 0 %, 255 meaning 100 %.
                       Default is 130 (which means 51.0%).
                       Used by MvTools2 MFlowInter during interpolation.

        Show,          Default False. Show Interpolated frames.

        Remainder are MvTools Interpolation args, See MvTools.

Function Morpheus(clip c,String Cmd,Bool "Inclusive",
    \ Int "SPad", Int "SSharp", Int "SRFilter",                         [* MSuper          *]
    \ Int "ABlkSize", Int "AOverlap", Int "ASearch",Int "ADct",         [* MAnalyse        *]
    \ Int "RBlkSize", Int "ROverlap", Int "RthSAD",                     [* MRecalculate    *]
    \ Float "Iml", Bool "IBlend", Int "IthSCD1", Int "IthSCD2",         [* MFlowInter      *]
    \ Bool "Show"
    \ ) {
    c   myName="Morpheus: "
    IsAvsPlus=(FindStr(UCase(versionString),"AVISYNTH+")!=0)    HasGScript=RT_FunctionExist("GScript")
    HasGRunt    =RT_FunctionExist("GScriptClip")                HasMvTools=RT_FunctionExist("MSuper")
    HasRemoveGrain=RT_FunctionExist("RemoveGrain")              HasCallCmd  =RT_FunctionExist("CallCmd")
    Assert(IsAvsPlus || HasGScript,RT_String("%sNeed either GScript or AVS+",myName))
    Assert(HasGRunt,RT_String("%sNeed GRunt:-https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=139337 ",myName))
    Assert(HasMVTools,RT_String("%sNeed MvTools2:-http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=131033",myName))
    Assert(HasRemoveGrain,RT_String("%sNeed RemoveGrain",myName))
    Assert(IsYV12||(IsAvs26&&(IsY8||IsYV16||IsYV24)),RT_String("%sOnly Standard v2.6 Planar Supported (excepting YV411)",myname))
    Assert(Cmd!="",String("%sCmd cannot be ''",myName))
    Inclusive = Default(Inclusive,True)
    SPad      = Default(SPad,16)        SSharp  = Default(SSharp,1)         SRFilter= Default(SRFilter,4)
    ABlkSize  = Default(ABlkSize,16)    AOverlap= Default(AOverlap,4)       ASearch = Default(ASearch,3)      ADct   = Default(ADct,0)
    RBlkSize  = Default(RBlkSize,8)     ROverlap= Default(ROverlap,2)       RthSAD  = Default(RthSAD,100)
    Iml       = Default(Iml,200.0)      IBlend  = Default(IBlend,True)      IthSCD1 = Default(IthSCD1,400)    IthSCD2= Default(IthSCD2,130)
    Show      = Default(Show,False)
        Function ChrIsNul(String S)      {return RT_Ord(S)== 0}
        Function ChrIsHash(String S)     {return RT_Ord(S)==35}
        Function ChrIsStar(String S)     {return RT_Ord(S)==42}
        Function ChrIsComma(String S)    {return RT_Ord(S)==44}
        Function ChrIsHyphen(String S)   {return RT_Ord(S)==45}
        Function ChrIsDigit(String S)    {C=RT_Ord(S) return C>=48&&C<=57}
        Function ChrEatWhite(String S)   {i=1 C=RT_Ord(S,i) While(C==32||C>=8&&C<=13)       {i=i+1 C=RT_Ord(S,i)} return i>1?MidStr(S,i):S}
        Function ChrEatDigits(String S)  {i=1 C=RT_Ord(S,i) While(C>=48&&C<=57)             {i=i+1 C=RT_Ord(S,i)} return i>1?MidStr(S,i):S}
        Function Fn@@@(clip c,String DB,Bool Show,String Fmt1,String Fmt2) {
            c    n=current_frame
            if(RT_DBaseGetField(DB,n,0))  {        # Is an Interpolated frame
                Start = RT_DBaseGetField(DB,n,1)   # Start of Interpolated Frames (Inclusive)
                End   = RT_DBaseGetField(DB,n,2)   # End   of Interpolated Frames (Inclusive)
                Count = End - Start + 1            # Count of Interpolated frames in this run
                Index = n-Start                    # Index into Count (0 relative, 0 -> Count-1)
                OFrms=4                            # Max number of frames to use from either side of Interpolated run (Src Frames, before & after)
                LCnt=Start-LS        RCnt=Min(c.FrameCount-1-End,OFrms)
                TmpC = c.Trim(LS,-LCnt) + c.Trim(End+1,-RCnt)  # Src used for interpolation, (with some extra frames[higher quality sometimes])
                FixFrm=LCnt-1                                  # Frame where Interpolated frame will be created
                Pad=SPad@@@ Sharp=SSharp@@@ srfilter=SRFilter@@@ Ablksize=ABlkSize@@@ AOverLap=AOverLap@@@ ASearch=ASearch@@@ ADct=ADct@@@
                bv=Superfilt.MAnalyse(isb=true  ,blksize=Ablksize,overlap=AOverLap,search=ASearch,delta=1,dct=ADct)
                fv=Superfilt.MAnalyse(isb=False ,blksize=Ablksize,overlap=AOverLap,search=ASearch,delta=1,dct=ADct)
                if(RBlkSize>0) {
                    ROverLap=ROverLap@@@ RthSAD=RthSAD@@@
                TmpC.Trim(FixFrm,-1)                           # Interpolated Frame to return
                if(Show)    { RT_Subtitle(Fmt2,n,Index+1,Count) }
            } Else if(Show) { RT_Subtitle(Fmt1,n) }
            Return Last
        if(ChrIsStar(CMD))  {
        } else {
            Assert(Exist(CMD),RT_String("%sCMD File does not exist",myName))
        LINES=RT_TxtQueryLines(CMD)   FC=Framecount
        DB = RT_GetFullPathName("~@@@_"+RT_LocalTimeString+".DB")    RT_DBaseAlloc(DB,FrameCount,"bii")
        for(i=0,LINES-1) {
            if(!S.ChrIsNul && !S.ChrIsHash) {
                if(S.ChrIsDigit) {
                    StartF = S.RT_NumberValue
                    if(S.ChrIsComma) {S=S.MidStr(2).ChrEatWhite}
                    IsNeg = S.ChrIsHyphen
                    if(IsNeg) {S=S.MidStr(2).ChrEatWhite}
                    if(S.ChrIsDigit) {
                        if(IsNeg) {
                            Assert(Inclusive,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d, Exclusive End Frame Cannot be -ve\n%s",myName,i+1,SS))
                    } Else if(!Inclusive) {
                        Assert(False,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d, Exclusive must have End Frame\n%s",myName,i+1,SS))
                    } Else if(IsNeg) { Assert(False,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d,  Expecting End Frame\n%s",myName,i+1,SS)) }
                    Start_I = (Inclusive) ? StartF : StartF+1
                    End_I   = (Inclusive) ? EndF   : EndF-1
                    Assert(Start_I>0,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d, Illegal Start frame\n%s",myName,i+1,SS))
                    Assert(End_I<FC-1,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d, EndFrame(%d)+1 Out Of Clip\n%s",myName,i+1,End_I+1,SS))
                        \ ? Assert(Start_I<=End_I,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d, StartFrame(%d) <= EndFrame(%d)\n%s",myName,i+1,Start_I,End_I,SS))
                        \ : Assert(StartF<EndF-1,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d, None to interpolate, Start(%d)  End(%d)\n%s",myName,i+1,StartF,EndF,SS))
                    for(n=Start_I,End_I) { RT_DBaseSet(DB,n,True,Start_I,End_I) }
                if(!S.ChrIsHash) { Assert(S.ChrIsNul,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d,  *** NON-PARSE ***\n'%s'",myName,i+1,SS)) }

        Global SPad@@@=SPad           Global SSharp@@@=SSharp       Global SRFilter@@@=SRFilter
        Global ABlkSize@@@=ABlkSize   Global AOverLap@@@=AOverLap   Global ASearch@@@=ASearch        Global ADct@@@=ADct
        Global RBlkSize@@@=RBlkSize   Global ROverLap@@@=ROverLap   Global RthSAD@@@=RthSAD
        Global Iml@@@=Iml             Global IBlend@@@=IBlend       Global IthSCD1@@@=IthSCD1        Global IthSCD2@@@=IthSCD2
        Fmt2="%d] I%d/%d"
        ARGS = "DB,Show,Fmt1,Fmt2"
        ScriptLine = "Fn@@@("+ARGS+")"
        Last.GScriptClip(ScriptLine, local=true, args=ARGS)
    GIFunc="MORPHEUS"          # Function Name, Supply unique name for your multi-instance function.
    GIName=GIFunc+"_InstanceNumber"    # Name of the Instance number Global
    RT_IncrGlobal(GIName)              # Increment Instance Global (init to 1 if not already exists)
    GID   = GIFunc + "_" + String(Eval(GIName))
    InstS = RT_StrReplace(FuncS,"@@@","_"+GID)
    # Write Debug GScript File to current directory (line numbers will correspond to error messages)
#   RT_WriteFile("DEBUG_"+GID+".TXT","%s",InstS)
    HasGScript ? GScript(InstS) : Eval(InstS,"GS_EVAL") # Use GSCript if installed (loaded plugs override builtin)
    # if CallCmd available, Auto delete DBase file on clip closure.
    HasCallCmd?CallCmd(close=RT_String("""CMD /C chcp 1252 && del "%s" """,DB), hide=true, Synchronous=7):NOP
    Return Last


INCLUSIVE_CMD="""*  # <<<<==== Asterisk(Star) is first character, ie is a String Command, else is a Filename.
    10 11           # This Is a Comment
    20 -2

EXCLUSIVE_CMD="""* # <<<<==== Asterisk(Star) is first character, ie is a String Command, else is a Filename.
    9 12
    14 16
    19 22

# Select Inclusive or Exclusive CMD depending upon value of INCLUSIVE

SEE POST #50 for better version
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 9th December 2018 at 11:58.
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Old 5th December 2018, 07:34   #43  |  Link
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Wanna give this a whirl.
I'm not sure if I used this correctly, I created a TXT file with just a frame number (138), and called Morpheus("G:\pathname\filename.txt"), apparently it worked (so if I understand this correctly it uses “inclusive” commands by default). The result on the same test frame is better than what I got when first testing FrameSurgeon in January, but for some reason, FrameSurgeon does better now than it did then, and slightly better than Morpheus here (actually it depends which area of the picture is considered, for instance the front of the bike is better with Morpheus); perhaps some of the associated plugins was updated since then, I couldn't say – or perhaps FrameSurgeon itself was improved ? There are still some fuzzy edges, but it's less pronunced, and the general outlines are about right. I'll have to test on a few other problematic frames.

Morpheus :
Name:  138 Morpheus.jpg
Views: 461
Size:  150.4 KB
FrameSurgeon (retried today on the same frame) :
Name:  138 FrameSurgeon.jpg
Views: 470
Size:  154.4 KB

I'm not sure what the "Final" switch is for in FrameSurgeon.
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Old 5th December 2018, 11:52   #44  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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if I understand this correctly

The FINAL Switch in FrameSurgeon, if true then does the edits for real.
Otherwise, it only marks frames to DELETE (they are still there and are marked with a "DUMMY DELETE" type big red subtitle & border).

Below added to first post in Sawbones/FrameSurgeon thread.

When Final=False, Delete commands appear like so (marked for deletion only, only deleted for real when Final=True)
Set FINAL=False when using SawBones.
Reason:- If a frame were deleted for real in FrameSurgeon, then any deletes following that frame would (in sawbones) all be off by 1 frame.
Off by 1 frame thing would not affect non delete edits, as deletes are processed only after all other edits are done.
(SawBones/VirtualDub2, have no idea what Avisynth has deleted before clip was loaded into VirtualDub)
One additional advantage of the Dummy Delete frames is that you can see what will be deleted when FINAL=True.

SawBones/FrameSurgeon:- https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.p...light=sawbones

EDIT: The MvTools type defaults are different in FrameSurgeon and Morpheus (something for you to play with),
Someone said not so long ago that MvTools arg, TrueMotion=False is better on HD clips (but dont remember where it was posted,
nor what if any other tweaks may give better results for HD).
Also, FrameSurgeon calculates interpolation clips before frame serving commences (quicker) whereas Morpheus calcs in real time.
Morpheus real time mode can by concatenating source frames, with some extra source frames (eg 3 frames before first interp
frame, and 3 frames after last interp frame) can produce a better result in some rarer cases according to other people (leastwise I
aint ever been able to see better results yet with my lousy eyes). FrameSurgeon precalc mode cannot do the extra source frames
trick (and never will be able to).

EDIT: I decided not to bother trying to fix the Morph() plug, Jenyok functions sometimes have 'undocumented features', and
tend to be a bit big and cumbersome, and I aint likely to use them. Also, Morph() style method tends to crap out after
something like 70 function calls with system exceptions, reason I did Morpheus() which should easily handle thousands of
interpolation seqs.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 5th December 2018 at 14:07.
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Old 5th December 2018, 15:27   #45  |  Link
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The FINAL Switch in FrameSurgeon, if true then does the edits for real.
Otherwise, it only marks frames to DELETE (they are still there and are marked with a "DUMMY DELETE" type big red subtitle & border).
But... FrameSurgeon is supposed to interpolate frames, not delete them... so I still don't get it...

The MvTools type defaults are different in FrameSurgeon and Morpheus (something for you to play with),
Someone said not so long ago that MvTools arg, TrueMotion=False is better on HD clips (but dont remember where it was posted, nor what if any other tweaks may give better results for HD).
I don't find "TrueMotion" in the current FrameSurgeon.avsi script, should I add it, and where exactly ?

I decided not to bother trying to fix the Morph() plug, Jenyok functions sometimes have 'undocumented features', and
tend to be a bit big and cumbersome, and I aint likely to use them. Also, Morph() style method tends to crap out after
something like 70 function calls with system exceptions, reason I did Morpheus() which should easily handle thousands of
interpolation seqs.
Indeed it's way less stable, that's one of the reasons why I created this very thread (the script would crash with a few dozen calls, and I needed way more than that). But it's still useful as a complimentary function, for some tricky frames that it handles a bit better than FrameSurgeon. In the script I used for the final encoding of the first version of that movie, I made an extensive use of FrameSurgeon (about 4800 calls in the separate "command" file), and also called Morph for 12 frames ; for some frames neither one produced a good result so I left them untouched.
As for its current malfunction, it's most likely related with some problematic plugin or configuration issue on my system, as it used to work as intended. So do you know which plugins it relies on, and if one of them was updated recently, which could have changed the function's behaviour ?
I just compared the current Avisynth+ directory in my system partition with a Macrium Reflect backup made on September 29th, using WinMerge, only the differences are displayed :
Name:  20181205 Avisynth+, comparaison répertoire actuel avec sauvegarde 20180929.png
Views: 460
Size:  130.9 KB
The "Setup Log 2018-10-26 #001.txt" file indicates that "AviSynthPlus-MT-r2728.exe" (included in StaxRip) has been installed on that date. Before that, I most likely had "AviSynthPlus-r1576.exe" installed.

EDIT : Is it normal that all the pictures I uploaded since yesterday are (still) marked “pending approval”, and don't appear where they should ?
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Old 5th December 2018, 16:15   #46  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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But... FrameSurgeon is supposed to interpolate frames, not delete them... so I still don't get it...
A bit more than that.
All SawBones Keyboard commands that are inserted into NotePad command Text file:-

    CTRL/F1             CopyFromPrevious frame to current frame (ie replace source current frame n with source frame n - 1. (CP n)
    CTRL/F2             CopyFromNext frame to current frame (ie replace source current frame n with source frame n + 1. (CN n)

    CTRL/1              Replace current frame with same frame from FX1 clip. (FX1 n)
    CTRL/2              Replace current frame with same frame from FX2 clip. (FX2 n)
    CTRL/3              Replace current frame with same frame from FX3 clip. (FX3 n)
    CTRL/4              Replace current frame with same frame from FX4 clip. (FX4 n)
    CTRL/5              Replace current frame with same frame from FX5 clip. (FX5 n)
    CTRL/6              Replace current frame with same frame from FX6 clip. (FX6 n)
    CTRL/7              Replace current frame with same frame from FX7 clip. (FX7 n)
    CTRL/8              Replace current frame with same frame from FX8 clip. (FX8 n)
    CTRL/9              Replace current frame with same frame from FX9 clip. (FX9 n)

    CTRL/SHIFT/1        Replace range with same range from FX1 clip. (FX1 s,e)
    CTRL/SHIFT/2        Replace range with same range from FX2 clip. (FX2 s,e)
    CTRL/SHIFT/3        Replace range with same range from FX3 clip. (FX3 s,e)
    CTRL/SHIFT/4        Replace range with same range from FX4 clip. (FX4 s,e)
    CTRL/SHIFT/5        Replace range with same range from FX5 clip. (FX5 s,e)
    CTRL/SHIFT/6        Replace range with same range from FX6 clip. (FX6 s,e)
    CTRL/SHIFT/7        Replace range with same range from FX7 clip. (FX7 s,e)
    CTRL/SHIFT/8        Replace range with same range from FX8 clip. (FX8 s,e)
    CTRL/SHIFT/9        Replace range with same range from FX9 clip. (FX9 s,e)

    CTRL/SHIFT/ALT/1    Interpolate current frame n using source n-1 and n+1 as source frames. (I1 n)
    CTRL/SHIFT/ALT/2    Interpolate 2 frames starting at current frame n, using source n-1 and n+2 as source frames. (I2 n)
    CTRL/SHIFT/ALT/3    Interpolate 3 frames starting at current frame n, using source n-1 and n+3 as source frames. (I3 n)
    CTRL/SHIFT/ALT/4    Interpolate 4 frames starting at current frame n, using source n-1 and n+4 as source frames. (I4 n)
    CTRL/SHIFT/ALT/5    Interpolate 5 frames starting at current frame n, using source n-1 and n+5 as source frames. (I5 n)
    CTRL/SHIFT/ALT/6    Interpolate 6 frames starting at current frame n, using source n-1 and n+6 as source frames. (I6 n)
    CTRL/SHIFT/ALT/7    Interpolate 7 frames starting at current frame n, using source n-1 and n+7 as source frames. (I7 n)
    CTRL/SHIFT/ALT/8    Interpolate 8 frames starting at current frame n, using source n-1 and n+8 as source frames. (I8 n)
    CTRL/SHIFT/ALT/9    Interpolate 9 frames starting at current frame n, using source n-1 and n+9 as source frames. (I9 n)

    CTRL SHIFT ALT /    Interpolate Range. Ie in Avisynth Inclusive mode, where range is 100,101 [2 frames] then result = (I2 100)
                        The specified range start and end are the outer bad frames.
                        You can change this key combination used for "Interpolate Range" by changing the ini file item
                        "KEY_InterpolateRange=^+!{/}", to something else, in sequence they are CTRL(^) SHIFT(+), ALT(!) and '/' keys
                        pressed together. The Sawbones.ini file is created upon first use of the executable.

    CTRL/DELETE         Delete current frame. (DEL n) [FrameSurgeon Frame/Range deletes are processed AFTER ALL interpolations/replacements]
    CTRL/SHIFT/DELETE   Delete range (DEL s,e)
                            NOTE. If using below "Save & Refresh" with Avisynth loaded script, then DO NOT USE ANY delete commands
                        within SawBones UNLESS, you call FrameSurgeon with arg "FINAL=FALSE". The FrameSurgeon arg FINAL=FALSE,
                        causes FrameSurgeon to NOT actually delete frames, it will only MARK those frames as being targetted for deletion
                        (the frames will show some kind of DUMMY_DELETE text subtitled onto those frames). If you do not call FrameSurgeon with
                        FINAL=FALSE, then FrameSurgeon will indeed delete the frames, but VDub2/Sawbones will have no idea that
                        it has been done, and further replacements or deletions will be on the WRONG ranges.
                            IMPORTANT:- See also below Save & Refresh command.
EDIT: And the actual commands inserted by SawBones into command file and processed by FrameSurgeon.
    Supported commands In SCmd and Cmd.
                       (where n=frame number, s= range start frame, e=range end frame, d is a digit, '1' to '9', i is a count.
                       NOTE, e range End Frame behaves as in trim eg -20 means 20 frames starting at frame s, e=0 means to last frame):-
        "CP  n"        CopyFromPrevious ie replace source clip c frame n with source clip c frame n - 1.
        "CN  n"        CopyFromNext ie replace source clip c frame n with source clip c frame n + 1.
        "I1  n"        Interpolate 1 frame n (using source frames n-1 and n+1 as Interpolation source frames, (Id commands Planar, YUY2 only).
        "I2  n"        Interpolate 2 frames starting at frame n, (using source frames n-1 and n+2).
        "I3  n"        Interpolate 3 frames starting at frame n, (using source frames n-1 and n+3).
        "I4  n"        Interpolate 4 frames starting at frame n, (using source frames n-1 and n+4).
        "I5  n"        Interpolate 5 frames starting at frame n, (using source frames n-1 and n+5).
        "I6  n"        Interpolate 6 frames starting at frame n, (using source frames n-1 and n+6).
        "I7  n"        Interpolate 7 frames starting at frame n, (using source frames n-1 and n+7).
        "I8  n"        Interpolate 8 frames starting at frame n, (using source frames n-1 and n+8).
        "I9  n"        Interpolate 9 frames starting at frame n, (using source frames n-1 and n+9).
        "I   n"        Interpolate 1 frame n (using source frames n-1 and n+1 as Interpolation source frames.
        "I   s,e"      Interpolate range s to e (max range 9 frames, using source frames s-1 and e+1 as source frames).
        "I   s,-i"     Interpolate frame count i, range s to s+i-1, (i max 9 frames, using source frames s-1 and s+i as source frames).
        "FXd n"        Replace frame n with same frame from FXd clip, eg "FX3 100" replace source frame 100 with same frame from FX3 clip.
        "FXd s,e"      Replace range s to e with same range from FXd clip.
        "FXd s,0"      Replace range s to end of clip with same range from FXd clip.
        "FXd s,-i"     Replace frame count i, range s to s+i-1, with same range from FXd clip.
                       (the hyphen '-' indicates that i is a count rather than the end frame of a range).
        "DEL n"        Delete frame n (Deletes are processed AFTER ALL Interpolations/replacements)
        "DEL s,e"      Delete frames s to e
        "DEL s,0"      Delete frames s to end of clip.
        "DEL s,-i"     Delete frame count i, range s to s+i-1.
        "-n"           Delete frame n
        "-s,e"         Delete frames s to e
        "-s,0"         Delete frames s to end of clip.
        "-s,-i"        Delete frame count i, range s to s+i-1.

        NOTE, FrameSurgeon frame/range deletes have a 1ms linear FadeOut/FadeIn at splices simulating zero crossing, to prevent 'Cracks' in audio.
I don't find "TrueMotion" in the current FrameSurgeon.avsi script, should I add it, and where exactly ?
TrueMotion is an arg to MAnalyse (default True). Maybe I add something.

So far as I remember Morph only uses MvTools2 and builtin stuff. Maybe condition that caused problem was just a script error that occurs in rare circumstance.
(that would be my guess, ie undocumented feature).

JFYI, modding the various mvtools arg options in both FrameSurgeon and Morpheus would also produce different results, thats what they are for,
defaults are not always optimum, nor are they ever always likely to be.
[EDIT: eg, ADct in Morpheus (default 0) is supposed to usually produce better quality if 1, but is much slower (see MvTools docs)]

A Moderator once said that it is a good idea to Report your own post when waiting approval (little red triangle on bottom left of post).

Post #42 Updated.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 5th December 2018 at 17:00.
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Old 5th December 2018, 18:15   #47  |  Link
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A bit more than that.
Oh, alright, I remember seeing that when I first got ahold of it, so it's normal if I don't see any effect with my interpolate-only scripts.

TrueMotion is an arg to MAnalyse (default True). Maybe I add something.
Alright, so it's not as simple as just adding that switch to one particular line in the script ?

JFYI, modding the various mvtools arg options in both FrameSurgeon and Morpheus would also produce different results, thats what they are for,
defaults are not always optimum, nor are they ever always likely to be.
Is there a guide somewhere explaining how to do this in a methodical way, singling out the most effective options, their advantages / drawbacks, in which situations they can help or not ?

So far as I remember Morph only uses MvTools2 and builtin stuff. Maybe condition that caused problem was just a script error that occurs in rare circumstance.
(that would be my guess, ie undocumented feature).
But the commands are the same as they were months ago, now it fails with the same frames it used to process correctly. And the mvtools2.dll is not among those which have been changed in the mean time.
Could it be related with multithreading, since apparently the newly installed version of Avisynth+ is multithreaded ? Can I check that without re-installing the former version, by adding a “threads=1” switch somewhere ? (I already have “threads=1” in the source loading line, and Morph produces the same result with LWLibavVideoSource or FFVideoSource.)
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Old 5th December 2018, 23:25   #48  |  Link
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so it's normal if I don't see any effect with my interpolate-only scripts.
Yes, only deletes when you tell it to (it dont go in for 'jolly japes' [practical jokes, although, maybe I add some ]).

Alright, so it's not as simple as just adding that switch to one particular line in the script ?
I would probably (when I figure out what is best/least worst default) add an optional arg.

Is there a guide somewhere explaining ...
If you find one, let me know. (likely would be a sort of 'if its like this, do that, and if its like the other then do alternative, and if its a bit like both, then do something else').
Experimentation, and hard work is probably best way to understanding, although Zorr has 'Avisynth Optimizer' thread in Avisynth Development forum.

now it fails with the same frames
I know how much I trust my own memory, so forgive me for not being 100% convinced by yours
Only suggestion to re-install old stuff and check, then maybe start thread with concrete and provable and repeatable results.

EDIT: For HD, might wanna try in Morpheus, ABlksize=24(or 32,Default16), and maybe RBlkSize=16.
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StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

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Old 6th December 2018, 19:01   #49  |  Link
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Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
Someone said not so long ago that MvTools arg, TrueMotion=False is better on HD clips (but dont remember where it was posted,
nor what if any other tweaks may give better results for HD).
Twas the adorable Hello_Hello [And Grouch2004, and Didee (but of course they never were quite as adorable)].

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"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???
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Old 6th December 2018, 23:31   #50  |  Link
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New Version Morpheus, added one helluva lot of args, give it a whirl (Incl TrueMotion).

Morpheus.avs v0.02 Part 1 of 2.
    Morpheus() v0.02, Just like you dreamed it to be :)

    Interpolate frames using a Command list of frames in String or in file.

    Req RT_Stats v1.43+, Avs+ or GScript, Grunt, MvTools, RemoveGrain, CallCmd (optional, auto deletes DBase).

    Planar YUV.

    Function Morpheus(clip c,String Cmd,Bool "Inclusive"=True,
        \ Int   "Prefilter"=1,                                                                             [* Prefilter    *]
        \ Int   "SPad"=16,                  Int  "SPel"=2,                      Bool "SChroma"=True,       [* MSuper       *]
        \ Int   "SSharp"=1,                 Int  "SRFilter"=4,                                             [* MSuper       *]
        \ Int   "ABlkSize"=c.Width>1920?32:c.Width>1100?24:c.Width>720?16:8,    Int "ABlkSizeV"=ABlkSize,  [* MAnalyse     *]
        \ Int   "ASearch"=3,                Int  "ASearchParam"=2,              Int "APelSearch"=SPel,     [* MAnalyse     *]
        \ Bool  "AChroma"=SChroma,          Bool "ATrueMotion"=ABlksize<16,                                [* MAnalyse     *]
        \ Int   "AOverlap"=4,               Int  "AOverlapV"=AOverlap,                                     [* MAnalyse     *]
        \ Int   "ADct"=0,                   Bool "ATryMany"=False,                                         [* MAnalyse     *]
        \ Int   "RthSAD"=100,               Int  "RBlkSize"=ABlkSize/4*2,       Int "RBlkSizeV"=RBlkSize,  [* MRecalculate *]
        \ Int   "RSearch"=ASearch,          Int  "RSearchParam"=ASearchParam,                              [* MRecalculate *]
        \ Bool  "RChroma"=AChroma,          Bool "RTrueMotion"=ATrueMotion,                                [* MRecalculate *]
        \ Int   "ROverlap"=RBlkSize>2?2:0,  Int  "ROverlapV"=ROverlap,          Int "RDct"=ADct,           [* MRecalculate *]
        \ Float "Iml"=200.0,                Bool "IBlend"=True,                                            [* MFlowInter   *]
        \ Int   "IthSCD1"=400,              Int  "IthSCD2"=130,                                            [* MFlowInter   *]
        \ Bool  "Show"=False
        \ )


        Cmd,           No default. If first character is Asterisk, then is a command string list, otherwise a command list filename.
                         Commands consist of frame numbers, Frame numbers can be either COMMA(,) or SPACE separated and can be
                           followed by a # comment (one interpolation command per line).
                       If Inclusive == True then commands must be start and end of frames to Interpolate, eg
                           10,11    # Two frames, frame 10 and 11 are to be interpolated using frames 9 and 12 as source.
                           15       # single frame interpolated at frame 15, with src frames 14 and 16.
                           20,-2    # Two frames interpolated at frames 20 and 21 with Src frames 19 and 22.
                       If Inclusive == False (Exclusive) then command frames must be those either side of Interpolated frames ie src frames.
                           9,12    # Two frames, frame 10 and 11 are to be interpolated using frames 9 and 12 as source.
                           14,16   # single frame interpolated at frame 15, with src frames 14 and 16.
                           19,22   # Two frames interpolated at frames 20 and 21 with Src frames 19 and 22.

        Inclusive,     Default True.
                         If True,  Commands specify the start and end frames to interpolate (single start frame allowed).
                         If False, Commands specify the TWO source frames used to create the interpolated frames that lie between them.

                       MvTools2 Args, for Interpolation.
        Prefilter,     Default 1 (0->2). 0=c.Blur(0.6), 1=c.RemoveGrain(22), 2=c.RemoveGrain(1).RemoveGrain(22)
                            Applied to src to produce prefiltered clip for MSuper (avoid noise when getting initial vectors)
                            RemoveGrain(1) = Undot : RemoveGrain(22)~=MedianBlur

                       MSuper args:
        SPad,          Default 16,   See MvTools MSuper(hpad=8,vpad=8) [We use same for both].
        SPel,          Default  2.
        SChroma,       Default True.
        SSharp,        Default  1,   See MvTools MSuper(sharp=2)
        SRFilter,      Default  4,   See MvTools MSuper(rfilter=2)

                       MAnalyse args:
        ABlkSize,      Default c.Width>1920?32:c.Width>1100?24:c.Width>720?16:8,   See MvTools MAnalyse(BlkSize=8).
                         if c.Width>1920 then 32 Else if c.Width>1100 then 24 Else if c.Width>720 then 16 Else 8
        ABlkSizeV,     Default ABlkSize.
        ASearch,       Default 3,        See MvTools MAnalyse(Search=4)
        ASearchParam,  Default 2.
        APelSearch,    Default SPel.
        AChroma,       Default SChroma
        ATrueMotion,   Default ABlksize<16 Then True Else False. See MvTools MAnalyse(truemotion=true)
        AOverLap,      Default 4,       See MvTools MAnalyse(overlap=0)
        AOverLapV,     Default AOverLap.
        ADct,          Default 0,       See MvTools MAnalyse(Dct=0). Using other than default value can be VERY slow.
        ATryMany,      Default False.

                       MRecalculate args:
        RthSAD,        Default 100,                      See MvTools MRecalculate(thSAD=200)
        RBlkSize,      Default ABlkSize/4*2,             See MvTools MRecalculate(blksize)
                         NOTE, RBlkSize = 0 Will Switch OFF MRecalculate, probably a bit faster at possible expense of quality.
        RBlkSizeV,     Default RBlkSize.                 See MvTools MRecalculate(blksizeV)
        RSearch,       Default ASearch.
        RSearchParam,  Default ASearchParam.
        RChroma,       Default AChroma.
        RTrueMotion,   Default ATrueMotion.
        ROverlap,      Default RBlkSize>2?2:0.
        ROverlapV,     Default ROverlap.
        RDct,          Default ADct.

                       MFlowInter args:
        Iml,           Default 200.0, See MvTools MFlowInter(ml=100.0)
        IBlend,        Default True,  See MvTools MFlowInter(Blend=True). Blend or copy frame at scene change.
        IthSCD1,       Default 400,   See MvTools MFlowInter(thSCD1=400) :  (0 < IthSCD1 <= (8*8)*255)
        IthSCD2,       Default 130,   See MvTools MFlowInter(thSCD1=130) :  (0 < IthSCD1 <= 255)
                       Threshold which sets how many blocks have to change for the frame to be considered as a
                       scene change. It is ranged from 0 to 255, 0 meaning 0 %, 255 meaning 100 %.
                       Default is 130 (which means 51.0%).
                       Used by MvTools2 MFlowInter during interpolation.

        Show,          Default False. Show Interpolated frames.

I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 7th December 2018 at 01:25.
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Old 6th December 2018, 23:32   #51  |  Link
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Morpheus.avs v0.02 Part 2 of 2.
Function Morpheus(clip c,String Cmd,Bool "Inclusive",
    \ Int   "Prefilter",                                                                               [* Prefilter       *]
    \ Int   "SPad",     Int  "SPel",         Bool "SChroma",    Int "SSharp",       Int "SRFilter",    [* MSuper          *]
    \ Int   "ABlkSize", Int  "ABlkSizeV",                                                              [* MAnalyse        *]
    \ Int   "ASearch",  Int  "ASearchParam", Int  "APelSearch",                                        [* MAnalyse        *]
    \ Bool  "AChroma",  Bool "ATrueMotion",                                                            [* MAnalyse        *]
    \ Int   "AOverlap", Int  "AOverlapV",                                                              [* MAnalyse        *]
    \ Int   "ADct",     Bool "ATryMany",                                                               [* MAnalyse        *]
    \ Int   "RthSAD",   Int  "RBlkSize",     Int  "RBlkSizeV",                                         [* MRecalculate    *]
    \ Int   "RSearch",  Int  "RSearchParam",                                                           [* MRecalculate    *]
    \ Bool  "RChroma",  Bool "RTrueMotion",                                                            [* MRecalculate    *]
    \ Int   "ROverlap", Int  "ROverlapV",    Int "RDct",                                               [* MRecalculate    *]
    \ Float "Iml",      Bool "IBlend",       Int  "IthSCD1",    Int "IthSCD2",                         [* MFlowInter      *]
    \ Bool  "Show"
    \ ) {
    c   myName="Morpheus: "
    IsAvsPlus=(FindStr(UCase(versionString),"AVISYNTH+")!=0)    HasGScript=RT_FunctionExist("GScript")
    HasGRunt =RT_FunctionExist("GScriptClip")                   HasMvTools=RT_FunctionExist("MSuper")
    HasRemoveGrain=RT_FunctionExist("RemoveGrain")              HasCallCmd  =RT_FunctionExist("CallCmd")
    Assert(IsAvsPlus || HasGScript,RT_String("%sNeed either GScript or AVS+",myName))
    Assert(HasGRunt,RT_String("%sNeed GRunt:-https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=139337 ",myName))
    Assert(HasMVTools,RT_String("%sNeed MvTools2:-http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=131033",myName))
    Assert(HasRemoveGrain,RT_String("%sNeed RemoveGrain",myName))
    Assert(IsYV12||(IsAvs26&&(IsY8||IsYV16||IsYV24)),RT_String("%sOnly Standard v2.6 Planar Supported (excepting YV411)",myname))
    Assert(Cmd!="",String("%sCmd cannot be ''",myName))
    Inclusive = Default(Inclusive,True)
    PreFilter=Default(PreFilter,1)  # 0=Blur(0.6), 1=RemoveGrain(22), 2=RemoveGrain(1).RemoveGrain(22)
    SPad=Default(SPad,16)                      SPel=Default(SPel,2)
    SSharp=Default(SSharp,1)                   SRFilter= Default(SRFilter,4)
    ABlkSize=Default(ABlkSize,c.Width>1920?32:c.Width>1100?24:c.Width>720?16:8)                 ABlkSizeV=Default(ABlkSizeV,ABlkSize)
    ASearch=Default(ASearch,3)                 ASearchParam=Default(ASearchParam,2)             APelSearch=Default(APelSearch,SPel)
    AChroma=Default(AChroma,SChroma)           ATrueMotion=Default(ATrueMotion,ABlksize<16)
    AOverlap=Default(AOverlap,4)               AOverlapV=Default(AOverlapV,AOverlap)
    ADct=Default(ADct,0)                       ATryMany=Default(ATryMany,False)
    RthSAD=Default(RthSAD,100)                 RBlkSize=Default(RBlkSize,ABlkSize/4*2)          RBlkSizeV=Default(RBlkSizeV,RBlkSize)
    RSearch=Default(RSearch,ASearch)           RSearchParam=Default(RSearchParam,ASearchParam)
    RChroma=Default(RChroma,AChroma)           RTrueMotion=Default(RTrueMotion,ATrueMotion)
    ROverlap=Default(ROverlap,RBlkSize>2?2:0)  ROverlapV=Default(ROverlapV,ROverlap)            RDct=Default(RDct,ADct)
    Iml=Default(Iml,200.0)                     IBlend=Default(IBlend,True)
    IthSCD1=Default(IthSCD1,400)               IthSCD2= Default(IthSCD2,130)
        Function ChrIsNul(String S)      {return RT_Ord(S)== 0}
        Function ChrIsHash(String S)     {return RT_Ord(S)==35}
        Function ChrIsStar(String S)     {return RT_Ord(S)==42}
        Function ChrIsComma(String S)    {return RT_Ord(S)==44}
        Function ChrIsHyphen(String S)   {return RT_Ord(S)==45}
        Function ChrIsDigit(String S)    {C=RT_Ord(S) return C>=48&&C<=57}
        Function ChrEatWhite(String S)   {i=1 C=RT_Ord(S,i) While(C==32||C>=8&&C<=13)       {i=i+1 C=RT_Ord(S,i)} return i>1?MidStr(S,i):S}
        Function ChrEatDigits(String S)  {i=1 C=RT_Ord(S,i) While(C>=48&&C<=57)             {i=i+1 C=RT_Ord(S,i)} return i>1?MidStr(S,i):S}
        Function Fn@@@(clip c,String DB,Bool Show,String Fmt1,String Fmt2) {
            c    n=current_frame
            if(RT_DBaseGetField(DB,n,0))  {        # Is an Interpolated frame
                Start = RT_DBaseGetField(DB,n,1)   # Start of Interpolated Frames (Inclusive)
                End   = RT_DBaseGetField(DB,n,2)   # End   of Interpolated Frames (Inclusive)
                Count = End - Start + 1            # Count of Interpolated frames in this run
                Index = n-Start                    # Index into Count (0 relative, 0 -> Count-1)
                OFrms=4                            # Max number of frames to use from either side of Interpolated run (Src Frames, before & after)
                LCnt=Start-LS        RCnt=Min(c.FrameCount-1-End,OFrms)
                TmpC = c.Trim(LS,-LCnt) + c.Trim(End+1,-RCnt)  # Src used for interpolation, (with some extra frames[higher quality sometimes])
                FixFrm=LCnt-1                                  # Frame where Interpolated frame will be created
                SPad=SPad@@@ SPel=SPel@@@ SChroma=SChroma@@@
                SSharp=SSharp@@@ SRfilter=SRFilter@@@
                ABlksize=ABlkSize@@@    ABlksizeV=ABlkSizeV@@@
                ASearch=ASearch@@@      ASearchParam=ASearchParam@@@  APelSearch=APelSearch@@@
                AChroma=AChroma@@@      ATrueMotion=ATrueMotion@@@
                AOverLap=AOverLap@@@    AOverLapV=AOverLapV@@@
                ADct=ADct@@@            ATryMany=ATryMany@@@
                bv=Superfilt.MAnalyse(isb=true ,delta=1,blksize=ABlksize,blksizeV=ABlksizeV,
                    \ search=ASearch,searchParam=ASearchParam,pelSearch=APelSearch,
                    \ chroma=AChroma,trueMotion=ATrueMotion,overlap=AOverLap,overlapV=AOverLapV,dct=ADct,trymany=ATryMany)
                    \ search=ASearch,searchParam=ASearchParam,pelSearch=APelSearch,
                    \ chroma=AChroma,trueMotion=ATrueMotion,overlap=AOverLap,overlapV=AOverLapV,dct=ADct,trymany=ATryMany)
                if(RBlkSize>0) {
                    RthSAD=RthSAD@@@            RBlkSizeV=RBlkSizeV@@@
                    RSearch=RSearch@@@          RSearchParam=RSearchParam@@@   RChroma=RChroma@@@
                    RTrueMotion=RTrueMotion@@@  ROverLap=ROverLap@@@           ROverLapV=ROverLapV@@@    RDct=RDct@@@
                        \   Search=RSearch,searchParam=RSearchParam,chroma=RChroma,truemotion=RTrueMotion,
                        \   overlap=ROverLap,overlapV=ROverLapV,dct=RDct)
                        \   Search=RSearch,searchParam=RSearchParam,chroma=RChroma,truemotion=RTrueMotion,
                        \   overlap=ROverLap,overlapV=ROverLapV,dct=RDct)
                TmpC.Trim(FixFrm,-1)                           # Interpolated Frame to return
                if(Show)    { RT_Subtitle(Fmt2,n,Index+1,Count) }
            } Else if(Show) { RT_Subtitle(Fmt1,n) }
            Return Last
        if(ChrIsStar(CMD))  {
        } else {
            Assert(Exist(CMD),RT_String("%sCMD File does not exist",myName))
        LINES=RT_TxtQueryLines(CMD)   FC=Framecount
        DB = RT_GetFullPathName("~@@@_"+RT_LocalTimeString+".DB")    RT_DBaseAlloc(DB,FrameCount,"bii")
        for(i=0,LINES-1) {
            if(!S.ChrIsNul && !S.ChrIsHash) {
                if(S.ChrIsDigit) {
                    StartF = S.RT_NumberValue
                    if(S.ChrIsComma) {S=S.MidStr(2).ChrEatWhite}
                    IsNeg = S.ChrIsHyphen
                    if(IsNeg) {S=S.MidStr(2).ChrEatWhite}
                    if(S.ChrIsDigit) {
                        if(IsNeg) {
                            Assert(Inclusive,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d, Exclusive End Frame Cannot be -ve\n%s",myName,i+1,SS))
                    } Else if(!Inclusive) {
                        Assert(False,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d, Exclusive must have End Frame\n%s",myName,i+1,SS))
                    } Else if(IsNeg) { Assert(False,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d,  Expecting End Frame\n%s",myName,i+1,SS)) }
                    Start_I = (Inclusive) ? StartF : StartF+1
                    End_I   = (Inclusive) ? EndF   : EndF-1
                    Assert(Start_I>0,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d, Illegal Start frame\n%s",myName,i+1,SS))
                    Assert(End_I<FC-1,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d, EndFrame(%d)+1 Out Of Clip\n%s",myName,i+1,End_I+1,SS))
                        \ ? Assert(Start_I<=End_I,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d, StartFrame(%d) <= EndFrame(%d)\n%s",myName,i+1,Start_I,End_I,SS))
                        \ : Assert(StartF<EndF-1,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d, None to interpolate, Start(%d)  End(%d)\n%s",myName,i+1,StartF,EndF,SS))
                        \ RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d, Adjacent Interpolation\n%s",myName,i+1,SS))
                    for(n=Start_I,End_I) {
                        if(RT_DBaseGetField(DB,n,0)) {
                            if(RT_DBaseGetField(DB,n,1)!=Start_I || RT_DBaseGetField(DB,n,2)!=End_I) {
                                Assert(False,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d, Overlapping Interpolation\n%s",myName,i+1,SS))
                if(!S.ChrIsHash) { Assert(S.ChrIsNul,RT_String("%sCMD: Error@Line_%d,  *** NON-PARSE ***\n'%s'",myName,i+1,SS)) }

        Global PreFilter@@@=PreFilter
        Global SPad@@@=SPad           Global SPel@@@=SPel                   Global SChroma@@@=SChroma
        Global SSharp@@@=SSharp       Global SRFilter@@@=SRFilter
        Global ABlkSize@@@=ABlkSize   Global ABlkSizeV@@@=ABlkSizeV
        Global ASearch@@@=ASearch     Global ASearchParam@@@=ASearchParam   Global APelSearch@@@=APelSearch
        Global AChroma@@@=AChroma     Global ATrueMotion@@@=ATrueMotion
        Global AOverLap@@@=AOverLap   Global AOverLapV@@@=AOverLapV         Global ADct@@@=ADct              Global ATryMany@@@=ATryMany
        Global RthSAD@@@=RthSAD       Global RBlkSize@@@=RBlkSize           Global RBlkSizeV@@@=RBlkSizeV
        Global RSearch@@@=RSearch     Global RSearchParam@@@=RSearchParam
        Global RChroma@@@=RChroma     Global RTrueMotion@@@=RTrueMotion
        Global ROverLap@@@=ROverLap   Global ROverLapV@@@=ROverLapV         Global RDct@@@=RDct
        Global Iml@@@=Iml             Global IBlend@@@=IBlend               Global IthSCD1@@@=IthSCD1        Global IthSCD2@@@=IthSCD2
        Fmt2="%d] I%d/%d"
        ARGS = "DB,Show,Fmt1,Fmt2"
        ScriptLine = "Fn@@@("+ARGS+")"
        Last.GScriptClip(ScriptLine, local=true, args=ARGS)
    GIFunc="MORPHEUS"          # Function Name, Supply unique name for your multi-instance function.
    GIName=GIFunc+"_InstanceNumber"    # Name of the Instance number Global
    RT_IncrGlobal(GIName)              # Increment Instance Global (init to 1 if not already exists)
    GID   = GIFunc + "_" + String(Eval(GIName))
    InstS = RT_StrReplace(FuncS,"@@@","_"+GID)
    # Write Debug GScript File to current directory (line numbers will correspond to error messages)
#   RT_WriteFile("DEBUG_"+GID+".TXT","%s",InstS)
    HasGScript ? GScript(InstS) : Eval(InstS,"GS_EVAL") # Use GSCript if installed (loaded plugs override builtin)
    # if CallCmd available, Auto delete DBase file on clip closure.
    HasCallCmd?CallCmd(close=RT_String("""CMD /C chcp 1252 && del "%s" """,DB), hide=true, Synchronous=7):NOP
    Return Last
EDIT: Added some checking for overlapping commands in BLUE.

#Import(".\Morpheus.avs") # or put in plugins dir


INCLUSIVE_CMD="""*  # <<<<==== Asterisk(Star) is first character, ie is a String Command, else is a Filename.
    10 11           # This Is a Comment
    20 -2

EXCLUSIVE_CMD="""* # <<<<==== Asterisk(Star) is first character, ie is a String Command, else is a Filename.
    9 12
    14 16
    19 22

# Select Inclusive or Exclusive CMD depending upon value of INCLUSIVE

I sometimes post sober.
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"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 10th December 2018 at 16:22. Reason: Update
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Old 10th December 2018, 04:02   #52  |  Link
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I know how much I trust my own memory, so forgive me for not being 100% convinced by yours
Only suggestion to re-install old stuff and check, then maybe start thread with concrete and provable and repeatable results.
Well, I get what you're saying about the general unreliability of memory, but in this case, that statement was based on screenshots I made in January...
And now that I've re-installed Avisynth+ r1576, it works again as intended, as I wrote in the other thread. But I can no longer load an AVS script as input for ffmpeg, it says that Avisynth is too old... And yet strangely on the seemingly official page for Avisynth+, r1576 is presented as the most recent version. Oh well...

If you find one, let me know. (likely would be a sort of 'if its like this, do that, and if its like the other then do alternative, and if its a bit like both, then do something else').
Experimentation, and hard work is probably best way to understanding, although Zorr has 'Avisynth Optimizer' thread in Avisynth Development forum.
Well, I'm quite admirative of the work you collectively accomplish here to create and improve those wonderful little scripts, but I'm currently operating at a much lower level, the task I'm trying to finish is already overwhelming in and of itself, with many, many “moving parts”, I might get completely lost if I begin to try every single combination of parameters with every single script and command and plugin I gather along the way, while reading hundreds of pages of discussions relevant to each one of them, without even having a clear reference as to what can possibly be accomplished and what I should aim for. Sometimes when being completely immersed in some highly complex task it's easy to lose track of what had to be done in the first place, because “a fanatic is one who redoubles his effort when he has forgotten his aim” (George Santayana – quoted by Chuck Jones to describe the behaviour of the Coyote toward the Roadrunner) and “you can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus” (Mark Twain – but I've heard it in the series Dexter, in its second season, when it was actually very good, that was such a long time ago...).

Morpheus.avs v0.02 Part 1 of 2.
Morpheus.avs v0.02 Part 2 of 2.
I've never seen a script in two parts, how are they supposed to be combined ?
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Old 10th December 2018, 16:17   #53  |  Link
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it says that Avisynth is too old
I'm guessin' that r1576 [2014] uses old version 5 header/interface which is not compatible with current v2.60 avs/+, perhaps even crashes (and your ffmpeg probably written for Version 6 interface). Version 6 header/interface came in with avs 2.60 Alpha 4, any avs 2.60 before that should never now be used.

The official avs+ page is owned by Ultim, and he no longer visits, Pinterf (current numero uno) is thinking about opening his own avs+ thread, apparently (dig, dig)

I think that the only person that really understood mvtools usage (excluding original authors) was probably Didee, and he only very rarely visits (maybe in response to some particularly inciting post). I certainly dont fully (or even halfly, quarterly) understand mvtools, is almost a total mystery. Best one can do is read the docs/examples and try to make some sense of it. If anybody ever did write a mvtools 'guide', he would have a monumental task on his hands, methinks.

I've never seen a script in two parts, how are they supposed to be combined ?
Copy & paste should work just fine. (Part 1 is only Documentation enclosed in /* ... */ comments).
EDIT: Comments:- http://avisynth.nl/index.php/The_ful...n_and_Comments
Maximum post size is 16KB in Usage Forum, hence 2 posts [Developer Forum 20KB).
And you would need an Import() in client, will add now.

I certainly dont fully (or even halfly, quarterly) understand mvtools
I'm not sure if I've done below wrong [EDIT: or non optimal], (used MRecalculate on Super clip instead of SuperFilt clip, maybe I do some testing), they would both ways work, but I suspect that the other way may work better.
[ie change the clip below in red to the clip in blue]
                bv=Superfilt.MAnalyse(isb=true ,delta=1,blksize=ABlksize,blksizeV=ABlksizeV,
                    \ search=ASearch,searchParam=ASearchParam,pelSearch=APelSearch,
                    \ chroma=AChroma,trueMotion=ATrueMotion,overlap=AOverLap,overlapV=AOverLapV,dct=ADct,trymany=ATryMany)
                    \ search=ASearch,searchParam=ASearchParam,pelSearch=APelSearch,
                    \ chroma=AChroma,trueMotion=ATrueMotion,overlap=AOverLap,overlapV=AOverLapV,dct=ADct,trymany=ATryMany)
                if(RBlkSize>0) {
                    RthSAD=RthSAD@@@            RBlkSizeV=RBlkSizeV@@@
                    RSearch=RSearch@@@          RSearchParam=RSearchParam@@@   RChroma=RChroma@@@
                    RTrueMotion=RTrueMotion@@@  ROverLap=ROverLap@@@           ROverLapV=ROverLapV@@@    RDct=RDct@@@
                        \   Search=RSearch,searchParam=RSearchParam,chroma=RChroma,truemotion=RTrueMotion,
                        \   overlap=ROverLap,overlapV=ROverLapV,dct=RDct)
                        \   Search=RSearch,searchParam=RSearchParam,chroma=RChroma,truemotion=RTrueMotion,
                        \   overlap=ROverLap,overlapV=ROverLapV,dct=RDct)
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 10th December 2018 at 16:58.
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Old 13th December 2018, 09:49   #54  |  Link
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I'm guessin' that r1576 [2014] uses old version 5 header/interface which is not compatible with current v2.60 avs/+, perhaps even crashes (and your ffmpeg probably written for Version 6 interface). Version 6 header/interface came in with avs 2.60 Alpha 4, any avs 2.60 before that should never now be used.
In the mean time I found this :

The official avs+ page is owned by Ultim, and he no longer visits, Pinterf (current numero uno) is thinking about opening his own avs+ thread, apparently (dig, dig)
As if all this needed to be moar complicated ! é_è

I think that the only person that really understood mvtools usage (excluding original authors) was probably Didee, and he only very rarely visits (maybe in response to some particularly inciting post). I certainly dont fully (or even halfly, quarterly) understand mvtools, is almost a total mystery. Best one can do is read the docs/examples and try to make some sense of it. If anybody ever did write a mvtools 'guide', he would have a monumental task on his hands, methinks.
That's doubly, quadruply humbling ! That Didee seems to be a real virtuoso... It feels like the “legend” from Franz Kafka's The Trial, where a poor dude wants to access the Law, but is blocked at the door by a guard, and the guard tells him that there are other doors guarded by other guards, each of them much more powerful than the one before, and he is himself freaked out by the next one...

Copy & paste should work just fine. (Part 1 is only Documentation enclosed in /* ... */ comments).
Maximum post size is 16KB in Usage Forum, hence 2 posts [Developer Forum 20KB).
Alright... I feel doubly dumb !

And you would need an Import() in client, will add now.
Indeed it doesn't work if the script is simply put in the “plugins” folder.

A quick test...

Base frame :

FrameSurgeon :

Morpheus v1 (v2 seems to produce the same result) :

Morpheus v3 :

Morph :

=> In a case like this, with a “large object” moving quickly, especially laterally and over a non uniform background, Morph usually produces the less ugly result. And for this particular frame (which is only slightly blurred), none of those filters is significantly improving over the original.

By the way :
OK, compiled SawBones for above NotePad2 from http://notepad2.com/
Available from SendSpace below this post, until link expires.
I missed that, and apparently the link has expired, could you please re-upload it if you still have that file lying around ?

Last edited by abolibibelot; 13th December 2018 at 17:16.
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Old 13th December 2018, 18:51   #55  |  Link
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Despite what the StackExchange post said, version 6 Header came in with v2.6 Alpha 4 (not RC1), however it is possible (even likely) that one or two more
changes did occur between those versions (and even since RC1, at least in avs+).

Indeed it doesn't work if the script is simply put in the “plugins” folder.
Yep, sorry, autoload avs scripts in plugin dir should have extension '.avsi'. (something you should watch out for if putting any auto load script there).

the link has expired
I do not have it lying around, deleted after upload, I do not wanna get into doing specials for everybody that dont have system NotePad lying around.
I think that I posted the mods that needed to be done (by you), to get around your self imposed problem.
Are you saying that you cannot run system NotePad at all ? (If so, then I may [when time permits] do it all again for you, but I dont like doing specials).
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 13th December 2018 at 18:53.
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Old 14th December 2018, 01:31   #56  |  Link
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I do not have it lying around, deleted after upload, I do not wanna get into doing specials for everybody that dont have system NotePad lying around.
I think that I posted the mods that needed to be done (by you), to get around your self imposed problem.
Are you saying that you cannot run system NotePad at all ? (If so, then I may [when time permits] do it all again for you, but I dont like doing specials).
No, it does work with system Notepad, as I explained I have to remove a registry key to be able to launch it (otherwise it launches Notepad2, which has been configured to replace the original Notepad), and that's how I used Sawbones when I did the bulk of the work in April/May, that's what I did again earlier today. It's just that it's less convenient; aside from having to tinker with the registry (not a big deal, it's just one key, I saved it before deleting it, I just have to reload the .reg file to recover the former behaviour), a significant drawback is that the native Notepad doesn't indicate if a file has been modified, contrary to Notepad2 which displays the name with a “*” when it hasn't been saved ; another is that the original Notepad has only one “undo” / “redo” level, whereas Notepad2 has A LOT (I've already undone or redone hundreds of edits successfully), which is definitely useful for a task like this. So it's OK if you don't re-compile and re-upload it for me this time, but that may be something beneficial for anybody in need of this already very special tool if you plan a future revision. Or at least provide detailed instructions to re-compile it for an alternative text editor.
For now, if anyone using Notepad2 has the same issue, here's the registry key to save and delete :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe
So I resumed using Sawbones (v. 1.09), and after a few minutes I noticed a similar behaviour to what I experienced a few months ago : the actual commands are fine so far (so it's an improvement over v. 1.04 which I used at first), but there are several errors in the comments as you can see below.
I1  2345  # 2345,2345
I2  2348  # 2348,2349
I1  2351  # 235&,2351
I1  2354  # 2"54,2354
I1  2356  # 2"56,2356
I1  2364  " 2364,2364
I1  2366  " 2366,2366
I2  2373  # 2373,2"74
I1  2377  # 2377,2377
I1  2380  # 2"80,2380
I1  2383  # 23_3,2383
I2  2392  # 2392,23ç3
I1  2397  # 2397,2397
And it's not reproducible : if I use the same keyboard shortcut again right afterward (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+[number]) it's displayed correctly, or it can be erroneous again. Usually the same erroneous character replaces the same correct caracter (for instance a “9” becomes a “ç”, a “3” becomes a “"”, the “#” can also become a “"” as it's on the same key on an AZERTY keyboard).
I1  2418   2418,2418
I1  2418  " 2418,2418
I1  2418  # 2418,2418
It's not a big deal as most commands come out right (and so far only the comments are affected, with v. 1.04 there were no comments and the commands themselves had errors, it caused the script to malfunction, when there were thousands of commands it was quite tricky to track down), but it means that the output has to be verified regularly.

Last edited by abolibibelot; 14th December 2018 at 01:46.
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Old 14th December 2018, 13:36   #57  |  Link
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OK, I've removed the # comments following interpolations, think that there may be a bug in the AutoIt ControlSend() function for raw keys,
the '#' key denotes the Windows Key when sending cooked (special) characters, somehow its mis interpreting the # when raw, and when it should not
change anything at all. Anyway, have removed # chars and following comment frame ranges so we avoid whether bug or not.

Here v1.10, source AutoIt code:- http://www.mediafire.com/file/a9x9h9...wBones.7z/file
You need AutoIt current version, and also best use SciTE editor (find on AutoIt web site downloads along with AutoIt), and make changes near beginning of source.

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under any terms terms you like.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Use at you own risk.

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; SawBones v1.10 by StainlessS ... compiled with AutoIt v3.3.14.5

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>
Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
Global Const $Version		= "SawBones v1.10"
Global Const $APP_NAME      = "SawBones.Exe"
Global Const $APP_INI       = "SawBones.ini"
Global Const $Watching      = "    SawBones is WATCHING    "
Global Const $APPTitle      = "VirtualDub2"                     		 ; VirtualDub2 matches as "VirtualDub2" with traiiling "Build number" on title bar.
Global Const $ScriptTitle   = "VirtualDub2 Script Editor"                ; VirtualDub2 Script Editor Window
Global Const $ScriptControl = "[CLASS:Scintilla; INSTANCE:1]"
Global Const $VdFrameNo     = "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]"                 ; Frame Indicator box (bottom middle of window, just above status line)
Global Const $VDRange       = "[CLASS:msctls_statusbar32; INSTANCE:1]"   ; Frame Range (bottom Left of window, 'Selecting Frames...' when range selected)
; CAN CHANGE below "Notepad" and "Edit" to change editor, use AutoIt Au3Info program to get names (try 1st with NotePad.exe to see how to use it).
Global Const $EdTitle     = "[CLASS:Notepad]"                        ; NotePad Window name.
Global Const $EditControl = "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]"               ; NotePad text editor window control.
; eg for NotePad2, Comment out above two lines and uncomment below two lines (Semi Colon is comment character).
; After changes, in AutoIt SciTE source editor, hit F7 to rebuild executable. (probably the same key in the basic AutoIt included editor).
;Global Const $EdTitle     = "[CLASS:Notepad2]"                      ; NotePad2 Window name.
;Global Const $EditControl = "[CLASS:SysListView32; INSTANCE:1]"	 ; NotePad2 text editor window control.
Make changes (as described in the above code), hit F7 to rebuild.

EDIT: I think it should work ok, dont think I ever did get a response when asking if I had located the correct NotePad2 program that you use.
Just make similar changes to any future versions of Sawbones.
EDIT: Install the 32 bit version of AutoIt (option in installer), I've never tried it on 64 bit, and see no advantage whatsoever in doing so.
Edit Control "[CLASS:SysListView32; INSTANCE:1]" might be specific to 32 bit version and so may not work in x64 AutoIt.
If you do install 64bit, and it dont work, suggest try change to "[CLASS:SysListView64; INSTANCE:1]".
EDIT: Above wrong, might need change to "[CLASS:SysListView64; INSTANCE:1]" if using 64 bit Notepad2, not 64 bit AutoIt.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 14th December 2018 at 21:24.
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Old 15th December 2018, 23:27   #58  |  Link
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Originally Posted by abolibibelot View Post
I might get completely lost if I begin to try every single combination of parameters with every single script and command and plugin I gather along the way, while reading hundreds of pages of discussions relevant to each one of them, without even having a clear reference as to what can possibly be accomplished and what I should aim for.
I can relate to that, that's basically the reason I created AvisynthOptimizer. The idea of the optimizer is that you don't have to figure out anything, just let the computer find the optimal values for each script and source (or even a single frame). I have focused on MVTools because it's
A) incredibly useful in itself and the backbone of many advanced filters
B) very complex with dozens of parameters and therefore hard to understand
C) has the features which make an automatic optimization process possible

If you want to try the optimizer then this is all you need to do:
1) download the package and install it
2) make an "augmented" script where you tell which parameters the optimizer will try to optimize (and you don't need to do this yourself, I can provide an augmented MVTools script ready to go)
3) set the source and choose which frame or frames you want to optimizer to focus on
4) start the optimizer and wait for the results (which you can also inspect visually while the optimization is in progress). Note that this part can take a long time, I am using 50 000 iterations with my optimization tasks and it takes about 3 days per run. If you're in a hurry just set the iterations lower (default is 2000) or even tell how long time optimizer can run (in days, hours, minutes).

The best parameters found by the optimizer you can then use with Morpheus and/or FrameSurgeon as they are both using MVTools.

I'm currently running an MVTools optimization myself but after it's finished (probably tomorrow) I'd like to start another one using some of those difficult frames of yours. I'm interested in finding out how the optimal paramers change with different source videos. Perhaps with enough tests I can start writing the 'MVTools guide' StainlessS mentioned.

It's also possible to reduce the artifacts you're seeing by doing another MVTools pass after the first one using MCompensate (just learned today that Didée suggested the same thing in 2012).

Also forgot to mention that the optimization process needs "good" frames to figure out the optimal parameters, so in this case you should let it focus on frames before and after your bad frame (with similar motion than in the bad frame) and then try to reconstruct the bad frame using the settings found.

Last edited by zorr; 15th December 2018 at 23:40.
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Old 16th December 2018, 00:06   #59  |  Link
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Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
I'm not sure if I've done below wrong [EDIT: or non optimal], (used MRecalculate on Super clip instead of SuperFilt clip, maybe I do some testing), they would both ways work, but I suspect that the other way may work better.
[ie change the clip below in red to the clip in blue]
                bv=Superfilt.MAnalyse(isb=true ,delta=1,blksize=ABlksize,blksizeV=ABlksizeV,
                    \ search=ASearch,searchParam=ASearchParam,pelSearch=APelSearch,
                    \ chroma=AChroma,trueMotion=ATrueMotion,overlap=AOverLap,overlapV=AOverLapV,dct=ADct,trymany=ATryMany)
                    \ search=ASearch,searchParam=ASearchParam,pelSearch=APelSearch,
                    \ chroma=AChroma,trueMotion=ATrueMotion,overlap=AOverLap,overlapV=AOverLapV,dct=ADct,trymany=ATryMany)
                if(RBlkSize>0) {
                    RthSAD=RthSAD@@@            RBlkSizeV=RBlkSizeV@@@
                    RSearch=RSearch@@@          RSearchParam=RSearchParam@@@   RChroma=RChroma@@@
                    RTrueMotion=RTrueMotion@@@  ROverLap=ROverLap@@@           ROverLapV=ROverLapV@@@    RDct=RDct@@@
                        \   Search=RSearch,searchParam=RSearchParam,chroma=RChroma,truemotion=RTrueMotion,
                        \   overlap=ROverLap,overlapV=ROverLapV,dct=RDct)
                        \   Search=RSearch,searchParam=RSearchParam,chroma=RChroma,truemotion=RTrueMotion,
                        \   overlap=ROverLap,overlapV=ROverLapV,dct=RDct)
EDIT: Added line in Green.

Any comment on above Zorr ?
I was gonna test it out when I get the time, but maybe you know already.
If above is correct, and I have done it sub optimal, then I also messed up Precise (MRecalculate) in McDegrainSharp(Precise=true)

EDIT: If my effort was not optimal, then the legendary jm_fps() is similarly non optimal.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 16th December 2018 at 01:40.
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Old 16th December 2018, 02:03   #60  |  Link
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Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
Any comment on above Zorr ?
Yes I have a comment: I don't know.

Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
I was gonna test it out when I get the time, but maybe you know already. If above is correct, and I have done it sub optimal, then I also messed up Precise (MRecalculate) in McDegrainSharp(Precise=true)

EDIT: If my effort was not optimal, then the legendary jm_fps() is similarly non optimal.
Yes I noticed that jm_fps() is using the non-filtered super clip with MRecalculate. The way I used it in my tests so far was using the filtered super clip in both. I have no idea which way works better generally, it's worth finding out. Yippee, more tests to run...
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avisynth, bad frame, interpolate, morph, stabilizer

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