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Old 14th January 2002, 06:31   #1  |  Link
Registered User
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Dallas
Posts: 6
Recurring "program failure"

Strange. VirtualDub 1.4.7 & 1.4.8 both fail when doing a compression test from GKnot. I wiped the VOBs and ripped again with SmartRipper but the problem persists. I tried a different DVD and bingo no problems at all. Any thoughts? Here's the data VirtualDub output for diagnostics:

VirtualDub crash report -- build 13130

77fcb7c0: add [ebx+0a8458903h],cl
77fcb7c6: cmp ebx,eax
77fcb7c8: jz 77fcb7dd
77fcb7ca: lea ecx,[eax-8]
77fcb7cd: mov [ebp-80],ecx
77fcb7d0: mov dx,[ebp-48]
77fcb7d4: cmp dx,[ecx]
77fcb7d7: jbe 77fcb7dd
77fcb7d9: mov eax,[eax]
77fcb7db: jmp 77fcb7c3
77fcb7dd: mov [ebp-96],eax
77fcb7e0: mov edx,[eax+4]
77fcb7e3: mov [ebp-92],edx
77fcb7e6: lea ecx,[esi+8]
77fcb7e9: mov [ecx],eax
77fcb7eb: mov [esi+12],edx
77fcb7ee: mov [edx],ecx
77fcb7f0: mov [eax+4],ecx
77fcb7f3: push esi
77fcb7f4: mov esi,[ebp-52]
77fcb7f7: push esi
77fcb7f8: call 77f82643
77fcb7fd: mov eax,[ebp-48]
77fcb800: add [esi+40],eax
77fcb803: jmp 77fcb778
77fcb808: cmp byte ptr [ebp-44],00
77fcb80c: jz 77fcb81c
77fcb80e: mov eax,[ebp-52]
77fcb811: push dword ptr[eax+0578h]
77fcb817: call 77f82207
77fcb81c: ret
77fcb81d: push ebp
77fcb81e: mov ebp,esp
77fcb820: push ebx
77fcb821: push esi
77fcb822: mov esi,[ebp+12]
77fcb825: mov ebx,[ebp+8]
77fcb828: push edi
77fcb829: mov edi,esi
77fcb82b: movzx eax,[esi+2]
77fcb82f: shl eax,03
77fcb832: sub edi,eax
77fcb834: cmp edi,esi
77fcb836: jz 77fcb842
77fcb838: test byte ptr [edi+5],01
77fcb83c: jz 77fcb982
77fcb842: test byte ptr [esi+5],10
77fcb846: jnz 77fcb857
77fcb848: mov eax,[ebp+16]
77fcb84b: mov eax,[eax]
77fcb84d: test byte ptr [esi+eax*8+5],01 <-- FAULT
77fcb852: lea edi,[esi+eax*8]
77fcb855: jz 77fcb860
77fcb857: mov eax,esi
77fcb859: pop edi
77fcb85a: pop esi
77fcb85b: pop ebx
77fcb85c: pop ebp
77fcb85d: ret 0010
77fcb860: movzx ecx,[edi]
77fcb863: add ecx,eax
77fcb865: cmp ecx,0000fe00
77fcb86b: ja 77fcb857
77fcb86d: cmp byte ptr [ebp+20],00
77fcb871: jnz 77fceb5b
77fcb877: mov al,[edi+5]
77fcb87a: and al,10
77fcb87c: test al,10
77fcb87e: mov [esi+5],al
77fcb881: jnz 77fcb8ca
77fcb883: push edi
77fcb884: push ebx
77fcb885: call 77f8260d
77fcb88a: mov ecx,[edi+12]
77fcb88d: mov eax,[edi+8]
77fcb890: cmp eax,ecx
77fcb892: mov [ecx],eax
77fcb894: mov [eax+4],ecx
77fcb897: jz 77fcb907
77fcb899: mov al,[edi+5]
77fcb89c: test al,04
77fcb89e: jnz 77fcec13
77fcb8a4: movzx ecx,[edi]
77fcb8a7: mov eax,[ebp+16]
77fcb8aa: add [eax],ecx
77fcb8ac: movzx ecx,[edi]
77fcb8af: sub [ebx+40],ecx
77fcb8b2: mov cx,[eax]
77fcb8b5: test byte ptr [esi+5],10
77fcb8b9: mov [esi],cx
77fcb8bc: jnz 77fcb857
77fcb8be: mov ecx,[eax]

Windows 5.0 (Win2000 build 2195) [Service Pack 2]

EAX = 0000ffed
EBX = 00fc0000
ECX = 7ffde000
EDX = 00fc0608
EBP = 0012facc
DS:ESI = 0023:01785f20
ES:EDI = 0023:01785e58
SS:ESP = 0023:0012fac0
CS:EIP = 001b:77fcb84d
FS = 003b
GS = 0000
EFLAGS = 00010246

MM0 = 00ff00ff00ff00ff
MM1 = 00ff00ff00ff00ff
MM2 = 00fe00fe000000fe
MM3 = 00fe00fe000000fe
MM4 = 00ffffff00ffffff
MM5 = 00ff00ff000000ff
MM6 = 0000000000000000
MM7 = 0080008000800080
Crash reason: Access Violation

Thread 000002cc (Main thread)

77fcb84d: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap(0, 0) [77f80000+4b633+21a]
77fcb733: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap(fc0000, 1785f20) [77f80000+4b633+100]
00f99c8c: mpeg2dec!?Copyeven@CMPEG2Decoder@@IAEXPAE0HH@Z(fc0000, 0) [00f80000+182f0+199c]
77e86ab4: KERNEL32!CloseHandle(12fbe0, f9c5ac) [77e80000+6a72+42]
00f98233: mpeg2dec!?Close@CMPEG2Decoder@@QAEXXZ(1785f28, 0) [00f80000+18110+123]
00f854e3: mpeg2dec!??4CMPEG2Decoder@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(fd0020, fd0020) [00f80000+17b0+3d33]
00f853e8: mpeg2dec!??4CMPEG2Decoder@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(907c88, f24481) [00f80000+17b0+3c38]
00f24481: avisynth!00004481(1, f33d0f)
00f33d0f: avisynth!DllCanUnloadNow(907c88, 907c88) [00f20000+e7eb+5524]
00f33cda: avisynth!DllCanUnloadNow(907cf0, f24481) [00f20000+e7eb+54ef]
00f24481: avisynth!00004481(1, f2c5e8)
00f2c5e8: avisynth!CreateScriptEnvironment(907cf0, 907cf0) [00f20000+661b+5fcd]
00f2c5b3: avisynth!CreateScriptEnvironment(907d38, f24481) [00f20000+661b+5f98]
00f24481: avisynth!00004481(1, f33d0f)
00f33d0f: avisynth!DllCanUnloadNow(907d38, 907d38) [00f20000+e7eb+5524]
00f33cda: avisynth!DllCanUnloadNow(0, f24481) [00f20000+e7eb+54ef]
00f24481: avisynth!00004481(1, f25717)
00f25717: avisynth!00005717(9060e8, f)
00f25c5c: avisynth!00005c5c(0, 906080)
00f25c4a: avisynth!00005c4a(906080, f25869)
00f25869: avisynth!00005869(906080, 0)
00f25828: avisynth!00005828(905fe8, f2eb35)
00f2eb35: avisynth!DllCanUnloadNow(1, 905fe8) [00f20000+e7eb+34a]
00f2e9e3: avisynth!DllCanUnloadNow(0, 92fc88) [00f20000+e7eb+1f8]
74875578: AVIFIL32!AVIFileRelease(905fe8, 40e410) [74870000+556e+a]
0040e410: AVIReadHandler::_destruct(905fe8, 0)
0040e4e1: AVIReadHandler::Release(92fbf0, 41459c)
0041459c: InputFileAVI::~InputFileAVI(92fbf0, 92fbf0)
00415bf8: InputFileAVI:special)(133648, 44b0ab)
0044b0ab: CloseAVI(1, 49a0b4)
004514a3: Deinit(92fbdb, 92fbdd)
004519d1: ParseCommandLine(49a0b4, 1337f7)
77e23b70: USER32!EnableMenuItem(92fbdd, 19ca8) [77e10000+13b4a+26]
00451387: Init(1337f7, 6f006a)
00454307: WinMain@16(0, 1337f7)
77db8b63: ADVAPI32!RegQueryValueExA(74, 7ffdebf8) [77db0000+8ab8+ab]
77db8c8a: ADVAPI32!RegQueryValueExA(12feac, 74) [77db0000+8ab8+1d2]
004831ae: _msize(920000, 0)
77db819a: ADVAPI32!RegCloseKey(12feec, 4652dc) [77db0000+8141+59]
004652dc: QueryConfigDword(0, 4c5150)
77f82dc2: ntdll!RtlReleasePebLock(77fcf170, 77e8dc63) [77f80000+2db3+f]
77e8dc63: KERNEL32!GetStartupInfoA(77e8db7e, 6f006a) [77e80000+db2d+136]
77e8db7e: KERNEL32!GetStartupInfoA(6f006a, 0) [77e80000+db2d+51]
0047b502: _onexit(4b2034, 47b50f)
0047b50f: atexit(463eb0, 12fdf8)
0047c7a8: WinMainCRTStartup(400000, 0)
77e97d08: KERNEL32!CreateProcessW(6f006a, 730062) [77e80000+16f60+da8]
00410049: dorow(31007e, 76005c)
00560052: 00560052(5c0000, 490057)
00560052: 00560052(370000, 380036)
00410049: dorow(31007e, 76005c)
775736be: WINMM!PlaySound(48, 12ed2c) [77570000+34e9+1d5]
77e304f7: USER32!UserClientDllInitialize(12f020, 80000000) [77e10000+1fe7e+679]
00430050: levelsDlgProc(20004d, 750061)
775736be: WINMM!PlaySound(48, 12efb4) [77570000+34e9+1d5]
77e88844: KERNEL32!WideCharToMultiByte(134108, 12ee10) [77e80000+874e+f6]
77f829c0: ntdll!NtQueryPerformanceCounter(130000, 130718) [77f80000+28db+e5]
77fcb4b8: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(77fcb4cf, 0) [77f80000+4b10f+3a9]
77fcb4cf: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(0, 138b20) [77f80000+4b10f+3c0]
77f829c0: ntdll!NtQueryPerformanceCounter(130000, 130a48) [77f80000+28db+e5]
77f88425: ntdll!RtlNtStatusToDosError(0, 12efb8) [77f80000+8409+1c]
77db83fd: ADVAPI32!RegCloseKey(0, 77fcbead) [77db0000+8141+2bc]
77fcbead: ntdll!RtlSizeHeap(ffffffff, 130000) [77f80000+4b939+574]
77fcbcdd: ntdll!RtlSizeHeap(130000, 138e48) [77f80000+4b939+3a4]
77fcb385: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(77fcb4b8, 77fcb4cf) [77f80000+4b10f+276]
77fcb4b8: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(77fcb4cf, 0) [77f80000+4b10f+3a9]
77fcb4cf: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(0, 139460) [77f80000+4b10f+3c0]
77fcb5f2: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(77fcb4b8, 77fcb4cf) [77f80000+4b10f+4e3]
77fcb4b8: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(77fcb4cf, 0) [77f80000+4b10f+3a9]
77fcb4cf: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(0, 138cd0) [77f80000+4b10f+3c0]
77db85a6: ADVAPI32!RegQueryValueExW(74, 12efe4) [77db0000+8528+7e]
77db810b: ADVAPI32!IsTokenRestricted(70, 77db8141) [77db0000+7e7c+28f]
77db80d1: ADVAPI32!IsTokenRestricted(12f00c, 77db819a) [77db0000+7e7c+255]
77db819a: ADVAPI32!RegCloseKey(139508, f1eef1ee) [77db0000+8141+59]
00430050: levelsDlgProc(20004d, 6f0043)
775736be: WINMM!PlaySound(139700, f1eef1ee) [77570000+34e9+1d5]
77fcb88a: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap(65, 1) [77f80000+4b633+257]
77fcb81c: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap(230608, 77fcb781) [77f80000+4b633+1e9]
77fcb781: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap(230688, 2) [77f80000+4b633+14e]
77e304f7: USER32!UserClientDllInitialize(12f020, 80000000) [77e10000+1fe7e+679]
00430050: levelsDlgProc(20004d, 750061)
775736be: WINMM!PlaySound(48, 12efb4) [77570000+34e9+1d5]
77e88844: KERNEL32!WideCharToMultiByte(134108, 12ee10) [77e80000+874e+f6]
77f829c0: ntdll!NtQueryPerformanceCounter(130000, 130718) [77f80000+28db+e5]
77fcb4b8: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(77fcb4cf, 0) [77f80000+4b10f+3a9]
77fcb4cf: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(0, 138b20) [77f80000+4b10f+3c0]
77f829c0: ntdll!NtQueryPerformanceCounter(130000, 130a48) [77f80000+28db+e5]
77f88425: ntdll!RtlNtStatusToDosError(0, 12efb8) [77f80000+8409+1c]
77db83fd: ADVAPI32!RegCloseKey(0, 77fcbead) [77db0000+8141+2bc]
77fcbead: ntdll!RtlSizeHeap(ffffffff, 130000) [77f80000+4b939+574]
77fcbcdd: ntdll!RtlSizeHeap(130000, 138e48) [77f80000+4b939+3a4]
77fcb385: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(77fcb4b8, 77fcb4cf) [77f80000+4b10f+276]
77fcb4b8: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(77fcb4cf, 0) [77f80000+4b10f+3a9]
77fcb4cf: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(0, 138cd0) [77f80000+4b10f+3c0]
77fcb5f2: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(77fcb4b8, 77fcb4cf) [77f80000+4b10f+4e3]
77fcb4b8: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(77fcb4cf, 0) [77f80000+4b10f+3a9]
77fcb4cf: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap(0, 138cd0) [77f80000+4b10f+3c0]
77db85a6: ADVAPI32!RegQueryValueExW(74, 12efe4) [77db0000+8528+7e]
77db810b: ADVAPI32!IsTokenRestricted(70, 77db8141) [77db0000+7e7c+28f]
77db80d1: ADVAPI32!IsTokenRestricted(12f00c, 77db819a) [77db0000+7e7c+255]

-- End of report
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Old 26th January 2002, 00:31   #2  |  Link
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 13
What in the hell is GKnot stuff? Which movie was it?
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