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Old 1st March 2002, 20:27   #1  |  Link
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IfoEdit Q&A

Shortly here you'll find Q&A for IfoEdit usage.

1# Q: What for do I need IfoEdit?

You will need to use IfoEdit, if you want to have DVD backups, that should be playable in a settop player. Especialy if you want to strip something away, IfoEdit is a must.

2# Q: Missing file - imglib.dll - ?

No longer needed, if you download v0.96

3# Q: can I burn the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS directly to NERO without creating an image ?

Of course you can. Use my Nero-burning guide for that:

It's just, some ppl descover problems with start-sectors when burning it with a burning tool like Nero. They should use then the image tool in IfoEdit.

4# Q: "DVD Warning: An illegal navigation command was encountered".

Great! That's exactly why I have implemented this DVD Player into IfoEdit.
With this message, you will now know, that this DVD-R won't work in a settop player, cause you forgot to copy some needed files.
Maybe a Menu VOB, maybe a title set.

So you won't be burning a coaster.
Check out this guide, how to find out, what files you will be needing to make your DVD-R playable:

5# Q: "Green and fuzzy subtitles after creating new IFO files".

In that case the color values in the PGC in table VTS_PGCITI are set to zero.

But they should look like this:
[000000a5] Color 0 Y Cr CB 40 109 240 [28 6d f0 ]
[000000a9] Color 1 Y Cr CB 81 240 90 [51 f0 5a ]
[000000ad] Color 2 Y Cr CB 16 128 128 [10 80 80 ]
[000000b1] Color 3 Y Cr CB 234 128 128 [ea 80 80 ]
[000000b5] Color 4 Y Cr CB 58 143 149 [3a 8f 95 ]
[000000b9] Color 5 Y Cr CB 72 116 169 [48 74 a9 ]
[000000bd] Color 6 Y Cr CB 210 146 16 [d2 92 10 ]
[000000c1] Color 7 Y Cr CB 91 73 146 [5b 49 92 ]
[000000c5] Color 8 Y Cr CB 95 156 168 [5f 9c a8 ]
[000000c9] Color 9 Y Cr CB 209 128 128 [d1 80 80 ]
[000000cd] Color 10 Y Cr CB 48 182 109 [30 b6 6d ]
[000000d1] Color 11 Y Cr CB 79 81 91 [4f 51 5b ]
[000000d5] Color 12 Y Cr CB 28 119 182 [1c 77 b6 ]
[000000d9] Color 13 Y Cr CB 97 207 207 [61 cf cf ]
[000000dd] Color 14 Y Cr CB 136 179 58 [88 b3 3a ]
[000000e1] Color 15 Y Cr CB 217 128 127 [d9 80 7f ]

But there are no default values existing, that match with each DVD.
So to get the right colors for your sub-titles you need to copy the corect values of the original IFO file, to your new IfoEdit'ed IFO file.

6# Q: how to keep menu's ?


7# Q: When I press DVD Play I get "cannot get the ivideowindow interface. Sorry, can't play dvd-video titles", what should I do?
A: The interface is not required, you can safely ignore this message. Just don't dismiss it (don't click "OK") and press DVD play again.

8# Q: How to set "custom" vob size in Vob extras ?

A: The custom filesize must be set manualy in IfoEdit.ini :



Where as the number must be given in LBAs (Bytes/2048)

So in that case
332800 will be 650MB
and 358400 -> 700MB

9# Q: INTERNAL ERROR: Additional data required but no
free space in input buffer. ?

A: You probably used TmpegEnc to produce the video stream and forgot to set the options on the 'GOP structure'-tab:
- 'Output interval of sequence header'
- 'MAX number of frames in a GOP'

You must set the output interval to '1' instead of '0',
and for the MAX number of frames specify 15 for PAL and 12 for NTSC.

Last edited by Derrow; 31st January 2004 at 01:37.
Derrow is offline  
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