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Old 4th August 2012, 16:15   #41  |  Link
Dmitry Vergheles
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SolveigMM Video Splitter WEBM Frame Accurate trimming test.

Version 3. 3. 1207. 18.

a source file - H:\-WEBM_FILES\Служебный роман 1 серия.webm.
the full version - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmylNwnR9qQ

it can be downloaded as WebM by this direct link

trim bounds from 00:09:32;07 to 00:10:52;16 to keep

Result -http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=367987373271881
Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia - Video Editing Software

Last edited by Dmitry Vergheles; 4th August 2012 at 17:25.
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Old 24th September 2012, 11:58   #42  |  Link
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Greets, been using your splitter for a while now. Currently using 3.2.1208.20 available from your website. One thing really annoys me is that whenever I open a file with it the gui resizes itself often so large that the control buttons on the bottom disappear off the visible area of my monitor so I have to keep resizing the gui. Could you fix it so that if I resize the gui once that it doesn't keep resizing itself whenever I open a file with it? That would be great... cheers
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Old 13th November 2012, 17:32   #43  |  Link
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any discount?... christmas day?... halloween?...
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Old 17th November 2012, 23:23   #44  |  Link
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Does this app support MPEG4-ASP? And if not, will it do so in the future?


Nevermind. I found the info on the website.
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Curly: Burned at the stake!

Moe: Why?

Curly: A hot steak is always better than a cold chop.

Last edited by Revgen; 18th November 2012 at 01:32.
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Old 19th November 2012, 05:34   #45  |  Link
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Any VideoRedo users out there. How is this product compare to VideoRedo for frame accurate editing of 1080p and 1080i NTSC sources?

Last I checked VideoRedo was not as frame accurate as expected, but the authors explain its a technical limitation of H.264 codecs encoding.
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Old 7th December 2012, 18:50   #46  |  Link
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Hi Guys, sory for radio silence )

Originally Posted by fantasmanegro View Post
any discount?... christmas day?... halloween?...
Hi fantasmanegro, sure, keep an eye on web-site news

Originally Posted by Revgen View Post
Does this app support MPEG4-ASP? And if not, will it do so in the future?


Nevermind. I found the info on the website.
Hope you find that the Splitter supports it, is it realy does

Originally Posted by jfcarbel View Post
Any VideoRedo users out there. How is this product compare to VideoRedo for frame accurate editing of 1080p and 1080i NTSC sources?

Last I checked VideoRedo was not as frame accurate as expected, but the authors explain its a technical limitation of H.264 codecs encoding.
Sorry, I'm not their user, can't say anything But we definetely beat them in a number of supported formats.

Ours - WEMB, AVCHD, MOV, MP4, WMV/ASF, MKV, MPEG2, MPEG-1, AVI and audio WAV, MP3, WMA

FLV is coming.
Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia - Video Editing Software

Last edited by Dmitry Vergheles; 7th December 2012 at 18:56.
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Old 24th March 2013, 07:14   #47  |  Link
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Ist there any way to change the behaviour of the "smart mode"? Because when cutting AVC material (HD-DVB-records, maybe with some errors) I get videos that stutter with certain video-codecs. VLC for example doesn't like some of them, MPC-HC with external ffdshow, too. But internal MPC-HC decoder works just fine, as does MPC-HC with external LAV. Without "smart mode" everything is just fine. And the source files play fine in every one of these.
May that be related to the Elecard codec? It was mentioned earlier in this thread as being used for "smart mode". (Which btw can't be turned of permanently.)
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Old 25th March 2013, 05:36   #48  |  Link
Stanislav Mikhailenko
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Originally Posted by andybkma View Post
Ah, thank you. That works much better now

Am curious to know if you plan to add .flv support in the near future? Any .flv file I try gives me error "source file is not supported or damaged". If you added support for this type of file that would then make your lossless splitter the most complete and excellent in the marketplace...
You could try recent SolveigMM_Video_Splitter_3_7_Beta It has FLV files support.

Originally Posted by andybkma View Post
Edit: Did have problems testing with MPEG-1 files (tried more than one). The little window "now splitting the sequence..." would often hang around 20%-50% and would not finish splitting the file. Thankfully I hardly ever need to losslessly split mpeg-1 files anymore but I thought I would report this problem just the same...
Could you upload the file as an example + intervals you have selected. You can write directly to SolveigMM technical support team
Solveig Multimedia - Video Editing Software
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Old 25th March 2013, 05:45   #49  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Schattenspieler View Post
Ist there any way to change the behaviour of the "smart mode"? Because when cutting AVC material (HD-DVB-records, maybe with some errors) I get videos that stutter with certain video-codecs. VLC for example doesn't like some of them, MPC-HC with external ffdshow, too. But internal MPC-HC decoder works just fine, as does MPC-HC with external LAV. Without "smart mode" everything is just fine. And the source files play fine in every one of these.
May that be related to the Elecard codec? It was mentioned earlier in this thread as being used for "smart mode". (Which btw can't be turned of permanently.)
Hello Schattenspieler, Could you upload gop accuracy trimmed part of such file as an example to reproduce the problem?

BTW: You can contact solveigmm support team directly.
Solveig Multimedia - Video Editing Software
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Old 26th March 2013, 10:21   #50  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Dmitry Vergheles View Post
Well probably we should claim that as a feature. We would appretiate if you try that with such a file, and upload us such a sample. We've tested mostly vfr with Windows media - as screen codec always produce such a video.
Better test late than never.

I tested with some VFR MP4 files (h264,aac) and mostly works fine.

However, I noticed one serious problem with Win7 home premium: Runtime errors with splitting/trimming almost every h264+aac files I've tried with. Using compatibility mode for XPSP3 mostly solves this.
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Old 26th March 2013, 11:17   #51  |  Link
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I should have added: or I get to see only the first frames of a video and then i stays that way, although the audio plays just fine on these vids.
I encoded a video, that was processed two ways, before encoding: clean cut (smart mode) and rough cut (no smart mode). Then cut it afterwars without smart mode to post samples here (should be correct like that, right?):

(posted here because the elecard codec was mentioned here. personally I dislike that codec)
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Old 1st May 2013, 11:28   #52  |  Link
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We are pleased to to announce that SolveigMM Video Editing SDK gets free for development. Now it’s available with full technical documentation and headers to compile SDK samples. Technical support and deployment licensing remain fee based. Video Editing SDK offers COM Engine and DirectShow components for smart editing, multiplexing, de-multiplexing most of existing media and formats like FLV, HTML-5 / WEBM, H.264 / AVC etc.

more info at http://www.solveigmm.com/en/products/video-editing-sdk/

The best product to demonstrate the SDK abilities is SolveigMM Video Splitter - http://www.solveigmm.com/en/products/video-editing-sdk/
Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia - Video Editing Software
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Old 24th October 2013, 12:25   #53  |  Link
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Hello our valuable beta testers,

Splitter 4.0 is on the way and again we need your help:

Any feedback is welcomed

The main new features of Video Splitter 4 are:

- The support of the file format - FLV. The editing with frame accuracy for AVC codec, with K-frame accuracy for other codecs
- The editing of AVI files with frame accuracy
- Slicing files into parts of a given duration, size, or into specified number of parts.
- Saving of metadata for MP4 files

Additional minor features:

- The ability to keep project settings (intervals, selected streams).
- The ability to clear the recent files history and ability to disable saving the recent files history
- The ability to configure destination directory for output files
- Ability to adjust playback settings (selecting video renderer)
- Text color settings for message boxes and information panel
Dmitry Vergeles
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Old 5th February 2014, 15:26   #54  |  Link
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Just tried out the demo version of Video Splitter 4 ( with a raw HDV 25p clip (m2t remuxed to mpg).

Made some random cuts and excised several of the 'fragments'. On playback (MPC-HC, VLC) the render flashed black and jumped at every splice point. Couldn't do any further tests as the number of 'operations' in the demo (once I'd figured how to use it) was limited to 5 (I think).

Tried the same thing with a 15-day trial of Pegasys (TMPGenc) Smart Renderer 4 (trial version puts a watermark on re-encoded frames). Perfect result every time and was able to go on to test other input (raw AVCHD/Mp4/MOV clips from - Pana TM900, Canon HF G10, Lumix DMC-G6 and crummy iPhone) and output formats. No problems. Possible to use mixed input formats and edit/render to master clip format, with good results. Very impressive. Only criticism is that is not possible to edit multiple clips on a single timeline view (same as it's predecessor MPEG Editor 3) and the number of edit effects is fairly limited....although adequate for basic editing (titles, transitions).

SolveigMM Video Splitter 4 - $49.95 - license for 1 PC
TMPGenc Smart Renderer 4 - $69.95 (upgrade $43.95) - license not PC limited.

Seriously, why would I buy your product?
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Last edited by WorBry; 5th February 2014 at 15:46.
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Old 18th December 2014, 18:43   #55  |  Link
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Would be useful to know the exact number of frames trimmed out

This to syncronize subtitles, easyer to edit in frame mode.
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Old 22nd March 2015, 11:10   #56  |  Link
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Hello to all!

Great news from Solveig Multimedia!

This month we unveil the new version 5 of Video Splitter – the best-in-class editor of compressed video streams.

Version 5 offers support of playback and editing of multiple embedded and external subtitle streams. Support of embedded subtitles in UTF8, ASS, SSA formats is available for MKV, WEBM, AVI files and support of external subtitles in ASS, SRT, GAB2 formats is available for MKV, WEBM, MP4, AVI files.

Besides, Video Splitter now makes it possible to trim and join files with multiple audio streams for MKV, WEBM, MP4 and AVI files. The editor also has some improvements in its interface – new features for convenient fragment selection were included and dragging timeline when zoomed with mouse middle button.

Customers who purchased Video Splitter version 4 between November 17, 2014 and March 17, 2015 receive a free upgrade to 5.x version.

Customers who purchased Video Splitter prior to November 17, 2014 receive a 50% discount when upgrading to version 5.x.

Here are the highlights:
  • Support of embedded subtitles in UTF8, ASS, SSA formats. Playback and editing for multiple subtitle streams. The feature is available for MKV, WEBM, AVI files
    Support of external subtitles in ASS/SRT, GAB2 formats. Playback and editing for multiple subtitle streams. The feature is available for MKV, WEBM, MP4, AVI files
    Support of multiple audio streams while trimming and joining for MKV, WEBM, MP4, AVI files.

Additional features include:
  • Two intelligent modes for markers workflow: "Add Marker + Invert Fragment" and "Cut Out Previous Fragment" buttons to simplify cutting out of specified fragments
    Dialog for selecting streams to preview and edit
    Dragging timeline when zoomed – with mouse middle button
    Option for setting default trimming accuracy
    Hotkey Ctrl+W for Close File command
    Display of XTL batch file name in batch processing progress

Find more information about the new version in the press release.

Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia - Video Editing Software
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Old 24th March 2015, 05:26   #57  |  Link
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I previously tested version 4 of your Video Splitter and was interested to see what improvements have been made in version 5:

Originally Posted by WorBry View Post
Just tried out the demo version of Video Splitter 4 ( with a raw HDV 25p clip (m2t remuxed to mpg).

Made some random cuts and excised several of the 'fragments'. On playback (MPC-HC, VLC) the render flashed black and jumped at every splice point. Couldn't do any further tests as the number of 'operations' in the demo (once I'd figured how to use it) was limited to 5 (I think).

Tried the same thing with a 15-day trial of Pegasys (TMPGenc) Smart Renderer 4 (trial version puts a watermark on re-encoded frames). Perfect result every time and was able to go on to test other input (raw AVCHD/Mp4/MOV clips from - Pana TM900, Canon HF G10, Lumix DMC-G6 and crummy iPhone) and output formats. No problems. Possible to use mixed input formats and edit/render to master clip format, with good results. Very impressive. Only criticism is that is not possible to edit multiple clips on a single timeline view (same as it's predecessor MPEG Editor 3) and the number of edit effects is fairly limited....although adequate for basic editing (titles, transitions).

SolveigMM Video Splitter 4 - $49.95 - license for 1 PC
TMPGenc Smart Renderer 4 - $69.95 (upgrade $43.95) - license not PC limited.

Seriously, why would I buy your product?
Firstly, I am glad to see that you now provide a 21 day trial period with the demo (unlicensed) version, instead of limiting it to '5 operations' as you did with version 4. As such, I have been able to properly evaluate the product (the Home Edition, that is), for my needs.

I've just run a few tests with some native AVCHD sample clips from several Panasonic and Canon camcorders, including my own Canon Vixia HF-G10, and have the following comments:

1. The native MTS clips from the Panasonic camcorders/cameras (TM700, TM900, Lumix G6) all loaded OK (albeit slowly), but none of the MTS clips from the Canon models (HF-G10, HF-G30, HF-S20) would load. The cursor just spins (as pending) and goes into a blanked out "program not responding phase. Eventually (if you wait long enough) GUI Preview/Control view does return, but only the audio is loaded. Appears that the video stream never reaches the file indexing stage. After conversion to MP4 or MKV, the clips open OK, and quite fast, but that's not something I'd want to do routinely. So why the issue with the Canon MTS files?

2. That said, I am very impressed with the quality of the 'frame-accurate' trimming. Ran a number of tests with 1080/60i, 60p and 30PF (and some 1080/50p) clips, making random cut-excisions. The produced (selected) 'fragments' all played perfectly. Examining closely I could not tell which frames had been re-encoded and when I analyzed the streams with Elecard's StreamEye (demo version) the repeating GOP sequence looked no different from a source clip. Now that I find very encouraging.

Although in my last post I enthused about the Pegasys (TMPGenc) Smart Renderer 4, when I came to look more closely at the frames it re-encoded at the excision points (and on either side of splice points) they were visibly lower quality. Analysis with StreamEye confirmed that these frames were encoded at a lower bitrate than the source and with a different GOP pattern. Pegasys states that it uses x264, but it is not clear what encoding parameters it uses for these GOP 'repairs' - except that it reports the bitrate control mode of the source MTS clips as VBV and encodes VBR by default.

Looking at the Smart Mode Settings (under Preferences) in Video Splitter, where it seems to list all of the video codecs on my PC, it shows Elecard AVC Decoder (Custom) and Encoder (Custom) as the 'chosen' codecs for processing these MTS clips. Is it reasonable to assume that these came from the Elecard StreamEye program on my PC and not the Video Splitter package itself, and on what basis does it make that codec choice?

3. What disappoints me is that in order to join the produced 'fragments' you have to go into a separate tool (Join Manager) and load the fragments again. Surely it would be possible to give the option to cut/excise and re-join in one operation from the Control Panel (timeline)?

If you could sort that, and the issue with loading Canon MTS files, I might be interested in using your product for preliminary trimming.

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Last edited by WorBry; 24th March 2015 at 12:53.
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Old 25th March 2015, 17:33   #58  |  Link
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Originally Posted by WorBry View Post
Is it reasonable to assume that these came from the Elecard StreamEye program on my PC and not the Video Splitter package itself, and on what basis does it make that codec choice?
Might seem reasonable, but ain't correct: The Elecard Codecs are installed by SolveigMM Video Splitter and thus set as default. At least that was the modus operandi with earlier versions and I have the codec, too, but never (knowingly) installed any Elecard products, as I made poor experiences with those a bunch of years ago.

Originally Posted by WorBry View Post
3. What disappoints me is that in order to join the produced 'fragments' you have to go into a separate tool (Join Manager) and load the fragments again. Surely it would be possible to give the option to cut/excise and re-join in one operation from the Control Panel (timeline)?
If you're cutting and joining fragments of the same source, you could just use the "trim" button. Then all fragments marked "cut …" will be cut out. Or did I get you wrong?
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Old 26th March 2015, 03:00   #59  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Schattenspieler View Post
Might seem reasonable, but ain't correct: The Elecard Codecs are installed by SolveigMM Video Splitter and thus set as default. At least that was the modus operandi with earlier versions and I have the codec, too, but never (knowingly) installed any Elecard products, as I made poor experiences with those a bunch of years ago.
Guess I could prove that to myself my uninstalling Stream Eye, but it was just a point of interest and I'll take your word for it.

Edit: I see the Comapany Overview on SolveigMM's website states that "SolveigMM has been a unit of the Elecard Group since its founding" and the Elecard website confirms that; so that explains it.

All I can say is that using the (Custom) Elecard codecs for 'frame-accurate' trimming of my test AVCHD clips, Video Splitter does produce the desired results.

Originally Posted by Schattenspieler View Post
If you're cutting and joining fragments of the same source, you could just use the "trim" button. Then all fragments marked "cut …" will be cut out. Or did I get you wrong?
No you got me right and you're right - thanks a lot. I was using the function (button next to Trim) that gives the option to save "all fragments" and then the option to exclude those segments not selected ("marked as cut off") which naturally saved the selected fragments as separate files. Using Trim, the selected fragments are joined together.

OK, so that's resolved. Just leaves the issue of not being able to load native MTS clips from my Canon HF-G10.
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Last edited by WorBry; 26th March 2015 at 03:18.
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Old 27th March 2015, 01:03   #60  |  Link
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Always happy to help!
Originally Posted by WorBry View Post
… that "SolveigMM has been a unit of the Elecard Group since its founding" …
Well, I certainly didn't know that, but it explains the choice of codec, obviously. The results are really good and accurate. I've got to give credit to that!

I don't really know any more, what exactly the problem was with Elecard at the time. Maybe it was smt. about the MPEG2 decoder. Anyway, something back then didn't quite work the way I expected it to (for an extended period). I guess, things do change - luckily.

Saving all fragments, exluding those selected to cut out, is handy for example if you recorded a TV show, including introductory and closing remarks and now want to save those as seperate files, mabye later adding a playlist or something.

Now that I think about it … mkv has the abilty to include chapters. Maybe I'll look into that on the weekends.

Those Canon MTS issues will be solved. Bugs usually get fixed soon. You might want to register at the … ah, did it already, hu? http://www.solveigmm.com/forum/index.php?topic=4837.0

But now I've got to get the demo and try editing files with subs. Have been waitin for that feature for some time now.
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