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Old 11th October 2011, 08:41   #10066  |  Link
3 eyed CRT supporter
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Or-strayl-ya
Posts: 563
Thanks for the patterns 6233638. They are exactly what is needed.

And yes, streaking is phosphor trailing. The NEC with a push-pull neckboard is more prone to it, particularly with a low end gamma bump. Earlier single amp neckboards are basically immune. And a Sony 1292 is completely riddled with streaking, there is a fix for it now, but a 1292 is too old and noisy even for me.

I'm pretty happy with my black level. The G2 is set correctly (by me, no trivial task on a NEC), after that it is just a matter of picking your compromises.

And one thing, in my experience, CRT monitors can be pretty linear. But CRT projectors are not, particularly NECs. Blue hump, for instance. Still, the image is very nice, and while I would now swap it for a digital, I wouldn't have until very recently (even then only a LCOS/SXRD....if only the affordable ones would do BLACK a bit better!)

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