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Old 29th April 2015, 22:01   #16  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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LocateFrame.avs Part 1 of 2 (DBase usage added)
Function LocateFrames(clip c,clip f,float "Thresh",float "Thresh2",int "Start",int "Stop",bool "XP", Bool "Chroma", \
      Float "ChromaWeight",String "Prefix",bool "Debug",String "DB") {
# LocateFrames() v1.10 by StainlessS:
# Find frames in c clip that are best matched to frames in f clip.
# v1.10 Planar, YUY2, RGB24/32. Previously YV12 only.
# Returns either a result string (old method) or if given a string DB arg, creates RT_Stats DB DataBase file, and returns number of records, Int.
# ##################################
# Based on FindFrame() (c) Gavino.
# Required: GScript    (c) Gavino:
# Required: RT_Stats (c) StainlessS:
# Recommended FrameSel (c) StainlessS:
# Recommended DebugView utility to view and capture output:
# MatchFrames  THREAD:       
# LocateFrames POST:         
# ##################################
# Args:
# c       = clip, Source clip.
# f       = clip, Consisting of frames that you wish to find in the c clip.
# Thresh  = float[0.0 == Search for 1st exact match or best possible if no exact match found]. Threshold for declaring match (diff <= Thresh).
#           Range 0.0 -> 255.0.
# Thresh2 = float[0.0 == NOT time ordered]. Both a 'time ordered' indicator and a threshold.
#           If (Thresh < Thresh2) Then clip f is taken as time ordered (in c), ie frames in both f and c clips are temporally ordered.
#           If f clip is known to be time ordered (in c), this arg can significantly cut down on the time taken to search for frames.
#           Assuming time ordered f clip (Thresh < Thresh2),
#               If a match found where diff of find to found frame <= Thresh,
#                    Next frame search will start from found frame + 1.
#               Else if diff of find to Full Scan BEST found frame < Thresh2
#                    Next frame search will start from BEST found frame + 1.
#               Else
#                    Next frame search will start from current start position.
#               End if
#               *** Where above 'Full Scan' means scan from current start postion to the last valid search frame.
# Start   = int[0, == First frame of clip], Start frame to search from (eg Skip introduction).
# Stop    = int[0, == Last frame of clip + 1], Frame prior to which, c clip is searched (Exclusive). (eg Skip end credits).
# XP      = bool[true == Extra Paranoid] Main purpose of XP is so that you can use Thresh > 0.0 even if you dont fully trust a non best search.
#               If diff of find to found frame <= Thresh, then search would normally stop at that frame, but when
#               XP is true (Default), it will continue to search so long as subsequent frames provide a better match. Will usually result
#               in 1 extra frame being compared (providing that your Thresh is not too high).
#               If Thresh is set to 0.0 (default) then will only stop search on EXACT match, and so is likely to do a full search
#               (unless exact frame exists). XP allows you to settle for a close match by setting thresh a little above 0.0, and when a close
#               match is found, it will continue to edge forward 1 frame at a time until matches cease to be better.
#               If exact match was found, ie diff == 0.0 then will not scan extra frames (no better match possible).
# Chroma   = bool[false==Luma diff Only], If true then also uses chroma difference as per ChromaWeight.
# ChromaWeight=float[1.0/3.0 ie 0.33333]. If Chroma==true then LumaWeight = 1.0-ChromaWeight.
#               If Chroma==false then ChromaWeight is ignored and only luma difference is used.
#               v1.10, Now Planar, YUY2, RGB (was YV12 only), Chroma and ChromaWeight are for YUV only, not used for Y8 or RGB,
#               no real advantage to using Luma only.
# Prefix   = string("LF_"). Prefix prepended to variable names in returned string. (NOT USED if DBase mode, see below DB arg)
# Debug    = bool[True == Debug info sent to debugview], True, send logging info to DebugView window (google DebugView),
#            allows monitoring of progress.
#            v1.10, Default True as cannot change your mind in middle of long search, does not have significant overhead in producing debug log.
#            False, switch real time debug logging off.
# DB       = string["" == Do Not Use DataBase]. Default "" as old version, where results returned in String as described below.
#            v1.10, Otherwise, if DB != "" eg "LocateFrames.DB", then will create an RT_Stats DBase file using supplied DB as the filename,
#            where results are stored in the Dbase and will return an Int, ie the number of frames in find f clip, which is also the
#            number of records stored in the DB File. DB file created with typestring "iifiiii", in other words 7 fields per record.
#            First two fields are Type Int, next 1 field of Type Float, then 4 fields of Type Int.
#              Field 0 : Type Int   : LF_FOUND      Index of found clip frame
#              Field 1 : Type Int   : LF_FIND       Index of find clip frame
#              Field 2 : Type Float : LF_DIFF       FrameDifference() between find and found
#              Field 3 : Type Int   : LF_START      Start frame searched
#              Field 4 : Type Int   : LF_END        End frame searched
#              Field 5 : Type Int   : LF_XPCNT      Count of extra frames advanced due to eXtra Paranoia setting, See above XP.
#              Field 6 : Type Int   : LF_MATCH      Kind of match found.  # As for MatchFrames(), 0="BM", 1="(BM:T2)", 2="(T1:  )", 3="(T1:XP)"
#              See below for explanation of field contents, and RT_Stats for usage of RT_DBaseGetField(String Filename,Int Record,Int Field).
# ##################################
# Returns newline [Chr(10)] separated list of results as a multiline String, OR results stored in DB Database File, where it returns
#  the number of records in the DB file (ie frames in Findclip f).
#   Results string for a single frame find clip using default "LF_" prefix, as in format:-
#     "LF_FOUND=1100   LF_FIND=0   LF_DIFF=0.006134 LF_START=1000   LF_END=1599   LF_XPCNT=0   LF_MATCH=0"
#     LF_FOUND= Index of found clip frame
#     LF_FIND = Index of find clip frame
#     LF_DIFF = FrameDifference() between find and found (range 0.0 -> 255.0)
#     LF_START= Start frame searched
#     LF_END  = End frame searched
#     LF_XPCNT= Count of extra frames advanced due to eXtra Paranoia setting, See above XP.
#     LF_MATCH= Kind of match found.  # As for MatchFrames(), 0="BM", 1="(BM:T2)", 2="(T1:  )", 3="(T1:XP)"
#           0= Best Match, where no frame was found with a Diff <= Thresh, the returned frame was best match found in search area.
#           1= Same as 0 but was an Ordered search & because Diff<Thresh2, then next frame search will start at Best Match+1.
#           2= Means that the found frame had a Diff <= Thresh.
#           3= Same as 2 but Xtra Paranoia (XP) successfully found a better matching frame following the one that
#              initially broke thresh. "XPCNT" will tell how many successive better frames were found after the initial
#              frame that broke Thresh.
#   Can use RT_Stats functions eg
#     RT_TxtQueryLines() to inquire lines of text in result string (same as frames in find f clip).
#     RT_TxtGetLine() to extract a single result (if multiple find frames) from the combined results string.
#   Can use eg "Eval(s)" to set variables where s is a single line result string.
#   The innards of LocateFrames are much like MatchFrames, but could be more useful as implemented to use results
#   programatically in other scripts.
#   Use DebugView utility to view and capture output.
#   Brief example usage:
#    GScript("""
#       myName="StringResultScript:"
#       SearchClip=avisource("D:\avs\xmen2.avi").trim(4000,-1000)                                   # 1000 frame SearchClip
#       FindClip=SearchClip.SelectEvery(100,0).Blur(1.58)                                           # 10 frame FindClip, Make a bit Different
#       Results=LocateFrames(searchclip,findclip)
#       n = RT_TxtQueryLines(Results)                                                               # Same as number of frames in findclip.
#       Result = 0                                                                                  # Will become clip
#       for(i=0,n-1) {
#           s=RT_TxtGetLine(Results,Line=i)                                                         # Get individual result string
#           Eval(s)                                                                                 # Set variables for this find frame
#           RT_DebugF("Found frame %d for find frame %d Had a diff of %f",LF_FOUND,LF_FIND,LF_DIFF,name=myName)
#           Lft=FindClip.Trim(LF_FIND,-1).RT_SubTitle("%d DIFF=%f",LF_FIND,LF_DIFF)                 # Find Frame
#           Rgt=SearchClip.Trim(LF_FOUND,-1).RT_SubTitle("%d",LF_FOUND)                             # Found Frame
#           Stak = StackHorizontal(Lft,Rgt)
#           Result = (Result.IsClip) ? Result ++ Stak : Stak                                        # Append to clip so far
#       }
#       Return Result.AssumeFPS(1.0)
#    """)
#    Return Last
# ##################################
# DBASE RESULT:- (actual result is Int, number of records in created DB, ie frames in FindClip)
#    SearchClip=avisource("D:\avs\xmen2.avi").trim(4000,-1000)                                      # 1000 frame SearchClip
#    FindClip=SearchClip.SelectEvery(100,0).Blur(1.58)                                              # 10 frame FindClip, Make a bit Different
#    DEBUG=True
#    myName="DB_Script: "
#    DB="~MyDbase_" + RT_LocalTimeString(File=True)+".DB"                                           # Unique Temporary DBase filename
#    Records = LocateFrames(SearchClip,FindClip,debug=DEBUG,db=DB)                                  # Same as number of frames in FindClip.
#    RT_DebugF("I got %d Records",Records,name=myName)                                              # Send to DebugView
#    Result = 0                                                                                     # Will later be a clip
#    GScript("""
#        for(i=0,Records-1) {
#            FoundIx = RT_DBaseGetField(DB,i,0)                                                      # Frame we found (Int)
#            FindIx  = RT_DBaseGetField(DB,i,1)                                                      # Frame that we had to find (Int)
#            Diff    = RT_DBaseGetField(DB,i,2)                                                      # FrameDifference (Float)
#            RT_DebugF("%d ] Found frame %d with Difference of %f",FindIx,FoundIx,Diff,name=myName)
#            Lft=FindClip.Trim(FindIx,-1).RT_SubTitle("%d DIFF=%f",FindIx,Diff)                      # Find Frame
#            Rgt=SearchClip.Trim(FoundIx,-1).RT_SubTitle("%d",FoundIx)                               # Found Frame
#            Stak = StackHorizontal(Lft,Rgt)
#            Result = (Result.IsClip) ? Result ++ Stak : Stak                                        # Append to clip so far
#        }
#        RT_FileDelete(DB)                                                                           # Delete temp DB file
#    """)
#    Return Result.AssumeFPS(1.0)
# ##################################
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???
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