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Old 25th November 2004, 21:23   #90  |  Link
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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It depends on whether or not the jaggyness is caused by deinterlacing or bad matching. I can't tell whether or not you meant it is from deinterlacing or not in your post, if so just ignore this next part. Could you run TFM with "display=true" and see wether the bad frames have been detected as combed and deinterlaced or are just bad matches? After that it'll be easier to find out whats wrong.

There is already a non-blending option in tfm, its the interpolation from tdeint... but you could use the "clip2" parameter and basically get any type of deinterlacing you want. If you want cubic interpolation try something like this:

deinted = last.bob().seleteven() #assuming tff source

You can expand that to use deinterlacing from another filter or whatever. When using clip2 you do need to make sure that the field that is kept by the deinterlacer is the same as the field that tfm is matching from. See the clip2 description in the help file of tfm for more info. If many people think tfm should have linear or cubic interpolation built in I guess I could add it, but its not currently on my todo list.
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