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Old 17th August 2005, 07:07   #11  |  Link
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You can download the RemoveDeadPixels plugin from here. It can be used as follows:
RemoveDeadPixels(clip input, int x, int y, int "select", int ycolor, int vcolor, int ucolor)
The first three variables are mandatory and self explanatory. With "select" you what you want to interpolate. 1 = interploate Y value, 2 = interploate U value, 4 = interploate V value. If you want to interpolate all, then choose select = 1 + 2 + 4 = 7. If ycolor >= 0 then RemoveDeadPixels creates a dead pixel at the specified location. I needed this option for testing and you can use it for locating a dead pixel ycolor=0 creates a dead black pixel and ycolor=255 creates a dead white pixel.
Because YUY2 is the native color space of DV and digicam clips, the plugin is for YUY2 only. When I have time, I extend the plugin to handle several dead pixels in one stroke.
Here is an example script:
avisource("my_yuy2.avi", pixel_type="yuy2")
RemoveDeadPixels(100, 200, 7, 230) # creat a dead pixel
RemoveDeadPixels(100, 200, 7) # and remove it
Instead of simple averaging RemoveDeadPixels inspects all four lines through a pixel and selects that line for interpolation, where the distance between the two neighbours is minimal.

Due to conflicts with one moderator, I no more support my plugins within the doom9 forum. If you want support, go to my free speech support forum (you find a link on the RemoveGrain/RemoveDirt web sites).
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