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Old 11th October 2013, 20:57   #3  |  Link
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Originally Posted by raffriff42 View Post
The images are very aliased - is this how the original images are? (crop + 2x blowup)

Can you turn on antialiasing in your render engine? If not, can you render at 4x final size? If so, you can downsample your images with smoothing in Avisynth, or in an image batch processor.
I know, this is the problem. The object in 3D is initially very far from the origin, and the rendering program was not written with this in mind. So when the object is transparent and is far from the origin, these artifacts appear.

The problem with re-rendering is that even in 1.5x resolution it would take me at least 7 days non-stop rendering, and I don't have enough time for that. Also, since its a GPU based program, I might not be able to render some objects, as it'd need >2 GB of GPU memory, and my card only has 2.

Pretty much my only choice is to do filtering in Avisynth.

I've tried a few spatio-temporal denoiser, and so far FFT3DFilter was able to get it really smooth, although very blurry.

I was thinking about using the FFT3D as an input to MVTools and somehow combine it with the original source, but I don't know how to do it. What do you think?
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