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Old 12th August 2013, 11:59   #19829  |  Link
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Originally Posted by huhn View Post
i found a resize bug in in madvr
lanczos8ar video codec is ZMBV output is rgb24
unscaled it looks like this
bilinear and dxva look very similar and flicker with my gtx 760
jinc 3-8 without ar/with ar looks bad too
jinc 3 ar:
a lot of details are destroyed
i hope there isn't something wrong with my 760
I can't reproduce this on my system.

That said, generally increasing the number of taps will increase sharpness and reduce aliasing, but greatly reduce image quality due to the increase in ringing. (even with the AR filter enabled) I recommend sticking to the 3-tap variants of any algorithm.

And as for Jinc 3 destroying details - it is a scaling algorithm that is best suited to video footage rather than computer graphics. (especially pixel art) One of the things which Jinc does compared to the other scaling algorithms available in madVR is that it will smooth out diagonal lines - which is normally great for video, but can be destructive with pixel art as you have found out.

In some cases, you may even want to switch to Nearest Neighbor scaling when viewing pixel art. You can set up keyboard shortcuts to manually switch algorithms in madVR's preferences. (because you would not want to use Nearest Neighbor with other video content)

I do think it is interesting that Jinc 3 turns the dither into the intermediate shade that it was trying to approximate though. This is something that CRTs did naturally (well, they did when using a poor connection at least - not via RGB) and is something that emulators are only just starting to tackle.

Originally Posted by ThurstonX View Post
madVR's render times are great with Jinc 3+AR for Chroma and Soft Cubic 70+AR or Lanczos 3+AR for Image Scaling (Jinc 3+AR / Lanczos3+AR gives me about 11ms).
I don't recommend using the anti-ringing filter with SoftCubic scaling, and you may wish to reconsider using Jinc scaling for Chroma if it allows you to use better Luma settings. (though SoftCubic is still my preferred algorithm for DVD content anyway)

Most people will not see a difference between Bicubic 75 AR, Lanczos 3 AR, or Jinc 3 AR chroma.
It also depends what your display is doing - many process in 4:2:2, so anything above Bicubic 75 AR is wasted.

Originally Posted by ThurstonX View Post
I'm still mucking about with Chroma settings, but without getting into a detailed method of comparison, just viewing a few files and changing them, I can't tell much difference. Soft Cubic 70+AR seems just fine.
If you search through my post history, you should be able to find some detailed comparisons that illustrate the worst-case scenarios for chroma. (red text on black)

The short version is to use one of the three options I listed above. Use Jinc 3 if your display is capable of showing 4:4:4 and you have the GPU power spare, but in most cases, you won't even see the difference there. I would be happy using Bicubic 75 AR.
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