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Old 4th March 2008, 03:31   #8  |  Link
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@Gavion I was planing on using a sort array method, to order the array from largest to smallest, inside the ProcessCutPoints() function. Without your helpful input, i probably would have done it another way, with a lot of math calc involved.

After looking at [] and [], i have decided to drop the idea of processing multiple clips simultaneously. The ProcessCutPoints() function should clear the arrays, so that it can still do cuts on multiple clips; just not all at the same time. Speaking of arrays i think 4 single dim arrays would be the easiest to do with the avisynth language. I just need a way to sort this, otherwise as Gavion has pointed out, my simple method is quite adequate.

Any input would greatly be appreciated, should i go for the 2 step process or should i leave this as is?

Multiple options can be passed to the blending function now
function CutFrames(clip c, int start, int end, int "duration", string "transition", string "opt1", string "opt2", string "opt3")
	duration = default(duration, 0)
	transition = default(transition, "Dissolve")
	\	Defined(opt3) ? Eval(transition + "(c.trim(0, " + string(start) + "), c.trim(" + string(end) + ", c.Framecount()), " + string(duration) + ", " + String(opt1) + ", " + String(opt2) + ", " + String(opt3) + ")") :
	\	Defined(opt2) ? Eval(transition + "(c.trim(0, " + string(start) + "), c.trim(" + string(end) + ", c.Framecount()), " + string(duration) + ", " + String(opt1) + ", " + String(opt2) + ")") :
	\	Defined(opt1) ? Eval(transition + "(c.trim(0, " + string(start) + "), c.trim(" + string(end) + ", c.Framecount()), " + string(duration) + ", " + String(opt1) + ")") :
	\	Eval(transition + "(c.trim(0, " + string(start) + "), c.trim(" + string(end) + ", c.Framecount()), " + string(duration) + ")")

CutFrames(200, 800, 60, "TransSwing", "false", "1", "1")

You can also use this as a quick, apply effect to range function, that takes 2 clips as input
CutFrames(200, 150, 50, "EffectName")
Or instant replay
CutFrames(300, 150)
Or "Drunk Effect"
CutFrames(800, 100, 695)

Last edited by mikeytown2; 4th March 2008 at 04:39.
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