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Old 19th October 2006, 16:02   #92  |  Link
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There are of course several ways to get your .TS's into an .AVS script, but the "best" way is purely subjective. Some people use HDTVtoMPEG2 to do their trimming, others use ProjectX. In either case, I would suggest that you use DGIndex to generate the .D2V that you load in your .AVS since it is true that DVD2AVI has been pretty much abandonded in favor of DGIndex.

The way I process the .ts's has changed in the recent past. I used to use just DGIndex then cut the video in AVISynth and the Audio with VDMod. This was perfect in most cases, but would ocassionaly result in desync'd audio, especially if there were problems with the recording (drops, etc). It seems the more predictable method that I have been using is to use ProjectX to trim the unwanted segments then demux the .TS to it's MPV and .AC3 elements. Because ProjectX "fixes" drops and maintains A/V sync, you never have to worry about things like AC3 Delay anymore because it's allways 0ms. Then I use DGIndex to generate a .D2V to open then .MPV with AVISynth for trans-encoding since DGDecode is faster than other mpeg2source() plugins. The main downside to this process is the near doubling of hard drive space required to do the work, but it's a small trade-off for the reliability of the end product.
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