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Old 3rd June 2007, 15:26   #1407  |  Link
ffdshow/AviSynth wrangler
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Originally Posted by haruhiko_yamagata View Post
I have fixed the AR problem with Haali's renderer.
Please try this.

First resize to 720x720. Keep original aspect ratio.
Next use AviSynth filter.

The AR is broken. The video renderer does not matter.
Ah, I see - the resize adds borders at the top and bottom that of course aren't in the image data (so AviSynth will still see an image with no borders), but are taken into account when I request the DAR of the image.

I'll see if I can figure out a way to get the DAR of the image without the borders. Still, the borders will be lost that way, but what should I do? AviSynth has no concept of "padding" the image on it's four sides (as much as it has no concept of "aspect ratio", that's why I added those 2 variables - but I really don't want to frankenstein yet another workaround like this into the filter), so I'd either have to add the borders to the image data (yuck) or simply drop them.

I'll probably just add a "ffdshow_SetDAR" script function to AviSynth that'll change the DAR if you want and leaves everything alone if it isn't used. But of course, it's best not to use the resize filter before the AviSynth filter; if you need to resize you can always do that at the beginning of the AviSynth script - that'll also save some RAM as it won't buffer the resized images; it's probably best to put the AviSynth filter as early as possible in your filter chain anyway.

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