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Old 7th March 2008, 07:49   #299  |  Link
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My very first Function

TemporalDegrain looks really nice, but my PC is way to slow to run this thing practically. So I used Didee's limiting approach and wrote something that required less MV operations with very good results IMHO. Let me know what you think!

# GTemporalDegrainFaster ver.1.00 6MAR08
# Function by G-force,"Limited" Concept by Didee
# Requires FFT3DFilter.dll, mt_masktools, MVtools.dll, RemoveGrain.dll

function GTemporalDegrainFaster (clip input,int "threads",int "sigma")
source = input
ncpu = default(threads,1) #max number of CPU threads to use in FFT calculation (int>0, default=1)
sigma = default(sigma, 16) #turn down for more limited denoising
s2 = floor (sigma * 0.625)
s3 = floor (sigma * 0.375)
s4 = floor (sigma * 0.250)

filter = source.fft3dfilter(ncpu=ncpu,sigma=sigma,sigma2=s2,sigma3=s3,sigma4=s4,bt=5,bw=16,bh=16,ow=8,oh=8)
filterD = mt_makediff(source,filter)

backward_vec1= filter.MVAnalyse(isb=true, delta=1,pel=2,overlap=4,sharp=1,idx=1)
forward_vec1 = filter.MVAnalyse(isb=false,delta=1,pel=2,overlap=4,sharp=1,idx=1)
bw1 = source.MVCompensate(backward_vec1,idx = 2) #idx = 2 since working on a different clip than MVAnalyse
fw1 = source.MVCompensate(forward_vec1, idx = 2)

#nice thing about this approach is that it doesn't necessarily use any pixels from current frame
#this gets rid of a lot more dirt, scratches etc. (things that last only one frame)
nr = Interleave(bw1,source,fw1).Clense().SelectEvery(3,1)

# Limit "nr" to not do more than what "filter" would do. -Didee
nrD = mt_makediff(source,nr)
DD = mt_lutxy(filterD,nrD,"x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ?")

output = last

Last edited by g-force; 7th March 2008 at 07:57.
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