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Old 25th February 2020, 21:22   #47  |  Link
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Mods to previously posted Japanese -> English translation of docs.

 AVISynth plug-in SubTitleEx


AVISynth plug-in SubTitleEx Kai is a subtitle display plug-in for AVISynth 2.5.
There are many enhancements over the AVISynth standard SubTitle.

It was published on a currently closed site called "mVideo Utilities"
Based on "SubTitleEx" created by Basilik Tournadski, Japanese characters are garbled
It has been corrected. In addition, a function to set the presence / absence of line breaks and line spacing has been added.

"SubTitleEx" had source code released in the past, but it is not available now,
It happened that the source code was left in the Internet Archive.
Based on "DVTimeStampEx" that incorporates SubTitleEx's character display engine,
Created one with a function equivalent to "SubTitleEx".

How to use

SubtitleEx.dll is added to the "Plugin" folder of the folder where AviSynth is installed.
It can be used just by copying.

All functions of the original SubtitleEx are implemented, and if some "useless characters" are included
A garbled problem has been fixed. In addition, SubTitleEx breaks
Parameters have been added.

    clip   c,
    string text,
    int    "x",
    int    "y",
    int    "firstframe",
    int    "lastframe",
    string "font",
    string "effects",
    int    "size",
    int    "textcolor",
    int    "halocolor"
    int    "spc"
    int    "linemargin"

· Parameters of SubtitleEx

  -c          Non optional clip.
  -text       The text to display (Default ""). If you want to start a new line, write "|" at that point.
  -x          The coordinates to display (Default c.Width  * -0.11). If you specify minus, it will be from the right.
  -y          The coordinates to display (Default c.Height * -0.17). If you specify minus, it will be from the bottom.
  -firstframe The number of the first frame to display (Default 0).
  -lastframe  The number of the last frame to display (Default, Last frame of clip c).
  -font       Specify the font name (Default "Arial").

  -effects    Specifies effects (Default "b"). If you specify more than one, write them together.
                     b: Bold i: Italic u: Underline o: strikeOut/strikethrough
                     f  (number of frames in, number of frames out): fade-in / out
                     m  (start frame, start X, start Y, end frame, end X, end Y): motion
                     w  Line breaks with "|" are disabled. (Added by SubTitleEx Kai)
                     c: Center (not sure that it works properly)
                     n: No Anti Alias
                     e: Alpha Emboss
                     s: Alpha Blur
                     g: Alpha Gaussian Blur
                     l: Alpha Laplacian
  -size       Font size (Default 36).
  -textcolor  The text color (Default $FFFFFF). Alpha can also be specified.
  -halocolor  The color of the text halo (Default $000000). Alpha can also be specified.
  -spc        number Specify the character spacing. (Default 0, Added by SubTitleEx Kai)
  -linemargin number Specify the line spacing.      (Default 0, Added by SubTitleEx Kai)

              NOTE, In original SubTitleEx Kai docs,
                  spc and linemargin order was transposed (ie wrong).
                  Effects "s" (Strikethrough) was wrong, should be "o" (strikeOut, as above).
                  Effects "cnesgl" were all missing from doc (well 's' did Alpha  Blur rather than StrikeThrough).
                  EDIT: Above "nesgl" effects should perhaps be mutually exclusive.


If you do not change the format to RGB32, etc., you may crash.
In this case, convert the format.


The copyright and license for "AVISynth Plug-in SubTitleEx Kai" are
Based on the original "SubTitleEx" and "DVTimeStampEx" by Basilik Tournadski.

These plug-ins are copyrighted by Basilik Tournadski and are free software.
Was published.

However, since this plugin is completely unofficial,
Do not contact the original author. Also, about this plugin,
The original author and modified author do not take any responsibility.

Modified author / distributor

Hoshiken (
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 27th February 2020 at 03:59. Reason: update
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