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Old 13th June 2005, 09:58   #11  |  Link
clueless n00b
Join Date: Oct 2001
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@berrinam: I will post the sources. Above I have listed the work that can start right now using the latest published sources. Since I've taken it upon myself to rearrange the GUI, it would currently not make a lot of sense to release sources that contain half-finished features that I'm going to finish in the next few days (I hope to get quite far today after work). But as you can see from the latest version, a lot has already been done. Once I'm all done, it will become much easier to make changes as the code is more separated into specific modules. I've already reduced the size of the main class from more than 400KB to 180KB and there's more to come. I also want to move out a lot of the logic to other classes, thus enabling more people to work on the program concurrently without stepping on each other's toes.
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