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Old 23rd February 2007, 22:54   #81  |  Link
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If anyone has followed along this thread, they will realize the complexity of this subject. I thought I might add some things that will help simplify why the AACS LA chose this system. It's not just because it's complicated.

Let's say we want to build their DRM system:

Our first crack at it:
A simple design would be to give every player/device a secret device key. Then we encrypt the media key (the media key lets us decrypt the movie) with every secret key for every device and put all those encrypted copies of the same media key on the disc. Each device would look through all the encrypted copies of the media key on a disc until it found the one it could decrypt. To "revoke" a device we just leave off the copy of the media key encrypted with his secret key!

This would work but it takes lots of space on the disc. We need room for every device present and future. We need keys that are secure (16 bytes minimum). With all those keys, there's no room for the movie!

That was their first concern. They didn't want to use up all the space on the disc.

Our second crack at it:
OK, how about this - we put the devices into lots of overlapping groups. Each device goes into many groups. We assign a secret key to each group. If a device is in a group, he gets the secret key for that group. If he's not in that group he doesn't get the key. Now, the devices have to store more than one key.

What do we do with the disc? Well, we start off by encrypting the media key only once using the key for a really big group that everyone is in. Since they all have that key, every device can decrypt it. This is looking good! We only had to use one key on the disc! We've reduced the space used on the disc by making the devices store more keys.

So how do you "revoke" devices? You stop using the key for the big group (everyone, including the bad boys have that key), and you use keys for smaller groups that the revoked devices don't belong to, but the unrevoked devices do.

This is essentially what the AACS did! A "subset difference set" is just a group of devices. A processing key is just a secret key assigned to that group. All this stuff about subset difference sets is all about ways to divide up the devices into groups so we can give a secret processing key to that group. It's fundamentally simple.

So how do we divide up the devices into groups? How do we decide how many keys to give each device? How do we make sure we can always exclude all the devices that need to be excluded while allowing all the devices we want? How do we know who leaked a key so we can exclude him? How do we make sure that knowing one key doesn't let the bad boy figure out any others? How .....

Whoa! Enough questions already ....... it's time to call in the experts - cryptographers and mathematicians. They think about this for a long while and they come up with: The Subset Difference System.

Last edited by FoxDisc; 24th February 2007 at 17:00.
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