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Old 26th December 2014, 14:36   #100  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Orf View Post
Shiandow, to be completely sure

For SuperRes:
NEDI-pre -> <Upscale>-I -> <Upscale>-II -> SuperRes-pre -> SuperRes -> [SuperRes-inf -> SuperRes] -> NEDI-pst
Upscale means 2x upscale in both directions ? Where did final scaling should happen and what algorithm is used (better to use) for it ? And how did MPC-HC knew that it should reallocate and resize output texture on steps 2 and 3 ?

And can you please draw the same scheme for MPDN NEDI ?
That version of SuperRes is more of a proof of concept, it worked well enough but MPDN's version is nicer. In that version I got around the problem of allocating a new texture by abuseing the alpha channel, I think either "Nedi-pre" or "Upscale-I" stores the original image in the alpha channel and "SuperRes-pre" / "SuperRes-inf" downscale the image and store the difference with the original in the alpha channel. I only did this for the luma channel since the others didn't fit. The more complete MPDN diagram is something like:

       |                                       | 
       v                                       |
Initial Guess ---> Downscale ---> Diff ---> SuperRes
                                   ^           ^
                                   |           |
Original --------------------------+-----------/
For clarity I've left out the various colour conversions. Basically I do downscaling in linear light and everything else in L*a*b.

For the NEDI shaders the diagram is something like:

NEDI-pre -> NEDI-I -> NEDI-II -> NEDI-pst
but in MPDN I could allocate new textures and did it as follows (the part in parentheses is the size of the resulting image).

Input (w,h)--->NEDI-Hinterleave (2w,h)--->NEDI-Vinterleave(2w,2h)
   |                ^         |                   ^
   V                |         V                   |
NEDI-I (w,h)--------/       NEDI-II (2w,h)--------/
The NEDI-XInterleave shaders reshuffle the pixels of its two inputs resulting in an image that is either scaled 2x horizontally or 2x vertically. Doing it this way avoids some unnecessary calculations.
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