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Old 6th June 2015, 08:34   #8  |  Link
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Hey there S

This is awesome. There are uses for this in various versions of movies, for example full frame laserdisc version and 16x9 cropped dvd version.

Between cuts, spatial alignment, the last piece of the puzzle to me in terms of matching sources is colour.

There's the histogram, but I was thinking of a solver that finds the best match in terms of YUV referenced hue and saturation, as this more closely models physically the differences in capture settings and colour adjustments that were possible in early video editing.

I used the FFT based plugin to match widescreen to scan and pan version, it didn't follow so well, but it was neat to see the director moving a box around basically to focus on certain faces. You can also combine these to make better resolution; for example my copy wasn't anamorphic and the pan/scan version had dramatically better resolution in it's region, for a 2.35:1 film.

I'd like to see a script to combine two resolutions like that and spit out an ideal sized combined version.
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