Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 10th February 2014, 19:31   #589  |  Link
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Originally Posted by TurboPascal7 View Post
That's right. When MT is finalized, the only thing the user will have to write in his script is the Prefetch call, which later can probably be added by programs like avsmeter, avs2yuv and the likes. All SetFilterMtMode calls will be hidden in a single .avsi script.

Compared to all those ### MT_Pipeline requires you to write, this is nothing.

Now, the problem is to build this avsi file with MT modes definitions. I put this pad about two weeks ago and posted the link on our IRC channel, ultim also linked it here a few days ago. But since the initial script, only one line has been added (fft3dgpu). With this kind of activity you can't expect MT to get finalized and become user-side overhead free any time soon.
Is there a reason why you couldn't require the filters to implement a new method that returns the MT modes that they support rather than relying on a community generated avsi script? You'd still need the script for older plugins, but anything new (or anything that you're updating) would just automatically work.
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