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Old 23rd December 2013, 00:49   #2375  |  Link
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Thanks MrC for the kind words...

I knew my solution was not too elegant, but your hints were right on the money (as usual). So here is my latest effort, and this is as elegant as it can possibly get. It requires just 1 additional line in the a2dsource.avsi.

The DSS section now looks like this:
Try {
	SourceStr = "A2DVideoSource: DirectShowSource"
	Video = DirectShowSource(VideoSource, fps = FrameRate, convertfps = VFR, audio = false)
	Video = (Width(Video) % 4 == 0) ? Video : Error
What did the trick was setting the "Video" variable to "Error" in case of a non-mod4 source. I had tried setting it to "0" before, but that did not work. This was pure trial and error (or call it intuition), I did not find anything about the "Try...Catch" details in the AviSynth documentation.

Whatever, this version works perfectly on my computer.
I'm thinking about handling the issue within AVStoDVD (in the AVS script generation routine)
I don't think that this would be necessary, and just modifying the a2d source script has the additional advantage that users can add their own preferred source filters to the script. (I really like DSS2...)

BTW did you have a chance to test if the non-mod4 AVI works on your system using AVISource?

Anyways, I promise I won't bug you any more before next year...

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