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Old 11th August 2017, 03:40   #1  |  Link
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Building a montage clip for color correcting Dragon Ball Z

I'm currently working on my own project on color correcting Dragon Ball Z. There're a few parts to it, but the most tedious work is to build a montage for each scene for better color matching accuracy, and that's the reason I wrote this script.

This script is basically a copy of what this guy did here. It takes in a video, generate a montage for every scene, and append them all together into one montage clip.


import vapoursynth as vs
import dbz_colormatch as dbzcm

clip = core.ffms2.Source("kai_001.mp4")

scenechange_file = r"kai_001.txt"
scenechange_skip_file = r'kai_001_skip.txt'

clip = dbzcm.BuildMontage(clip, frame_per_scene=9, scenechange_file, scenechange_skip_file)
scene change text format:
100, 200, 300, 400
Each number is the frame number of the starting frame of a scenechange.

Scenechange skip default to None. It is mainly used just for Dragon Ball Z to not process title scene/midshow intro. If scenechange skip has frame 200, that means frames 200-299 would be skipped.

frame_per_scene: number of reference frames per montage, with a fixed display pattern. Default=9, max=16.

2017-08-12: updated script
2017-09-06: updated script
2017-12-05: updated script, separated the montage builder function from the main dbz processing script.
2017-12-12: rename module name to all lowercase, added helper function reorder_frames and replace_frames
2017-12-15: removes mode 1 because it gives poor result most of the time. Simplified everything to just one frame_per_scene number at minimum.

Last edited by lansing; 15th December 2017 at 08:52. Reason: update script
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