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Old 2nd January 2017, 16:40   #23  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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Fixed InPaintFunc bug in RepairEdge Mask. (result of a bug fix in avs v2.6 Levels, produced bug in InPaintFunc)

Below Repair Edge mask now works as intended (did look exactly same as Repair Mask)

InpaintFunc.avs Part 1 of 2.
#       _____                   _       _   ______
#      |_   _|                 (_)     | | |  ____|
#        | |  _ __  _ __   __ _ _ _ __ | |_| |__ _   _ _ __   ___
#        | | | '_ \| '_ \ / _` | | '_ \| __|  __| | | | '_ \ / __|
#       _| |_| | | | |_) | (_| | | | | | |_| |  | |_| | | | | (__
#      |_____|_| |_| .__/ \__,_|_|_| |_|\__|_|   \__,_|_| |_|\___|
#                  | |
#                  |_|

#  InpaintFunc is a new delogo function using AVSInpaint.dll an AviSynth C plugin developed by AMSS.
#See thread : to download this plugin and get
#more information about it. Just an advertise : AVSInpaint plugin is rather slow so be patient ;-)

#    History :

# Actual revision : InpaintFunc v1.12

# Author          : Reuf Toc

# Requirement     : AVSInpaint.dll

# Changes         :

#Rev 1.00 :  First release 2008/01/30
#Rev 1.01 :  Added debug for "mode". Removed two useless operations.
#Rev 1.02 :  Added "Speed" parameter.
#Rev 1.03 :  Fixed bug in PAR calculation. Fixed bug with non-RGB32 mask.
#Rev 1.10 :  Fixed bug due to overlay. Added post-processing + a lot of things.
#Rev 1.11 :  Added Show parameter and InpaintAssist function. Process in RGB24 instead of RGB32.
#Rev 1.12 :  Fixed bug in "loc" calculation
#Rev 1.13 :  Fixed bug for .ebmp creation (did not happen in several cases)
#Rev 1.14 :  Fixed RepairEdge bug resulting from a bug fix in Levels for RGB ( [StainlessS).

#    About Inpainting :

#  Image Inpainting is the art of restoring destroyed parts of an image by using information
#of valid parts of the image in a way, so that the human eye does not recognize the damaged
#areas (at least not at a first sight). In video processing image inpainting is often applied
#to videos in order to remove TV station logos.

#    Function parameters :

# =======================================================
#                   InpaintAssist
# =======================================================

# This subfunction can be used to help you in order to set your own crop values to isolate the logo to remove. With HD footage, the delogo
# process is slow due to the resolution (especialy for analysis) and to maximize speed, it is adviced to reduce the size of the cropped clip
# by setting your own crop values.

# If you don't specify a loc value, this function will display your clip divised in 9 parts (the nine loc preset of InpaintFunc) with the crop values for each one in order
# to give you an idea about the values to use.

# After that step, you can enter your own loc values and check they are correct. The selected area will be hightlighted.
# Keep in mind you have to keep a little border around the logo since inpainting use nearby pixels to compute the hidden ones.

# string "loc"    : Select the part of the picture where is the logo to remove. Same as InpaintFunc loc parameter

# String "alignment"   : Alignment of the text. "Top", "Center" and "Bottom" are allowed

# =======================================================
#                   InpaintFunc
# =======================================================

#  Given this function use AVSInpaint.dll and given AVSInpaint is an avisynth C plugin
#don't forget to add loadCplugin("xxx\AVSInpaint.dll") in your script before calling this function !!!

# String "loc"      :  Select the part of the picture where is the logo to remove.
#                     See the table :

#              ______________           ______________
#              | TL | TC |TR |          | X1 | X2 |X3 |
#              |____|____|___|          |____|____|___|
#              | ML | MC |MR |    or    | Y1 | Y2 |Y3 |
#              |____|____|___|          |____|____|___|
#              | BL | BC |BR |          | Z1 | Z2 |Z3 |
#              |____|____|___|          |____|____|___|

#                      If the logo you want to remove is in the top right corner, then you can choose
#                     either loc="TR" or loc="x3".

#                      If you don't want to use one of these preset, you can enter manually the crop values to isolate the logo.
#                     example : loc = "0,300,-440,-20". Spaces are not allowed in "loc" parameter. You can use function
#                     InpaintAssist to help you to set crop values.

# String "mask"     :  Path to the mask of the logo. The mask is a black and white picture. Parties where the logo
#                     is are white, the others are black.

#                     example : mask="C:\my_mask.bmp"

# String "mode"     :  3 Choices (default both) :

#                     -Deblend : If the logo is transparent, use this mode.
#                     -Inpaint : If the logo is opaque, use this mode.
#                     -Both    : If the logo is both opaque and transparent, use this mode.

# Float "AR"        :  The Sample Aspect Ratio of your video. E.g. : 16/9, 4/3...  (Default 1.0).
#                     This value is used to calculate the PAR of your video. If you don't set this parameter, then
#                     PAR will be set to 1:1. It's not really important if you don't set this value.
#                     When you set the AR, take care to add ".0" to your values if you use exact value (16/9 or 4/3).
#                     example : AR=16.0/9.0 or AR=4.0/3.0

# Int "Speed"       :  With this parameter you can speed up this function by trimming the clip analyzed by
#                     AnalyseLogo. A value of 20 means that 100% of clip will be analyzed. With a value of
#                     1, only 5% will be analyzed. (min value 1, max value 20, default 5)

# Int "PPMode"      :  If you want to apply post-processing, 3 modes are available. Default is 0 (disabled)
#                     -Mode 1 : Blur all the area where logo was present.
#                     -Mode 2 : Blur all the area where logo was present using TemporalSoften and SpatialSoften.
#                     -Mode 3 : Blur only the edge of logo area using TemporalSoften and SpatialSoften..

# Int "PP"          :  Strength of the post-processing. Default is 50 (min value 0, max value 100)
#                     A 0 value will disable post processing, 100 will process at full strength.

# Bool "Reset"      :  InpaintFunc contain a feature that allow to not compute logo analysis when it was already done.
#                     By setting Reset to true, logo analysis is always computed. Default is false.

# Float "radius"    :  Radius around a damaged pixel from where values are taken when the pixel is inpainted.
#                     Bigger values prevent inpainting in the wrong direction, but also create more blur.

# Float "sharpness" : Higher values can prevent blurring caused by high Radius values.

# Float "preblur"   : Standard deviation of the blur which is applied to the image before the structure tensor is computed.
#                     Higher values help connecting isophotes which have been cut by the inpainting region, but also
#                     increase CPU usage. PreBlur=0.0 disables pre-blurring.

# Float "postblur"  : Standard deviation of the blur which is applied to the structure tensors before they are used
#                     to determine the inpainting direction. Higher values help gather more directional information when
#                     there are only few valid pixels available, but increases CPU usage.

# Bool "show"       : Allow the user to see the differents steps of the delogoing. Are displayed the source, the
#                     repaired, the repaired post-processed, the mask, the repair masks (edge and global), the color
#                     mask, the alpha mask and the inpaint mask.


#    Function :

function InpaintFunc( clip clp, string "mask", string "loc", float "AR", string "mode", int "speed",
\                     int "pp", int "ppmode", bool "reset", float "radius", float "sharpness", float "preblur",
\                     float"postblur", bool "show")


    mask        = default (mask         , ""    )
    loc         = default (loc          , ""    )
    AR          = default (AR           , 1.0   )
    mode        = default (mode         , "both")
    speed       = default (speed        , 5     )
    pp          = default (pp           , 50    )
    ppmode      = default (ppmode       , 0     )
    reset       = default (reset        , false )
    radius      = default (radius       , 8.0   )
    sharpness   = default (sharpness    , 75.0  )
    preblur     = default (preblur      , 8.0   )
    postblur    = default (postblur     , 4.0   )
    show        = default (show         , false )

    # debug
    # =====

    x           = width   (clp)
    y           = height  (clp)
    pp          = (pp >= 100) ? 255 : (pp <= 0) ? 0 : int(pp*255/100)
    RGB         = isRGB(clp)
    RGB24       = isRGB24(clp)
    RGB32       = isRGB32(clp)
    YUY2        = isYUY2(clp)
    cropval     = (StrLen(loc)  != 2  )  ? true : false
    spd         = (speed        != 20 )  ? true : false
    PAR         = (AR           != 1.0)  ? float( y) / float( x) * AR : 1.0
    bugloc      = (loc          == "" )  ? true : false
    bugmode     = (mode         != "inpaint" && mode != "deblend" && mode != "both") ? true : false
    bugspeed    = (speed        <= 0 || speed >= 21) ? true : false

    assert        ( findstr(loc," ")  == 0      , """Space character is not allowed in string "loc"."""")
    assert        ( mask              != ""     , """You have to define a mask (string "mymask")""")
    assert        ( bugloc            == false  , """You must define "Loc".""")
    assert        ( bugmode           == false  , """This mode doesn't exist. Change "mode" value.""")
    assert        ( bugspeed          == false  , """"Speed" value must be between 1 and 20.""")

    # calculation of crop values
    # ==========================

    null = (cropval == false ) ? eval("""

    a           = (Rightstr(loc,1) == "L" || Rightstr(loc,1) == "1") ? 0 : (Rightstr(loc,1) == "C" || Rightstr(loc,1) == "2")  ? round((x*1/6))*2  : round((x*1/3))*2
    b           = (leftstr(loc,1)  == "T" || leftstr(loc,1)  == "X") ? 0 : (leftstr(loc,1)  == "M" || leftstr(loc,1)  == "Y")  ? round((y*1/6))*2  : round((y*1/3))*2
    c           = (Rightstr(loc,1) == "R" || Rightstr(loc,1) == "3") ? 0 : (Rightstr(loc,1) == "C" || Rightstr(loc,1) == "2")  ? -round((x*1/6))*2  : -round((x*1/3))*2
    d           = (leftstr(loc,1)  == "B" || leftstr(loc,1)  == "Z") ? 0 : (leftstr(loc,1)  == "M" || leftstr(loc,1)  == "Y")  ? -round((y*1/6))*2  : -round((y*1/3))*2

                  """) : eval("""

    long        = StrLen(loc)

    posvirg1    = findstr(loc, ",")
    posvirg2    = findstr(rightstr(loc,long-posvirg1), ",")
    posvirg2    = posvirg2+posvirg1
    posvirg3    = findstr(rightstr(loc,long-posvirg2), ",")
    posvirg3    = posvirg3  + posvirg2

    a           = int(value(leftstr(loc,posvirg1-1)))
    b           = int(value(leftstr(rightstr(loc,long-posvirg1),posvirg2-posvirg1-1)))
    c           = int(value(leftstr(rightstr(loc,long-posvirg2),posvirg3-posvirg2-1)))
    d           = int(value(rightstr(loc,long-posvirg3)))

    # crop of the part of the image where is the logo + mask creation
    # ================================================================

    cropped     = clp.crop(a,b,c,d)
    in          = (RGB32 == true) ? cropped : cropped.converttoRGB24()
    in2         = (spd   == true) ? in.SelectRangeEvery (every=20, length=speed) : in

    Masque      = imagesource(mask,start=0,end=1).converttoRGB32
    Masque      = Masque.crop(a,b,c,d).levels(127,1,128,0,255)
    Masque      = Masque.mask(Masque)

    BlendedMask = Masque.DirtyBlur().levels(0,1,75,0,255)
    BlendedMask = BlendedMask.mask(BlendedMask)
    RepairMask  = BlendedMask.levels(0,1,255,0,pp)
    #RepairEdge  = Masque.DirtyBlur().levels(0,1,255,0,900)                 # ssS fix (removed)
    RepairEdge  = Masque.DirtyBlur().IPF_Mask()                             # ssS fix (added)
    RepairEdge  = RepairEdge.DirtyBlur().levels(0,1,75,0,pp)

    # check for an existing computed mask. If it doesn't exist or if reset = true --> computation
    # ===========================================================================================

    ID          = mask + "InpaintFunc" + string(a) + string(b) + string(c) + string(d) + string(speed)

    Logo        = (reset == true) ? eval("""


                  """) : eval("""


                  {imagesource(ID + "%06d.ebmp",0,0)}
                  catch (dummy)

                  imagewriter(ID,0,1,"ebmp")      }""")

    # Creation of the masks used for DeblendLogo and InpaintLogo
    # ==========================================================

    LogoColor   = Logo.Crop(0,0,0,Logo.Height/2).converttoRGB24

    LogoAlpha   = Logo.Crop(0,Logo.Height/2,0,0)
    Logoalpha   = LogoAlpha.mask(LogoAlpha)

    LogoInpaint = LogoAlpha.mask(masque.dirtyblur().levels(0,1,32,0,255))

    # InpaintLogo and DeblendLogo are applied depending on the value of "mode"
    # ==========================================================================

    repaired    = (mode ==  "both")   ?
    \             in.DeblendLogo(LogoColor,LogoAlpha).
    \             InpaintLogo(LogoInpaint,radius=radius,sharpness=sharpness,preblur=preblur,postblur=postblur,PixelAspect=PAR).converttorgb32:
    \             (mode == "deblend") ?
    \             in.DeblendLogo(Logocolor,Logoalpha).converttorgb32 :
    \             in.InpaintLogo(LogoInpaint,radius=radius,sharpness=sharpness,preblur=preblur,postblur=postblur,PixelAspect=PAR).converttorgb32

    # Finalization of the repaired with post-processing
    # ==========================================================
EDIT: 2 modded sections marked in Blue
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 8th December 2019 at 11:37.
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