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Old 12th April 2012, 09:53   #32  |  Link
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Posts: 29
Hi, I'm quite busy at the moment and will have a closer look this (UTC-)evening or at weekend. Just a few quick thoughts:
  • The logo itself looks "good", i.e., I have the feeling it should be easy to remove it. I cannot see dynamics though. Do you have the feeling that it changes from frame to frame, maybe in front of a bright background?
  • I cannot see any mosquito noise on your A1 frame, so that's not a problem.
  • You wrote something about color denoising. Try to put any such steps behind the delogo step. Linear filters (brightening etc.) shouldn't be a problem, but e.g. AviSynths spatial denoiser will modify the logo such that it can no longer be deblended by a simple linear map as my filter does it.
  • Your initial mask C1 looks OK. However: Inflate it by another 8 pixels.
  • You wrote you saved a small clip to a separate file. Try to avoid such steps, especially if they involve loosy compression. Always work with the original clip in AviSynth, i.e. the raw material which was produced by your DVB hardware or downloaded from Internet or whereever it came from. If you have to transform it with special software because it is a format not readable by AviSynth, do this with highest possible quality setting. In AviSynth, if you want to do a test run with few frames, use Trim or SelectEvery on /the original clip/.
  • Reducing the framecount (Trim/SelectEvery) and Crop'ping away parts of the movie will both reduce the AnalyzeLogo quality. I think you crop away too much. Maybe crop away 3/4 of the movie area... Since I feel we're running out of ideas: Try again with the inflated mask (see above) and the full clip (no Trimming/Cropping). Make sure you're delogo'ing does not inadvertedly use the old AnalyzeLogo output.
  • At the moment you should not need the DistanceFunction (I saw this somewhere in your scripts).
  • After running AnalyzeLogo /and/ after saving the output as ebmp, print out the "Info" of AnalyzeLogo output. The framecount of this clip is a hint on how many frame have actually been analyzed before the buffers of AnalyzeLogo ran full. Is it lower than the framecount of the original clip?
-- AMSS0815
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