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Old 20th February 2005, 05:03   #65  |  Link
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Originally posted by Backwoods
In the thread the source appears to be sharper and more vibrant of colours, but also it appears you did get rid of the EE at a cost of dimming the black lines.
Of course it appears sharper thats what EE is used for but in reality it isn't really sharper, sharpness being defined by level of detail, it just gives the appearance of sharpness (look at the first example on the link I posted and it shows what I'm talking about). And yes, the thinning of the lines is a result of BlindDeHalo, but with something like FastLineDarken they can be darkened and thickened up. For me, I like the look of it with thinner lines then the thick ones, but that's just me. And since the color channels aren't being modified its impossible for one to look more vibrant then the other (if the chroma channels were being modified I could see where you are coming from but they are untouched).

If the source hadn't had any EE applied to it, it would have looked more like the 2nd pictures (minus the thinner lines).

Last edited by KaiserS; 20th February 2005 at 06:34.
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