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Old 16th October 2007, 10:14   #76  |  Link
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I've always wondered with EEDI2, and this may apply even more to NNEDI...

When I use it to re-size, I call NNEDI twice, with turnright and turnleft after each call. Sometimes I do the whole process twice (so calling NNEDI four times - twice for each dimension).

Would it be possible / better if NNEDI worked in 2-D to start with, so it doubled in each dimension in one pass? I'm not worried about speed, but worried that the current two-pass method forces NNEDI to interpolate from what's already 50% interpolated data. I'm guessing that if it interpolated in 2-D in one pass, it would use only "real" data as a source for interpolation in both dimensions.

Second (easier?) question: with or without the above modification, could it be told to interpolate more than one pixel in a given dimension? I know for interlaced content, it's always 1-in-2 pixels "missing". However, when I process other things, sometimes it's 2-in-3 pixels missing (meaning I only have 1-in-3 pixels available). For now, I just call NNEDI twice, but it would be neater (and avoid interpolating from interpolation again!) if I could call it with a parameter to do 2x (like now), or 3x, or 4x etc interpolation.

I'm not asking or expecting you to do this tritical (I know you're busy), but if either part is easy/possible and you're updating NNEDI at any time anyway, please think about it. It might make it an even more interesting academic project!

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