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Old 18th December 2018, 23:30   #3  |  Link
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Settings.txt Part 3 of 3 : Post #3 of 6

string Override  Default "", (not set), eg "Override.txt" (New to v1.01)
                 Filename of file to force manual override the blend detections.
                 In v1.03, is only used in MODE=1. Neither Mode 0 nor Mode 2
                 allows a manual override, you must force the override's in mode
                 1, v1.03 extends the override ability and greatly increases it's effectivness.
                 Also, logging will assist in setting up the overrides file.

                 Required command format:-


                 In the above case, frame 444 is set to HINTED, ie Not A Blend. The number
                 after the 'h' denotes the hinted count, in this case 1, eg 444=h2 would
                 set two consecutive hinted frames.

                 555 will be set to a SHORT BLEND PAIR ie (H12H), frame 555 (in this case) will
                 be set to blend index 1, 556 to index 2, and the frames before and after the
                 blend pair to HINTED. NOTE, in this case frame 555 is the 1st BLEND index and
                 NOT the first hinted frame.

                 Frame 666=*4 will set an override at frame 666 to 4 LONG BLEND PAIRS. A long
                 blend is shown (in logs) as (H12HHH) for FILM or (H12HHHH) for PAL. The frame
                 (in this case 666) is the position of the 1st blend index, it will (on only
                 the first LONG BLEND PAIR) be preceded by a hint, and the blend pair followed
                 by 3 or four hints depending upon whether FILM or PAL mode is in effect. As in
                 above case, '666=*4' would yield a result of (H12HHH12HHH12HHH12HHH) if in
                 film mode, or (H12HHHH12HHHH12HHHH12HHHH) in PAL.
                 With metrics shown, the 'M' flag will show where individual manual override 'H'
                 hints were set, or blend index 1 postions of either short or long blend pair
                 overrides (in the 666 example, it will flag the positions of all the 1's
                 within the parenthesis['(' and ')'] ).

                 ExBlend is intended to correct clips that do not stay in sequence, if you have
                 a clip that does stay in sequence (and you are sure of that), you can force
                 ExBlend to stay in sequence too using the manual override command file. If say
                 the first, 1st blend index is at frame 2, you could create a text file containing
                 the manual override command:-


                 Thats it. (you would also need to set correct pal/film mode and such). Here
                 we gave a command to set 1 million LONG BLEND PAIR's, it will cease when
                 it comes to end of clip, and in the logs will tell you how many it actually set.
                 This excessive repetition count will not be considered an error by the override
                 command parser, however, trying to start a new command outside of clip range will
                 be considered an error. Also, NOTE, all manual override commands MUST be in ascending
                 order of frame number, you are NOT permitted to override previously set overrides,
                 some sort of order has to be maintained. As an aid (and byproduct of this strict
                 ordering) the parser can tell you (in logs) where the next permissable command
                 may be set. If trying to set up a manual override command file, use the logs, they
                 are your friend when trying to do this.

int lv           Log file Verbosity. (Default 0, OFF)
                 0=OFF, 1=ERRORS, 2=WARNINGS & ERRORS, 3 INFO & WARNINGS & ERRORS,
                 4=VERBOSE INFO & etc, 5 = DEBUG + VERBOSE etc.

                 lv=4, to show all manual overrides in logs (maybe large logs).

int dv           Log to DebugView window Verbosity.  (Default 0, OFF)
                 0=OFF, 1=ERRORS, 2=WARNINGS & ERRORS, 3 INFO & WARNINGS & ERRORS,
                 4=VERBOSE INFO & etc, 5 = DEBUG + VERBOSE etc.

                 Can use DebugView program to view this log, New in v1.02

                 DebugView available here:-

int disp         Display mode, 0 to 4, Default 1 (DISP_EXBLEND).

                 0=Original Blended input clip.

                 1=ExBlend (default) ie returns two identical copies of deblended frames.

                 2=SRestore, ExBlend Returns unblended frame for 1st blend index, and a duplicate of the frame following
                   the blend pair in the 2nd blend index postion.
                   This is the compatible with what srestore returns, and implemented to better compare ExBlend with same.
                   INVALID in mode 2 when decimate==true.

                 3=Component frames. Returns both of the frames that would be merged to give the final unblended frames,
                   blend index 1 and 2 will return the two component frames.

                 4=Adjacent frames. Only valid in MODE==2 and when Decimate==true.
                   Returns frames adjacent to blends, using CompUB and Decompix args.

clip DClip      Detection clip, (Default None)

                Can use eg a denoised clip for detection instead of source clip.
                IF eg a telecined clip exhibiting combing has been vertically downsized a little, it will still appear
                combed but cannot be inverse telecined, in this case you might like to try a DClip with the Didee suggested

                DClip=blur(0,1.0)       # Vertical Blur lines

                And use that for the detection clip, you might also like to set CompUB to 2.

int CompUB      Component unblend mode  (Default 2, [experimental, may change]).
                Component Unblend Mode for DISP display mode.
                Unblend-ing is achieved in two stages, firstly, two component frames are recoverd, and then the average
                of these two components is used to finally recover the unblended frame. Each of the component frames is
                unblended using a blended frame and also the good frame adjacent to the blended frame.
                CompUB controls which clips are used in reconstruction of the component frames where both Source clip
                and Dclip are provided. If no Dclip is supplied then the source clip is always used (Obviously).

                CompUB ranges from 0 to 2, where, (below assumes a Dclip)

                0 = No frames of Dclip, both blended And blend adjacent frames comes from source clip.
                1 = One Frame comes from Dclip ie the blended frame. The adjacent frame comes from source clip.
                2 = Both blended and adjacent frames come from Dclip.

                An easy way of remembering it is as the number of Dclip frames used in the reconstruction of the Component frames.
                (Info:- The Blend detector always uses the Dclip if supplied ie "DDDD").
                0 == "SSSS", 1 == "SDDS", 2 == "DDDD", where the two middle letters are the blends and outer are adjacent.

bool Decimate   (Default true in MODE==2, INVALID in MODE==0 or MODE==1)
                False, off, No decimation
                True, Decimate output in mode 2, MODE 1 already calculated which frames would be decimated and creates
                a file (default "ExBlend_Decimated.TXT") holding the frame numbers of the unblended frames in the
                MODE 2 decimated clip.

int Decompix   Decimated Component Index, (Only Valid in MODE=2 when Decimate==true, when Default is 1)

               When Decimate is true, (MODE 2 only) the only valid DISP Display modes are 0_DISP_BLENDED, 1_DISP_EXBLEND, 3_DISP_COMPONENT
               and DISP_ADJACENT.
               Decompix Is used in the DISP==0_DISP_BLENDED, DISP==3_DISP_COMPONENT and DISP==4_DISP_ADJACENT, to select which
               frames to return in place of decimated unblended frames.

               0_DISP_BLENDED, using both CompUB and Decompix, you can pull out the blended frame from either blend index 1 or 2,
               and from either the source clip (most usual) or the Dclip if required, using the CompUB arg.
               Might be useful to anyone wanting to do their own advanced un-blending in script, using ExBlend() only as the detector.

               1 DISP_EXBLEND is the usual disp mode and returns a fully unblended frame for each pair of blends. Decompix, not used.

               3 DISP_COMPONENT, returns the component frame for either blend index 1 or blend index 2 (1st or 2nd blend),
                 Decompix specifies which of the 2 blend component frames are returned. Can be used to 'pull out' component
                 frames (1 & 2) from a decimated clip for alternative processing. eg, you could do some kind of denoising on the
                 component frames before blending them together yourself with eg Merge(). You could then replace your denoised
                 and merged frames back into the decimated clip, using eg ClipClop() plugin. ExBlend() does no denoising itself.

               4 DISP_ADJACENT, returns the source 'S' frame adjacent to the Decompix blend index frame.
                 Might be useful to anyone wanting to do their own advanced un-blending in script, using ExBlend() only as the detector.

int DecClpIx   Decimated Clip index (MODE==1, default 1: MODE 0 & 1, IGNORED)

              This setting (-ve to 255 [default 1]), sets the clip index used in the MODE==1 creation of (default) "ExBlend_Decimated.Txt"
              file. This command file is a command file intended for the ClipClop() frame replacement plugin. For ClipClop(), the format
              would be like so:-

              "1 666"

              Where '1' is the clip index number for the replacement clip, and '666' is the frame to replace.
              This could be used like this,

              FixedClip = ClipClop(ExblendedClip,DenoisedExblendedClip,CMD="ExBlend_Decimated.Txt")

              DecClpIx can be used to change the clip index (above=='1') from range 0 to 255 with <0 denoting NONE.

bool Debug    Debug logging (false/true, default false)
              If true, switches on logging to file or DebugView to lv & dv, 1=Errors, 2=Warnings and 5=Debug, this would only
              be used to avoid perhaps the info and Verbose logging. To omit only Verbose, set eg dv=3 (INFO) and Debug=true.
              Will not effect log to file unless lv is non zero, ie just DebugView window.


DebugView here:-

ClipClop() Plugin here:-

Prune() Plugin here:-

        Change log :
                2/Dec/2009 - ver 1.0  - 1st Public Release

                26/Feb/2010 - ver 1.01

                        Changed blend recovery mode to be identical to srestore, Instead of using recovered frame
                        at blend index 2, we now use frame following blended pair so the duplicate is of the frame
                        following blends. Better for compare with srestore.
                        Switched to using DDigit text renderer.

                8/Oct/2010 - ver 1.02b
                        Lockthresh, no longer considered EXPERIMENTAL, defaults to 1.0.
                        Added new arg eg Log="Logfile.Log", default ExBlend.Log.
                        Override commands extended and parser enhanced, assisting messages
                        added to logs.
                        Added lv and dv and disp, args.
                        Added "New Sequence" and "Lost Sequence" and other messages to messages log.
                        Moved flags around.

                        Recompiled using the updated DDigit text renderer with Toolkit 2003 optimizing compiler.

                 15/Feb/2012 - ver 1.03b

                        Added Dclip, Decimate, CompUB, Dcompix, DecClpIx, and Debug args. Added DISP_ADJACENT.
                        Lots of changes. Default back to ExBlend instead of sRestore.

                 18/Dec/2018 - ver 1.04.
                        Moved to VS 2008, added x64. Added v2.60 standard Planar Colorspaces (excl YV411).
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 19th December 2018 at 00:15.
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