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Old 13th November 2011, 22:12   #5  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Page 5, Avisynth registration and Filter Creation:-

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The stuff below is to connect and make available the plugin to Avisynth.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// This is the function that creates an instance of the filter class when the filter is used in Avisynth.
// In this case, the function is called 'Create_INTERNALNAME', but it could have been called anything,
// the Avisynth Plugin registration Function 'AvisynthPluginInit2()' (below) told Avisynth which
// function to call to create an instance of the filter. You will only be wanting to edit the name of this
// function, the arguments and calling convention should remain fixed.
//  This function can be used for simple parameter checking, so it is possible to create different filters,
// based on the arguments received, for further, see filter sources.

AVSValue __cdecl Create_INTERNALNAME(AVSValue args, void* user_data, IScriptEnvironment* env) {
  // Calls the filter class constructor with the arguments provided.
  // The arguments to 'new' MUST match those in the class declaration for the constructor.
  // BEWARE the 'n' in args[n] must also be set correctly. (incremental from zero)
  // Can use types eg, AsClip(), AsInt(), AsFloat(), AsString(), AsBool() and can supply a default argument. 

  int default_intarg = 42;          // could set this default, from eg a settings file.

  OutputDebugString(AVISYNTHNAME ": Creating Filter instance - Calling Constructor\n");

  return new INTERNALNAME(            // Arguments to the Filter class Constructor of INTERNALNAME class.
      args[0].AsClip(),               // _child,  (Not optional no default specified)
      args[1].AsInt(default_intarg),  // _intarg, with default set to 'default_intarg'.
      args[2].AsBool(true),           // _version, with default to true if not supplied.
      args[3].AsBool(true),           // _show, with default to true if not supplied.
      args[4].AsInt(-1),              // _bounce, with default -1 (auto select bounce step)
      env  // Supplies constructor with environment, env is often used for raising an error in the constructor.
  // The above 'new' is sort of like a malloc to get a block of memory for the
  // class structure, followed by calling the constructor for the class on that memory block,
  // which creates an instance of the filter class and returns it to Avisynth as an AVSValue.
  // AVSValue, a type of variant holding a value of any type. The args function argument above is an
  // AVSValue which happens to be an array of AVSValues, and eg args[0].AsClip() was used to get
  // the first argument as a Clip without a default value.
  // An optional clip would eg use a default of 'NULL' (zero) which should be detected as invalid/not-used
  // by a filter class constructor, and obviously should not be accessed as a clip, as an alternative, you might call
  // a different constructor for the filter which does not take the optional clip arg. (a class can have multiple
  // constructors).

// ------------------------------------------
// The standard Avisynth Plugin registration Function
// The following function is the function that actually registers the filter in AviSynth
// It is called automatically, when the plugin is loaded to see which functions this filter contains.
// It does not actually create an instance of the filter, but it does tell Avisynth which function to call
// to do that, if the filter is used within a script.
// The name, the argument, and calling convention is fixed. 

  extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const char* __stdcall AvisynthPluginInit2(IScriptEnvironment* env){
    OutputDebugString(AVISYNTHNAME ": AvisynthPluginInit2 Calling env->AddFunction\n");
  /* New 2.6 requirement!!! */
  // Declare and initialise server pointers static storage.
  const AVS_Linkage *AVS_linkage = 0;

  /* New 2.6 requirement!!! */
  // DLL entry point called from LoadPlugin() to setup a user plugin.
  extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const char* __stdcall
      AvisynthPluginInit3(IScriptEnvironment* env, const AVS_Linkage* const vectors) {

      /* New 2.6 requirment!!! */
      // Save the server pointers.
      AVS_linkage = vectors;
      OutputDebugString(AVISYNTHNAME ": AvisynthPluginInit3 Calling env->AddFunction\n");

  // The code below, registers the plugin with avisynth and tells it how to construct/create
  // the filter, the argument types it accepts and whether they are optional/named arguments.
  // AddFunction has the following paramters:
  // AddFunction(FilterName , Arguments, Function-to-call,0);

      AVISYNTHNAME,                               // The name of the filter in Avisynth (as a string).
      "c[intarg]i[version]b[show]b[bounce]i",  // Arguments, THIS MUST BE EDITED TO SUIT THE FILTER ARGUMENTS.
      Create_INTERNALNAME,                        // The function Avisynth will call to create an instance of the filter.
      0                                           // Zero. (possibly 'user_data' arg in Create_INTERNALNAME, never seen used).
  // This particular registration, says:
  // The name of the filter in Avisynth is AVISYNTHNAME().
  // First filter arg 'c' is an un-named compulsory clip ('[name]' means 'name' is optional), 
  // Second filter arg '[intarg]i' is an optional arg of type int.
  // Third filter arg '[version]b' is an optional arg of type bool.
  // Forth filter arg '[show]b' is an optional arg of type bool.
  // Fifth filter arg '[bounce]i' is an optional arg of type int.
  // In this case the filter is similar to an Avisynth script definition of 
  // AVISYNTHNAME(clip,int "intarg",bool "version",bool "show", int "bounce").
  // Of course, this must match what it uses in the above Avisynth Filter Creation function,
  // and is almost always what the class constructor accepts.

  // Arguments is a string that defines the types and optional names of the arguments for your filter.
  // The names of optional arguments are enclosed in '[]' as in [name] and followed by the type string specifier.
  // An argument list of eg "cc" would indicate a filter requiring two compulsory un-named clips.
  // An arg list of eg "c[]c" would indicate a filter accepting a compulsory un-named clip and an
  // optional un-named clip, without the '[]' in the arg list string, Avisynth would NOT allow you to call
  // the filter without both clips even if you gave a default value in the 'Create_INTERNALNAME' filter creator
  // (previous function above).

  // Argument type specifier strings.
  // c - Video Clip
  // i - Integer number
  // f - Float number
  // s - String
  // b - boolean
  // . - Any type (dot)
  //      Array Specifiers
  // i* - Integer Array, zero or more
  // i+ - Integer Array, one or more
  // .* - Any type Array, zero or more
  // .+ - Any type Array, one or more
  //      Etc

    OutputDebugString(AVISYNTHNAME ": AvisynthPluginInit2 returning to Avisynth\n");
    OutputDebugString(AVISYNTHNAME ": AvisynthPluginInit3 returning to Avisynth\n");

  //  return "'Example' Example plugin";
  return ("'" AVISYNTHNAME "' " AVISYNTHNAME " plugin");
  // A freeform name of the plugin. Dont think this returned string is actually used for anything in Avisynth.
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Last edited by StainlessS; 31st March 2015 at 19:26. Reason: Update
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