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Old 25th September 2004, 08:26   #40  |  Link
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OK, I tried a 4th DVD (Monsters Inc), and of course I found a snag!

- The method mentioned in my previous post will only work if the destination where you want to land automatically is accessible from the VMG domain. This is bad because if I'm not mistaken you can only get to root, chapter, angle, audio, or subpic menus. If you want to land anywhere else, (any other LU menu) then you can't do it the way I describe it. However, most of the time, you want to land in an entry point menu I guess, so that's not really a problem.

- However, this means the solution I gave won't always work: Suppose I want to land in the root menu of VTS-1, but the root menu has no button, no video, and just a set of pre and post commands. This means I have to stop playback (to read registers) right before the first precommand of this root menu, which a break won't do (since there's no cells to display, I'll just go straight through to the postcommands, not what I want).
The solution is to put an "exit" command instead of a "break" command at the top of the precommands of the target root menu. This way, as soon as Mark's Tray DVD hits this point, the execution stops (and hopefully the registers are not modified). The rest of the procedure is identical as in the post above. This works fine for Monsters Inc. Also, don't forget to remove the exit command (and not just replace it with a nop which could screw up goto instructions below).

- On monsters inc, the aspect-ratio menu is after the main menu! I don't see a good way of dealing with that automatically (i.e. bypass that menu). It's easy enough to do by hand in PgcEdit, but the scenario where you could "teach" the DVD player where you wanted to land seems to collapse.

I'm afraid in such cases, menuedit (registered, which I don't have) is the best solution
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