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Old 13th March 2003, 20:49   #1  |  Link
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Getting Main Menu to Display Upon DVD Insert

Getting Main Menu to Display Upon DVD Insert Guide
Courtesy of 2CL

Tools I used
IFOedit 0.95
SmartRipper 2.41 / DVD Decrypter
1. Rip ALL files to a folder on your hard-drive.
2. Region Free every IFO and save commands if region code commands were deleted.
3. Get VTS Sectors.
4. Backup all IFOs and BUPs to a separate sub-folder. In case something happens in your editing, you can always replace with your edited IFO with it's original IFO & BUP. Remember to Get VTS Sectors to refresh fi you do so.
5. Play the original DVD and watch IFOedit's status window in DVD Play panel. Whatever you're watching at the moment, your status window will give an indication on where that clip resides at. You'll have 3 common status displays.
  • Video Manager Menu (VMG).....Step 6
  • Title Set Menu (VTS).........Step 7
  • Title: #.....................Step 8
6. Video Manager Menu (VMG)

Your video resides in a Menu that uses a VOB-ID or VOB-IDs in your VIDEO_TS.IFO / VMG Overview / Menu Language Unit [ ]. Look at my example below. View each one that has (uses VOB-IDs: ) by double-left clicking on Menu line.

Hopefully, IFOedit will show you a preview of what your Menu contains. If you are unable to view, DVD2AVI or VOBrator are good alternatives to use. These are freewares available in Doom9’s download section.

When you find your video segment, select line and press your “Delete Playback” button. What “Delete Playback” does is, in / VMGM_PGCI_UT / PGC-Menu_#, it changes your Number of Programs and Cells to zeroes and also your Playback time to a decimal value of 192, which will give you zero seconds. Thus, preventing your video clip from playing after you save your IFO.

VMG Overview:

Menu Language Units: 1

Language Menu Unit 1: [English]
...Menu 1: [Title-Menu].....(entry PGC)(Programs: 0) (Cells: 0)
...Menu 2: [entry only].....................(Programs: 3) (Cells: 3) (uses VOB-IDs: 1)
...Menu 3: [entry only].....................(Programs: 0) (Cells: 0)
...Menu 4: [entry only].....................(Programs: 3) (Cells: 3) (uses VOB-IDs: 2)
...Menu 5: [entry only].....................(Programs: 0) (Cells: 0)
...Menu 6: [entry only].....................(Programs: 0) (Cells: 0)
...Menu 7: [entry only].....................(Programs: 1) (Cells: 1) (uses VOB-IDs: 3)
...Menu 8: [entry only].....................(Programs: 1) (Cells: 1) (uses VOB-IDs: 4)
...Menu 9: [entry only].....................(Programs: 1) (Cells: 1) (uses VOB-IDs: 5)
7. Title Set Menu (VTS)

Your video resides in a Menu that uses a VOB-ID or VOB-IDs in your movie’s Title Set VTS_*_0.IFO / VTS Overview / Menu Language Unit [ ]. To find out what your movie’s Title Set is, you need to know what it’s Title number is beforehand. Here’s how to quickly find out. Looking at my example below. In VIDEO_TS / VMG Overview / Number of Title Play Maps section, a Title with the most chapters is most likely to be your movie. On that same line, your will find your Title Set number. My movie is Title 1 in Title Set VTS_01. TTN means Titleset Title Number so TTN 1 is Title 1 in VTS_01.

VMG Overview

Number of Title Play Maps: 3 (VMG_PTT_SRPT)
...Title 1: VTS_01_*, TTN_1 (Angles: 1) (Chapters: 19) (Start Sector 1185)
...Title 2: VTS_02_*, TTN_1 (Angles: 1) (Chapters: 2) (Start Sector 1524375)
...Title 3: VTS_03_*, TTN_1 (Angles: 1) (Chapters: 2) (Start Sector 1608135)

Now that we have our movie’s Title Set, go to its VTS_*_.IFO / VTS Overview / Menu Language Unit [ ]. Disabling/bypassing your unwanted video segment(s) is pretty much the same procedure as what I shown in VMG Manager Menu in step 6.

Note: If you are already at your main menu, this is what you’ll also see in your status window.
8. Title: #

Your video resides in a Title Set (VTS_*) other than your movie’s Title Set. Since you are jumping from one TitleSet to another, you have to jump to your VMG (VIDEO_TS.IFO) first and then jump to that other TitleSet. I sometimes describe this as "jumping from Title to Title through a dummy PGC". For example, if you got Title: 2, then one of your PGC-Menus in your VIDEO_TS.IFO / VTSM_PGCI_UT / contains that. Go through each PGC-Menu and look for this command, (JumpTT) Jump to Title: 2.

Did you find it? Assuming your movie resides in Title Set 1 (VTS_01) then do a right mouse click on line and select (JumpSS_VTSM) Jump to TitleSet Menu in pop-up menu. Input new values as example below. If your movie menu resides in another TitleSet, substitute your real TitleSet number in commands below, highlighted in blue.

OLD > (JumpTT) Jump to Title: 2....................................................[30 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 ]
NEW > JumpSS VTSM) Jump to TitleSet(vts): 1, Title(ttn): 1, root-menu [30 06 00 01 01 83 00 00 ]

If you want to read/learn more on disabling Titles, here a link to my other guides.

Last edited by 2COOL; 13th December 2003 at 04:26.
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