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Old 25th December 2005, 13:11   #869  |  Link
clueless n00b
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: somewhere over the rainbow
Posts: 10,579
hmm.. x264 does almost 40fps on my box For me, anything below real-time seriously gets on my nerves and makes me think of faster hardware (in my case there's no point, it's one of the fastest cpus money can buy), or switching the codec to something that agrees with the amount of patience I can muster. I suppose it's not so hard but I'm just guessing out loud, I have no idea really. What I can say is that the number that is behind that indication (and the elapsed time) can easily be coverted to say number of seconds and that this number is accurate.. it's only a matter of putting that into the 24h format, and I just guess because it's called 24h format, it only goes to 23:59:59.. if you want more, you probably have to convert it to something else, like dd hh:mm:ss, which may or may not be possible with a single line, or write a conversion routine on your own (also not that hard, just a bunch of ifs, divisions and substractions). But I'm still working on a codec comparison..
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