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Old 17th March 2009, 06:37   #9  |  Link
Join Date: Jul 2007
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that's because you're adding it back in.

If we turn the scrolling credits into a function:

function CreditScroll(clip src, string file, int "numSecs", int "vidWidth", int "vidHeight")
fps = src.FrameRate()
numSecs = default(numSecs, 10)
numFrames = int(numSecs * fps)

vidWidth = default(vidWidth, src.Width())
vidHeight = default(vidHeight, src.Height())

credits = ImageReader(file, end=numFrames-1, fps=fps)

return Animate(0, numFrames, "LanczosResize", credits, vidWidth, vidHeight, 0.0, 0.0, vidWidth, vidHeight, credits, vidWidth, vidHeight, 0.0, 4424.0, vidWidth, vidHeight)
Now let's think of this in terms of your goal. You want to give the credits after the movie:
image = "K:\AppData\Avisynth\credits2.png"

DirectShowSource("k:\AppData\VirtualDub\Class99_short.avi", fps=25.00)
Levels(0, 1.2, 255, 0, 255, coring=true)
Tweak(hue=0, sat=1.3, bright=0.0, cont=1.0, coring=true, sse=false)

video = last

return CreditsScroll(Video, image)
Anything seem wrong here? You're creating a clip of the scrolling credits. But that's it. You're not actually -adding- it to the original movie. To do that, you would do:
video = last
credits = ScrollCredits(video, image)
# Splicing of video and audio
return video + credits
You can't call your encoding speed slow until you start measuring in seconds per frame.
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