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Old 9th September 2004, 23:02   #1  |  Link
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Byron Bay, Australia
Posts: 20
FastLineDarken() - the name says it all

- it's fast (yv12lutxy is godly, thank you!)
- it darkens lines
- it thins lines (optional, slower) <-- new in 1.3
- it doesn't ever touch edges, owing to a nifty little line masking method that occurred to me a few days ago, all you have to do is subtract(expand.inpand)

Motivation for this function was that someone told me they used mftoon for line darkening, which is like using a tank to take your kids to school... it's overkill, it's slow, and it has nasty side effects So I wrote this little function as a better faster alternative

EDIT: Updated post to include latest version

Here is a download link (right click -> save as), or you can copy/paste the code into a file yourself:

# FastLineDarken 1.3 #
# Written by Vectrangle, last update 12 Sept 04
#  * requires masktools 1.5.1 --
#  * requires yv12 input
# Usage is FastLineDarken(strength, luma_cap, threshold, thinning),
#   named parameters are supported eg FastLineDarken(thinning=0)
# Note that you must import this avs into your script using import("...\FastLineDarken 1.3.avs")
# Parameters are:
#  strength (integer)  - Line darkening amount, 0-256. Default 48. Represents the _maximum_ amount
#                        that the luma will be reduced by, weaker lines will be reduced by
#                        proportionately less.
#  luma_cap (integer)  - value from 0 (black) to 255 (white), used to stop the darkening
#                        determination from being 'blinded' by bright pixels, and to stop grey
#                        lines on white backgrounds being darkened. Any pixels brighter than
#                        luma_cap are treated as only being as bright as luma_cap. Lowering
#                        luma_cap tends to reduce line darkening. 255 disables capping. Default 191.
#  threshold (integer) - any pixels that were going to be darkened by an amount less than
#                        threshold will not be touched. setting this to 0 will disable it, setting
#                        it to 4 (default) is recommended, since often a lot of random pixels are
#                        marked for very slight darkening and a threshold of about 4 should fix
#                        them. Note if you set threshold too high, some lines will not be darkened
#  thinning (integer)  - optional line thinning amount, 0-256. Setting this to 0 will disable it,
#                        which is gives a _big_ speed increase. Note that thinning the lines will
#                        inherently darken the remaining pixels in each line a little. Default 24.
# Changelog:
#  1.3  - added ability to thin lines, now runs much slower unless thinning=0. Changed the defaults (again)
#  1.2  - huge speed increase using yv12lutxy =)
#       - weird darkening issues gone (they were caused by yv12layer)
#       - show option no longer available due to optimizations. Use subtract() instead
#  1.1  - added luma_cap option
#  1.0  - initial release

function FastLineDarken( clip c, int "strength", int "luma_cap", int "threshold", int "thinning") {
	str = string(default(strength, 48) /128.)
	lum = string(default(luma_cap, 191))
	thr = string(default(threshold, 4))
	thinning = default(thinning,24)
	thn = string(thinning /16.)
	diff = yv12lutxy(c,exin,yexpr="y "+lum+" < y "+lum+" ? x "+thr+" + > x y "\
		+lum+" < y "+lum+" ? - 0 ? 127 +",uexpr="x",vexpr="x")
	linemask = yv12lut(diff.inpand(),"x 127 - "+thn+" * 255 +")\
		.yv12convolution("1 1 1","1 1 1",y=3,u=0,v=0)
	thick = yv12lutxy(c, exin, yexpr="y "+lum+" < y "+lum+" ? x "+thr+" + > x y "\
		+lum+" < y "+lum+" ? - 0 ? "+str+" * x +",uexpr="x",vexpr="x")
	thin = yv12lutxy(c.expand(),diff,yexpr="x y 127 - "+str+" 1 + * +")
	return (thinning == 0) ? thick : maskedmerge(thin,thick,linemask,y=3,u=2,v=2)
Enjoy! Comments appreciated

Last edited by Vectrangle; 12th September 2004 at 11:54.
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