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Old 29th April 2003, 15:31   #8  |  Link
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pardon me for going off topic for just a moment, but since you brought it up, supersampling, I've only ever heard of it being used to offset an odd effect of xsharpen, is there merit in supersampling, and where can I find out more about it and its merit for certain filters/types of filters (anywhere besides the holy "search" button).

In any case, I've seen your discussions with neuron2 about your unshrap mask experiments and the script you've provided here looks to have some of the same elements. Never having experience with unsharp mask filters either in a photoediting program (PSP, PhotoShop, etc) or vdub's version, would it be possible to explain what an unsharp mask does, perhaps as opposed to a standard sharpener? Or must I go on the quest for the holy readme.txt? It would make my testing job for your script=mftoon if I know what it is I'm looking for besides thicker/darker lines.
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