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Old 18th February 2007, 14:45   #18  |  Link
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 274
@arnezami - Excellent work!

At the present time, all discs use the same Processing Key
(Parking Space). Unless the same Processing Key (which is just a number) appears on different subtrees (levels of the parking garage), this means that the Processing Key in current use is on the largest master tree (the only one that all devices/trucks can access/drive on) No device (truck) can get to a Processing Key that is in its own upward chain. Yet every Processing Key in the master tree is in some (possible) device's upward chain. I'm guessing that there is a special spot in use right now at the base of the master tree that holds the current Processing Key/Parking space instead of a device/truck. All other devices in the tree can get to that spot, except the device/truck that starts there (The truck would already be there, but I thought I understood that a device could not calculate it's own single node Processing Key, as well as all the upward processing keys in its chain to the root.)

I understand the "instructions" in the MKB define the "path" to get to the Processing Key, by using ones to go right and zeros to go left when tracing from the top (perhaps I have it reversed - don't recall). Can you confirm where the current Processing Key is located on the tree/parking level and whether it's down low near the base of the master tree/trucks or up higher in the tree? Is it over on the far lower right or left of the master tree?
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