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Old 23rd August 2005, 12:24   #19  |  Link
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AVIL - the problem wasn't the page in french, but rather the "page not found" I was getting. >today< it loads for me, but too late ...

Manao -

>> i never considered yv12convolution to be fast ( no mmx code )

Ah. Would this answer your own wondering, time back, why I'm often using DEdgeMask where YV12Convolution would be the obvious filter?

Okay ... here my little suggestion for inpand and expand:

As noted, it would be nice to have the possibility to in/expand only horizontally, or only vertically. When working e.g. with comb masks, or horizontal-only/vertical-only edgemasks, the advantages are obvious.

Plus there's one thing more behind it. When internal code for one-dimensional in/expanding is available, then an additional operation could be implemented: a merging of [normal expand] + [horizontal+vertical expand].
Why? to get "round corner" expanding. Currently, a chain of 10*expand() will turn e.g. a point into a 21*21 square. With "round corner" expanding, one would get a circle of diameter 21. There are cases where this would be desireable, because the "distance" of the filtering is of equal length in all directions, then. For simple expanding, there is a distance deviation of sqrt(2) - - too long in diagonal direction.

For the case of expand, I put together a scripted variant ... of course its pretty slow, but hey, it deals for visualization only.
function expand2(clip clp, int "direction", int "Y", int "U", int "V")
direction = default(direction, 3)
Y =         default(Y,3)
U =         default(U,1)
V =         default(V,1)

    direction==0 ? clp.expand(Y=Y,U=U,V=V)
\ : direction==1 ? clp.expand_H(Y=Y,U=U,V=V)
\ : direction==2 ? clp.expand_V(Y=Y,U=U,V=V)
\ : direction==3 ? logic( clp.expand_H(Y=Y,U=U,V=V),
                    \     clp.expand_V(Y=Y,U=U,V=V),
                    \     "max",Y=Y,U=U,V=V)
\ : direction==4 ? yv12lutxy( clp.expand(Y=Y,U=U,V=V),
                    \         logic( clp.expand_H(Y=Y,U=U,V=V), 
                    \                clp.expand_V(Y=Y,U=U,V=V),
                    \                "max",Y=Y,U=U,V=V),
                    \          "x 71 * y 100 * + 171 /",Y=Y,U=U,V=V)
\ :                clp.subtitle("illegal direction :p")
function expand_H(clip clp, int "Y", int "U", int "V")
Y = default(Y,3)
U = default(U,1)
V = default(V,1)
logic( clp, logic( clp.yv12convolution("1 0 0","1",Y=Y,U=U,V=V),
 \                 clp.yv12convolution("0 0 1","1",Y=Y,U=U,V=V),
 \                 "max",Y=Y,U=U,V=V),
 \     "max",Y=Y,U=U,V=V)
function expand_V(clip clp, int "Y", int "U", int "V")
Y = default(Y,3)
U = default(U,1)
V = default(V,1)
logic( clp, logic(clp.yv12convolution("1","1 0 0",Y=Y,U=U,V=V),
 \                clp.yv12convolution("1","0 0 1",Y=Y,U=U,V=V),
 \                "max",Y=Y,U=U,V=V),
 \     "max",Y=Y,U=U,V=V)

expand2(direction=0) --> normal expand()

expand2(direction=1) --> horizontal-only expand()

expand2(direction=2) --> vertical-only expand()

expand2(direction=3) --> horizontal+vertical expand() ("triangular" effect when chaining several instances)

expand2(direction=4) --> "round corner" expand()

I think this would be sensible to implement ... in one form or the other, not necessarily the way I did above. Are there any hurdles I don't see?
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