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Old 25th March 2008, 17:38   #3988  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Thunderbolt8 View Post
noticed that the demuxed truehd track from the fifth element blu-ray (remastered) by eac3to is ~500mb shorter than the one I demuxed with xport. (2,80 vs. 3,36 GB). is this supposed to be normal?
the track is said to have 20 or 24bit (24 bit reported by madflac, 20 bit said by the flac filesize is 2,54 GB
Blu-Ray does not have TrueHD tracks. Blu-Ray only has combined TrueHD/AC3 tracks. xport demuxes them as they are - as combined TrueHD/AC3 tracks. eac3to doesn't do that. Instead it either demuxes the TrueHD part of the track or the AC3 part of the track. eac3to can also demux both the TrueHD and the AC3 part of such a combined TrueHD/AC3 track - but then the TrueHD and the AC3 streams are stored into separate files. Those 500mb difference is due to eac3to stripping the AC3 frames from the demuxed TrueHD track, which xport doesn't do.

Originally Posted by Thunderbolt8 View Post
is the ending .pcm the right one btw. for demuxing that track? because eac3to is swapping endians and remapping channels 2 times then and the -demux switch doesnt seem to work for .m2ts files
The pcm extension is just right if you want to demux the track as it is. eac3to will remap the channels and swap endian twice, but that happens in RAM and is extremely fast. So you shouldn't notice any difference.

The "-demux" switch currently works just fine - but only for movies where there's no combined TrueHD/AC3 track. The "-demux" option has a bug which stumbles over such combined tracks. That will be fixed in the next build. The next build will then demux both the TrueHD and the AC3 parts of such combined tracks into separate files, if you use the "-demux" option.
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