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Old 8th June 2005, 20:21   #2  |  Link
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Posts: 21
Well, good news is that if you are getting that size then everything is working correctly.

The actual space on a 4.7 Gb single layer dvd is around 4.37 I believe. You see media manufacturers as well as hd manufacturers don't calculate exact values as you might have notices if you bought a new hd. When talking to the public, they actually assume that each level is 1000 times the size of the smaller level when it isn't. This is probably so it sounds like more than it is. The reason they say 4.7 gigs is because they figure it as 4,700,000,000 bytes. If divided by 1000 three times then you would get 4.7 gigs. However, computer information is stored in binary. which means that this value is actually 2 to the 10 or 1024. So 1024 bytes = 1 kB, 1024 kb = 1 mb, 1024 mb = 1 gb, 1024 gb = 1 tb and so forth.

Having said this the calculations are...
4700000000 bytes/1024 = 4589843.75 kb
4589843.75 kb/1024 = 4482.269287..... mb
4482.269287..... mb/1024 = 4.3772161....... gb

Same goes for hd except there is also some used space for boot tables and such. This has bothered me since i was 12 but I guess the general public doesn't care that they are getting jipped.

Hope this helps.
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