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Old 2nd February 2009, 09:19   #8  |  Link
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2 Things that are important:
  1. Imputing the test code in the right place
  2. Knowing what the colored lines mean & the Pixel Level

thats the easy part

level _n_ - The "radius/width" of the vertical lines is _n_px.
level 1 -     M
level 2 -    RGR
level 3 -   RGYGR
level 4 -  RGYCYGR
level 5 - RGYCMCYGR
So Level 2 the test "pattern" is a total of 3px wide, level 3 is 5px wide.

At Level 5: (9px wide)
Red: first pixel on either side, right on the edge. -Edge Sharpness/Contrast
Green: second pixel in from the edge. - Edge Sharpness/Halo
Yellow: third pixel in from the edge. - Halo/Edge Sharpness
Cyan: forth pixel in from the edge. - Halo
Magenta: fifth pixel in from the edge. - Halo
It lets you know how deep in from the edge the sharpener works. The more advanced/potentially stronger ones reach deeper into the stack. Example: if the Yellow line is more vertical then the Red line, then you get halos (means the center's contrast is increasing more then the edge).

The more vertical the line is, it's more sharp. The more horizontal the line is, it's less sharp. 45 degree angle is untouched - "generally" what u want deeper in the stack: less halos in general. Watch the video (on the first post) in it's entirety if you still have questions... or play around by giving this script different inputs. Also disable the Levels() and/or the last Overlay() to play see this before mid stream.

An Interesting Example is SeeSaw - It effects all levels.

Last edited by mikeytown2; 2nd February 2009 at 10:05.
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