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Old 29th October 2012, 23:28   #16  |  Link
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 378
hi, I'm still not getting anywhere, every option causes error can't load script. :-( I must be doing something wrong.

Here's my script:

LoadPlugin("c:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\mvtools2.dll")
LoadPlugin("c:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\fft3dfilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("c:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\removegrain.dll")
LoadPlugin("c:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\mt_masktools-25.dll")
LoadPlugin("c:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\dfttest.dll")


source=ffmpegsource2("videofile.mkv", threads=1)

denoised=MCTD(dfttest(source, sigma=4.0, lsb=true), chroma=true, settings="low")

Dither_convert_yuv_to_rgb(denoised, matrix="601", tv_range=false, cplace="MPEG2", chromak="bicubic", lsb_in=true, output="rgb48y")
Dither_y_gamma_to_linear (tv_range_in=false, tv_range_out=false, curve="709")
Dither_convey_rgb48_on_yv12 (SelectEvery (3, 0),SelectEvery (3, 1),SelectEvery (3, 2) )
I'd like to create multiple avs files of the above with a trim(?,?) added to the end of the line:

source=ffmpegsource2("videofile.mkv", threads=1).trim(?,?)

For each bookmark set or interval set etc.

The reason for this is that I intend piping batches of around 350 to 500 16bit interleaved frames from thousands via avs2yuv to imagemagick for encoding to 16bit linear exr's, any more than about 500 frames at a time will cause memory errors on the machine I'm using for this currently. I'm manually adding trim command and trim points to multiple avs scripts currently and would like to automate it.

The problem with avs2yuv type route I believe is that all frames must be accounted for before processing starts and this is simply too many for memory + temp harddisk space, so some sort of batching required.

But alternatively if it were possible to do this directly from AVSPmod in a single avs script in a similar way to 'save to mp4' from the tools menu by calling avs2yuv or avs2pipemod and feeding batches of so many frames directly from AVSPmod negating need for multiple scripts, would this be possible because I find the more complex the processing required, the smaller the batch increments and therefore increased number of batch scripts needed to prevent memory errors.

Thanks for your time making changes to date.

Last edited by Yellow_; 29th October 2012 at 23:34.
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