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Old 13th January 2007, 15:28   #593  |  Link
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Here you are This is what I've recently downloaded with one of the AviSynth plugins, and it's working

# LimitedSharpen()   ( a modded version, 29 Oct 2005 )
# A multi-purpose sharpener by Didée
# Changes in this mod:
# - RemoveGrain >= v0.9  IS REQUIRED!!
#   ==================================
# - Smode=4   / sometimes does the magic ;-)
# - a separate "undershoot" parameter, to allow for some line darkening in comic or Anime 
# - Lmode=3   / on edges, limited sharpening with zero OS & US. On not-edges, limited sharpening with specified OS + LS
# - "soft" acts different now: no more boolean true/false, but instead integer 0 - 100  (or -1 -> automatic)
#    instead of blurring before finding minima/maxima, it now softens the "effect-of-sharpening"
# - edgemode=-1 now shows the edgemask. (scaling still not implemented :p )
## - MODIFIED version using MaskTools 2.0

function LimitedSharpenFaster( clip clp, 
 \                       float "ss_x",   float "ss_y", 
 \                       int   "dest_x", int   "dest_y",
 \                       int   "Smode" , int   "strength", int  "radius", 
 \                       int   "Lmode",  bool  "wide",     int  "overshoot", int "undershoot",
 \                       int   "soft",   int   "edgemode", bool "special",
 \                       int   "exborder" )
ox = clp.width
oy = clp.height

Smode     = default( Smode,       3 )
ss_x      = (Smode==4)
 \        ? default( ss_x,      1.25)
 \        : default( ss_x,      1.5 )
ss_y      = (Smode==4)
 \        ? default( ss_y,      1.25)
 \        : default( ss_y,      1.5 )
dest_x    = default( dest_x,     ox )
dest_y    = default( dest_y,     oy )
strength  = (Smode==1)
 \        ? default( strength,  160 )
 \        : default( strength,  100 )
strength  = (Smode==2&&strength>100) ? 100 : strength
radius    = default( radius,      2 )
Lmode     = default( Lmode,       1 )
wide      = default( wide,    false )
overshoot = default( overshoot, 1)
undershoot= default( undershoot, overshoot)
softdec   = default( soft,        0 )
soft    =  softdec!=-1 ? softdec : sqrt( (((ss_x+ss_y)/2.0-1.0)*100.0) ) * 10
soft    = soft>100 ? 100 : soft
edgemode  = default( edgemode,    0 )
special   = default( special, false )
exborder  = default( exborder, 0)
#radius =   round( radius*(ss_x+ss_y)/2)  #  If it's you, Mug Funky - feel free to activate it again  

clp.isYV12() ? clp : clp.converttoyv12()

ss_x != 1.0 || ss_y != 1.0 ? last.lanczosresize(xxs,yys) : last
tmp = last

edge = mt_logic( tmp.mt_edge(thY1=0,thY2=255,"8 16 8 0 0 0 -8 -16 -8 4")
 \              ,tmp.mt_edge(thY1=0,thY2=255,"8 0 -8 16 0 -16 8 0 -8 4")
 \              ,"max") .mt_lut("x 128 / 0.86 ^ 255 *") #.levels(0,0.86,128,0,255,false) 

tmpsoft       = tmp.removegrain(11,-1)
dark_limit1   = tmp.mt_inpand()
bright_limit1 = tmp.mt_expand()
dark_limit    = (wide==false) ? dark_limit1   : dark_limit1  .removegrain(20,-1).mt_inpand()
bright_limit  = (wide==false) ? bright_limit1 : bright_limit1.removegrain(20,-1).mt_expand() 
minmaxavg     = special==false
 \            ? mt_average(dark_limit1, bright_limit1)
 \            : mt_merge(dark_limit,bright_limit,tmp.removegrain(11,-1),Y=3,U=-128,V=-128)

normsharp = Smode==1 ? unsharpmask(strength,radius,0) 
 \        : Smode==2 ? sharpen(float(strength)/100.0) 
 \        : Smode==3 ? mt_lutxy(tmp,minmaxavg,yexpr="x x y - "+Str+" * +")
 \        :            mt_lutxy(tmp,tmpsoft,"x y == x x x y - abs 16 / 1 2 / ^ 16 * "+Str+
 \                       " * x y - 2 ^ x y - 2 ^ "+Str+" 100 * 25 / + / * x y - x y - abs / * + ?")

OS = string(overshoot)
US = string(undershoot)
mt_lutxy( bright_limit, normsharp, yexpr="y x "+OS+" + < y x y x - "+OS+" - 1 2 / ^ + "+OS+" + ?")
mt_lutxy( dark_limit, last, yexpr="y x "+US+" - > y x x y - "+US+" - 1 2 / ^ - "+US+" - ?")

Lmode==1 ? mt_clamp(normsharp, bright_limit, dark_limit, overshoot, undershoot) : last
normal = last
zero   = mt_clamp(normsharp, bright_limit, dark_limit, 0,0)

Lmode==3 ? mt_merge(normal,zero,edge.mt_inflate()) : normal

      edgemode==0  ?  last 
 \  : edgemode==1  ?  mt_merge(tmp,last,edge.mt_inflate().mt_inflate().removegrain(11,-1),Y=3,U=1,V=1)
 \  :                 mt_merge(last,tmp,edge.mt_inflate().mt_inflate().removegrain(11,-1),Y=3,U=1,V=1)

AMNT  = string(soft)
AMNT2 = string(100-soft)
 \           "x 128 - abs y 128 - abs > y "+AMNT+" * x "+AMNT2+" * + 100 / x ?")

soft==0 ? last : mt_makediff(tmp,sharpdiff2)
     (ss_x != 1.0 || ss_y != 1.0) 
\ || (dest_x != ox || dest_y != oy) ? lanczosresize(dest_x,dest_y) : last

tmp =  clp.lanczosresize(dest_x,dest_y)

clp.isYV12() ? ( exborder==0 ? tmp.mergeluma(last)
 \                           : mt_merge(tmp,last,ex,Y=3,U=1,V=1) )
 \           : ( exborder==0 ? tmp.mergeluma(last.converttoyuy2())
 \                           : tmp.mergeluma( mt_merge(tmp.converttoyv12(),last,ex,Y=3,U=1,V=1)
 \                                           .converttoyuy2()) )
(edgemode!= -1) ? last : edge.lanczosresize(dest_x,dest_y).greyscale

return last

PS. I've just discovered it's included in the last MaskTools package (2.0a30) - LSF dated 21.01.2006.
"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

Last edited by HeadBangeR77; 16th January 2007 at 03:45.
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