Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 23rd March 2015, 10:05   #1042  |  Link
AVS+ Dev
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 359
AVS+ has a new caching architecture that is still being tuned and optimized, and many internal filters have also been rewritten from scratch. Currently, depending on your script, performance can be both above and below of AVS2.6, but in my observations the negative differences (where it's slower) are a lot smaller than the positive ones where AVS+ is faster. Using purely external filter, Avs-MT is still a bit faster ATM, but unlike AVS-MT, AVS+ is not bound by 2.6's implementation so it can be changed (and possibly optimized) over time to a larger extent. And of course it also has a lot of other improvements and functional additions.
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